class="widget-title">*Updated 21st Feb 2019

Sage Gateshead Chamber Choir

Tickets go on sale for ‘very best’ Sage Choir concert in Sedgefield

The Call of the HeavensTickets will be on sale this week for what promises to be an evening of the very best in choral music performed by the highly-acclaimed Sage Gateshead Chamber Choir.

It will be staged in St Edmund’s Church, Sedgefield, at 7pm on Saturday, March 30, to raise money for repairs to the church roof and redecoration of the interior of the North Transept after raids by lead thieves. 

‘The Call of the Heavens’ programme will feature pieces by Bach, Rutter, Parry and Haydn and some not so well-known names such as Whitacre, Esenvalds and Arlen.

Tickets cost £10 and include refreshments. They are available from church members Brian Mutch (01740 662302) or Anne Eyley (01740 645854) as well as on the door.

The Revd. Geoff Short, Team Rector of the Parish of the Upper Skerne, said this week: “The acoustics in St Edmund’s are perfect for a concert of choral music. It promises to be a really wonderful evening.”

Repair work on the roof is expected to start in early Spring.

Article courtesy of Ron Eyley


Page added 15th February 2019 (updated 21st Feb)