Gillian Bowman  :  Anita Haworth  :  Pam Bennett

Two new members – Gillian Bowman (pictured left) and Anita Haworth (centre) – have joined the District Church Council team at St Edmund’s Church in Sedgefield. And making a welcome return to the Council this year will be Pam Bennett (right).

All three were elected at the annual meeting of the DCC.

Re-elected to the Council were lay chairman Michael King, treasurer Chris Rowsby, secretary Rachel Stephenson, churchwardens Brian Mutch and Brenda Moore, Panny Pighills, Julia Rowsby, Anne Eyley, Alastair Irvine and Trevor Terry.
Julia and Brenda were also re-elected to the Parochial Church Council.


Article courtesy of Ron Eyley


Page added 1st May 2018