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Latest Updates

Bluebell Meadow Primary School
2 year old spaces available from September - if your child was born before 31st August 2022 they will now be eligible for a space. Please get in touch for more information or click the link to be directed to our online application.

TCCA Summer Activities
Details and consent forms for activities organised by Trimdon Community College here.

Sedgefield Charities: Education grants for students
The Sedgefield Charities' Trustees make small grants each year to help students from lower income families who are taking up full time education beyond A level or its equivalent.  Students of any age may apply. Applicants must live in Bishop Middleham, Bradbury, Cornforth, Fishburn, Mordon, Sedgefield or Trimdon. For further information and an application form please contact the Clerk, Anne Gladwin ;
Post: 46 Whitehouse Drive, Sedgefield, TS21 3BU.
Telephone:  01740 620811
Email: sedgefieldcharities@gmail.com
The closing date for applications is the 30th September, 2024.


Photos, History & Research

Photo Galleries
Our Galleries include more than 4,600 photos in hundreds of separate albums, most provided courtesy of website visitors. Latest additions are Trimdon, Sedgefield and Kelloe photos

Genealogy Research
Visitors looking for family history info please use this section. Last entry 12th Oct 2023 - Glaister

Trimdon Snippets
Part of a series of three booklets compiled by local teacher and historian Eveline Johnson, this is a complete copy of the first edition.
First published in 1998, read it online now at https://snippets.trimdon.com

History Section
Articles and personal accounts documenting Trimdon's past, including published booklets, wartime memories, mining  accounts and family histories.

Short snippets of interest which appeared only on the home page are saved to the Local Articles sections. Full page articles are never deleted - find them all here.

The guestbook is for anyone to leave a message, question or opinion on anything related to Trimdon, and contains messages from 2004 onwards. Read it here - updated 12th Oct 2023

Crime & Incidents
Anything of interest can be recorded here.

Contact Us
Use the contact form on the website, or email directly. News, articles, photographs or anything you think would be of interest to website visitors welcome at any time 🙂
Contact Page.

Website Information
This website is a free resource for Trimdon Village, Station, Grange, Colliery and Deaf Hill.
Articles and photographs for submission gladly accepted from anyone, copyright of any such items remains with the original owner and will not be reused or forwarded elsewhere without the owners consent.
You can read our Privacy Policy here.
Free advertising of events etc. in our area for business or personal use, subject to acceptance.

The website author, editor and domain name holder claims copyright to the website title (Trimdon Times) and original content
© Copyright Ken Craggs 2002 - 2023