Minutes of a meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 8th November 2016 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.
130/16 Present: – Councillors Gail Elliott (Vice Chairman), Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Margaret Eadsforth, Jean Loverance.
131/16 Apologies: – Cllr Carole Bell (holiday)
In Attendance Cllr. Lucy Hovvels, PCSO David Edson.
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance. There were 4 members of the public present.
132/16 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.
133/16 Declaration of Interest: – both Cllr. Brian Ferguson and Maureen-Lenehan Ferguson declared personal interest in regards to finance matters due to them receiving flowers at the time of Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan recent illness. They both expressed they’re thanks to the Council for the flowers and best wishes.
134/16 Members Dispensations: – no noted
135/16 Police Report
PCSO David Eadson gave the report on behalf of PCSO Weston. There have been 65 incidents in the Parish during the last month, covering burglary, theft, ASB, violent crime. He advised members that since 2015 there has been a 100% increase in crime in the Parish and ASB has risen by 6%.
He advised that the police had been informed of the parking issues raised at the recent AAP Board meeting. Members gave examples of issues in regards to Commercial Street, Rodwell Street and indiscriminate parking around the new developments as well as recent arson at this site. Council agreed to write to PCSO Weston in regards to these issues and Cllr Gail Elliott agreed to be contacted in this regards. It was suggested a one way system be introduced in laurel crescent, PCSO Eadson agreed to report this back also.
Cllr. Gary Elliott raised the issue of delays in response to the phone number 101 and the recent report of thefts of Parish Goods. To date no feedback has occurred. PCSO Eadson agreed to take these issues back to his superiors and report back to the next meeting.
136/16 Minutes of Council meeting held on 11th October 2016.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 11th October 2106.
Resolved: –to accept the minutes, on a motion proposed Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. M. Lenehan-Ferguson.
137/16 Matters of Information
- A meeting with ADS to discuss the Memory Clinic on 9th December 2016, was noted
- Weekly round ups for members on file,
- No update from the Police in regards to the 2 incidents reported. Letter sent to PCSO Weston asking him to chase up a report on Council behalf.
- Letter of concern regarding last AAP Board meeting sent to Co-ordinator J. Bellas
- Letter to Inspector Hayman to a future meeting sent
- Invoice sent to Mill Green Memorials for outstanding cemetery fees
- DCC via John Fenwick will supply quotes for the re-surfacing of the cemetery footpaths, and split into 4 areas to be presented to Finance Committee on 6th December 2016.
- Environmental health now involved with the properties identified in Rodwell Street for need of attention at the last meeting.
- Patchwork have been chased up again re a meeting to discuss taking project forward
138/16 Report from County Councillor
Cllr Hovvels raised the following: –
- a) Cllr. Nichols has agreed to sponsor Christmas lights from his MIF to the tune of £150. Members asked their thanks be passed on to him
- b) She has reported the issues in regards to the new development, including recent vandalism and indiscriminate parking
- c) The Government continue to threaten reducing funding to Pharmacists, it is vital we support our local pharmacist
- d) Jason Turnough will be the acting AAP Co-ordinator when Jane is on maternity leave. It was agreed Clerk send a letter wishing her well.
- e) Fencing around Fish Shop Corner has now been repaired
- f) A recent child poverty and young dementia conferences have taken place locally
- g) Since the recent spate of fires in the area the fire brigade are doing free fire safety checks and she urged members to spread the word.
139/16 Public Participation
The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow the public to participate.
Members of the public gave an update report on the various activities being undertaken as part of the Friends of the Heritage Trail. Hagrid have commenced on site clearing the undergrowth.
140/16 Correspondence
The following Correspondence was received: –
- Green finger brochure received for information only
- DCC Dog Control Order consultation, received for information only. Members advised closing date for comments is 5th December 2016 direct to DCC.
141/16 Dates of forthcoming meetings
The Clerk presented to members both the following months Council meeting and 2017 Council meeting dates.
Resolved: – it was prosed Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth and seconded Cllr. Brian Ferguson that the report be approved and dates for 2017 be accepted and advertised accordingly.
142/16 Report from CDLC meeting with MPs
Cllr. B. Ferguson reported on the recent meeting at which he had attended were the issue of Parliamentary review was discussed.
Resolved: – It was proposed by Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan Ferguson and carried to register the Councils attendance at the forthcoming public meeting to gain further information.
143/16 CDALC Agm
The Clerk gave a report on the recent Annual CDALC AGM A resolution had been passed at the meeting asking Councils to agree to a non-discrimination statement. It was agreed to place this item on the December Council Agenda.
144/16 CCG Consultation event
The Clerk gave a report on the above, report noted.
145/16 Heritage Project
Cllr. Brian Ferguson gave the report and confirmed the that Hagrid has commenced on site and are beginning to clear the area free of charge. He reminded members he had undertaken a Health and Safety Inspection of the current trail and expressed in his professional opinion serious health and safety issues in regards to the various steps along the trail. Both Cllr. Lucy Hovvels and the Clerk had contacted DCC but no reply yet. A further letter to be sent requesting a meeting was suggested. Suggestions were also made for the siting of trees available via National Tree Week.
146/16 Community Events
The Clerk gave a report on both the forthcoming Remembrance service and Christmas Light Switching event on 1st December.
Resolved: – It was proposed by Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen-Lyneham and accepted that: –
- The report be accepted, and a written report on the December 1st event be circulated to all members on updates week beginning 20th November
- To invite the PCC Ron Hogg to switch on the Christmas lights.
147/16 Planning Applications
No applications were considered by members
148/16 Members Risk Policy
Resolved: – On a motion proposed by Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen-Lyneham-Ferguson and agreed to adopt and confirm the Member Risk Policy and mitigation actions within.
149/16 Deaf Hill Cemetery Fees 2017/18
The Clerk reminded members of the internal Auditors recommendation to set these fees prior to setting precept.
Resolved:- It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan Ferguson and agreed unanimously not to raise the fees for the coming civic year.
150/16 Allotment Fees 2016/17
The clerk reminded members of the Internal Auditors recommendation as above.
Resolved: – It was proposed Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Brian Ferguson and unanimously agreed not to raise allotment fees for the coming civic year.
151/16 Monthly financial reconciliation
The Clerk presented the above.
Resolved: – It was prosed Cllr Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson and agreed to accept the report and to hold a Special Full Council as opposed to a Finance Committee meeting on the 6th December 2016 to enable a full discussion on the current and proposed budgets.
152/16 Monthly Accounts
The schedule of Payments as presented by the Clerk, Appendix A at a cost of
October payment £2106.60.
Resolved: – it was proposed Cllr Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Gary Elliott and passed that payments as per schedule be paid.
Resolved: – On a proposal by Cllr Margaret Eadsforth and seconded by Cllr Jean Loverance Members agreed to a motion to exclude the press and public at this time.
153/16 Cemetery Policy
Members considered the draft policy as circulated at the October meeting.
Resolved: – It was agreed on a proposal by Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth and seconded Cllr. Jean Loverance: –
- The Policy be agreed with additions of
- The grave digger to be contacted and appointed by the undertaker involved and the undertaker is responsible for health and safety issues, give assurance to the Council that the excavation is acceptable and not subject to collapse. They are also responsible for ensuring the grave is levelled after 6 months.
- Undertakers to be contacted in regards to the above.
- That any grave space sold to a non Trimdon Foundry Parish Residents be charged at double the rate for Parishioners.
Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan raised the issue of flooding on Windsor Street and the need to allocate funding. She proposed and Cllr. Brian Ferguson seconded that the Council at the Special meeting on the 6th December consider allocating £10,000 to a flood drainage scheme for Windsor Street in 2017.
154/16 Donation to Karate Club/Deaf Hill School/Dance Academy
Members considered the presentation made by the Karate Club at the October meeting requesting support towards their website. They also considered that both the school and dance academy had performed at the Picnic in the Park this year, and received a grant last year for the same.
Resolved: – It was agreed on a motion proposed by Cllr Gary Elliott and seconded by Cllr Margaret Eadsforth, that under Section 137 that all 3 groups receive a grant of £200.
There being no further meeting it was prosed Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth and seconded Cllr. Jean Loverance that the meeting close at 7.45pm.
Agreed and Signed by: –
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 13th December 2016