Trimdon Foundry Parish Council
Annual Parish Assembly
Minutes of the Trimdon Foundry Annual Parish Assembly held on Tuesday 3rd May 2016 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.
Present: – Councillors C. Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott (Vice Chairman), Gary Elliott, M. Eadsforth, B. Ferguson, M. Lenehan-Ferguson. Loverance.
There were no member apologies as all present.
Dcc Councillors L. Hovvels, M. Nichols and 6 members of the public. In attendance PC Westerton and J. Robinson, Parish Clerk.
The Chairman Cllr. Bell welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their interest in the parish.
1. Declaration of interest
There were none registered.
2. Minutes of Annual meeting held on 12th May 2015
Cllr. M.Eadsforth proposed and Cllr.J. Loverance seconded acceptance. The minutes were accepted unanimously. There were no matters arising.
3. Chairman’s Annual Report
The Chairman presented her report on the work of the Council during 2015/16. (Copy on file). She referred to the Transformation Plan adopted by Council during the year and how it has been implemented by the Council. In closing she wished to thank all members, staff and the public for the support she had been given over the year. She closed by congratulating Mr and Mrs. Hutchinson on their Diamond Wedding Anniversary and on behalf of the Council and Community presented them with a bouquet of flowers.
On behalf of both Council and the parish Community Cllr. Gail Elliott thanked Cllr. Bell for hr work over the past Civic year.
4. Financial report for the year ending 31st March 2015
The Clerk on behalf of Council presented the report on the accounts audited by BDO in September 2015. He advised that the 2016 accounts are with the Internal Auditor. No questions on the accounts were raised by members of the public.
5. Report from the police
PC D. Westerton gave a detailed report on Police Activity across the Parish over the last year. There had been a total of 506 incidents reported during the year as opposed to over 1000 in Wingate. The areas covered included 60 AB,30 burglaries,13 criminal damage 14 vehicle crime.
Issues raised during public/council questions included PACT and advertising. He agreed to let the Parish Clerk have dates who would then circulate them. Mobile CCTV was discussed, he agreed to chase up the promise made by the PC on hi recent visit to provided one. He also agreed to provide a regular article to the Clerk for inclusion in the Parish newsletter.
6. Report from DCC Councillors
Cllrs. Hovvels and Nichols gave an in-depth report on the work they have undertaken during the year. There were no questions from the members of the public. On behalf of the Council the Chairman wished to place on record the Parishes hanks to the County Councillors for the work and support they had given.
7. Report from Parish groups
Mr. D. Bradley gave a report on the work undertaken by the Deaf Hill Regeneration Partnership. Mr. Carter, before giving the report of the Trimdon Station Residents Association tendered the apology of the Secretary who had been unable to attend. He then presented their report on her behalf (both reports on file). Both gentlemen responded to questions raised.
The Chairman thanked both for their report. She advised the meeting that the head of the Deaf Hill School had been invited to present a report but had not done so.
8. Representation by electors
There were no issues raised by the Parishioners present.
9, Date of 2016 Annual parish Assembly
Due to parish elections it will be held on Tuesday 9th May 2017.
The Chairman once again thanked people for attending and closed the meeting.
The Chairman thanked him for his report.
The meeting closed at 7.35pm.
Signed: –
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 9th May 2017