Minutes of a meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th June 2016 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.

43/16 Present: – Councillors Carol Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance.

44/16 Apologies: – Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth

Cllr. L.Hovvels, Cllr. M.Nichols and Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk in attendance. There were 6 members of the public present.

45/16 Declaration of Interest: – Cllrs. Gail and Gary Elliott by virtue of owning property adjacent to The Paddock.

46/16 Police Report
The Police had submitted their apologies for the meeting due to shift pattern. Clerk to obtain monthly report and circulate to members.

47/16 Minutes of Council meeting held on 3rd May 2016.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd may 2016 were approved on a motion proposed Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. M. Lenehan-Ferguson.

The minutes of the Annual Assembly held the same evening were noted, and no action required.

48/16 Matters of Information

  1. The Clerk advised that he had received notification from both Cllrs. Hovvels and Nichols that it had been decided not to move the bus stop from St. Pauls Church. Members noted this decision with regret.
  2. Letters had gone to both Deaf Hill School and St. Williams asking them to participate in the Trimdon Foundry In Bloom Painting Competition. To date no reply from either school. Clerk to contact schools to ask if they are to participate.
  3. Blocked footpath, no reply from DCC as to progress. Cllr. Hovvels agreed to chase up.
  4. Drainage issue in The Paddock. Clerk advise he had spoken to the tenant of The Paddock Mr. Wallace who had no objections to the willow walk/copse being planted. Agreed to proceed with the scheme.
  5. Clerk advised he had completed and submitted the final return for the AAP funding towards to the new play area.
  6. A quote was received for emptying the bins in the memorial ground youth area at a coat of £65 per week for 2 days. It was agreed to accept the quote on a 3-month trial basis.
  7. Members had received an e-mail from DCC in regards to the query on Rural Economy Funding
  8. Clerk advised he had written to County Hall in regards to the SLEP 55 Project and how much will be save by removing the 5 lamps
  9. A Letter had been sent to County Hall asking if they could advise whose ownership all of the Heritage Trail land is as well as land adjacent, to date no reply. In the letter permission was also sought from DCC to undertake the project. Cllr. Brian Ferguson advised the meeting he had undertaken work on this topic and produced plans which show the land belongs to County Hall. The Clerk also advised he had received an e-mail from DCC giving permission to undertake the scheme as long as DCC have sight of any proposals before they commence. A query was raised by a member regarding volunteer’s insurance. Clerk to arrange via Council Insurance Policy.
  10. 2 outstanding funeral accounts are currently being chased up for payment.

48/16 Public Participation

There were no matters raised by members of the public.

49/16 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman advised that the issues she wished to raise are covered in Agenda.

50/16 Report from County Councillor Hovvels and Nichols
Cllrs raised the following issues: –

  • By 31st March 2016 the County Council had saved under the austerity cuts £153 million with a further £104 million to be save by 2020. 16/7 and 17/18 will be a challenging time for the Council and members
  • £32.75 million needs to be saved during the current financial year
  • This year’s Council priority is to protect the most vulnerable in Society.
  • A dedicated bus service to cover the area is currently near being established. It will cover Trimdons, Wingate, Ludworth, Thornely and finish at Easington Lane.
  • Concern has been expressed by Scrutiny who are looking into Holiday Hunger, children across the county who will have nothing to eat during School Holidays as a result of no school meal provision
  • Mini Police are starting to appear in Schools across the County, led by Craig Johnson. A similar Young Firefighter Scheme is being rolled out
  • Health and Wellbeing Board are focusing on the Poverty agenda across the county
  • £20,000 is being provided by the 3 County Councillors to provide a bus to cover the Trimdons. It had been suggested that all the Communities to be covered by the bus buy into the scheme. No figure was available as to what is expected from the Council. Several members asked questions on this topic in relation to revenue funding, storage of bus, staffing, coverage, sustainability, insurance, and other issues. It was agreed to write to Cllr. Brookes who is leading on this matter
  • £6,000 has been provided towards the Deaf Hill Banner Project
  • LGA had commented on the good practice on both Scrutiny and health and Wellbeing in the County
  • Council re-structuring is currently taking place. Cllr. Hovvels to provide final list of Directors once appointed.

Members expressed concern at the state of grass cutting across the Parish and provided photographic examples. Cllr. Hovvels agreed to raise the matter with the relevant Head of Service. Members also expressed concern regarding weed killing across the area, and the bollard recently repaired by Cllr. Hovvels is damaged again. She agreed to take up both issues.

51/16 Correspondence
The following Correspondence was received: –

  1. DCC Environment Awards, received
  2. Request by Horden Parish Council to supply a cost for using the football pitch. Members felt unable to reply at this time until there is confirmation that our own club are to be playing in the 2016.17 season.
  3. Notification by DCC re removing fencing around Fish Shop area. Members confirmed it had been completed that day
  4. RHS Its Your Neighbourhood Entry entries for parish being co-ordinated by Environment Group.
  5. Care Connect newsletter
  6. Details of Wellbeing Staff structure. Received
  7. Chief Executive of DCC advising members of a memorial service for the former Cllr. Robson on 19th June
  8. NALC Star Awards, received
  9. Fishburn airport event on 2nd July noted
  10. CDALC call for Annual Nominations, none made
  11. Monthly FINE email previously circulated
  12. Request from Mrs. Wetherill to transfer her summer house, poly tunnel from her old allotment to the new. This was agreed. She also confirmed she does not require water on the allotment.
  13. An email was received from Mrs. Jackson regarding litter in nearby woods. Members whilst agreeing with her comments are unable to take up the issues as the woods are in Trimdon Village Parish.
  14. RHS/NIB offering to supply via Rotary 5000 crocus bulbs for £85. It was agreed to participate in the scheme, Clerk to ascertain from Gardener how many bulbs required.
  15. Application for Apprentice. 1 applicant to date. It was agreed to take this forward via interview once Picnic in the Park completed.

52/16 Picnic in the Park

The Chairman advised that all is in hand for the event on Saturday. To date all tickets sold. Members formally agreed to facilitate both the event and its setting up the Memorial Park be closed to the Public from 9am to Midnight.

53/16 Deaf Hill Regeneration Partnership
The Chairman reported on a meeting she and the Clerk had attended with the Partnership Chairman and Centre Manager. The County had stopped funding and when the Parish Council had specified their funding be used for Youth Provision it had had a knock on effect to their revenue funding. This was the issues of concern they raised. She felt the meeting had been productive and the concerns of members dealt with.

54/16 Allotments
The Chairman reported on a meeting she, Cllr. Gail Elliott and the Clerk had had with Mr. Duncan Ross of NWA. Mr. Ross had examined 2 allotments and expressed concern at the water meter and installation at the site. The Clerk had subsequently written to all tenant holders concerned asking them to allow NWA entry to inspect the water site. This they had done and an email from NWA was presented to the meeting. NWA highlighted several areas of concern and advised the Council as a result the water had been switched off under health and safety. After discussion it was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson that a meeting be called between NWA, Allotment holders and the Council to discuss the issues raised. This was carried.

A request from Mrs. Weatheral to move the equipment she has on her old allotment to her new was agreed.

55/16 Heritage Project
Cllr. Maureen. Lenehan-Ferguson supported by Cllr. Hovvels gave a report on progress to date. A number of officers from DCC are now involved and offering technical support. A Friends of the Heritage Trail has been established, and a constitution adopted. It was agreed the Parish fully support the project and the group and a supporting letter be sent to the group to assist in any funding bids.

The Chairman thanked the group and members for their report.

56/16 Dementia Café
The Chairman reported on a recent meeting held with Alzheimer’s Disease Society with a view to holding memory Café in the Parish. Cllr. Jean Loverance had agreed to lead on this matter and the first to be held on Monday 27th June in May Crescent.

57/16 Report on opening of Play Area
The Chairman reported on the Willy Wonka Themed opening of the play area. The day had been a tremendous success and had attracted local press coverage. She thanked all who had been involved in the organisation and especially Cllr. Hovvels who had provided sweets for the children in the shape of Wonka Lollies.

58/16 Neighbourhood Plan
It was formally proposed by Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen-Lyneham Fergusson that the Parish undertake a neighbourhood Plan and that the Clerk apply for relevant funding to take the project forward. This was agreed.

59/16 Parking in Front of Deaf Hill Cemetery
Members expressed concern in regards to the number of vans/cars and larger vehicles being permanently parked in front of the Cemetery potentially causing issues for visitors to the Cemetery. It was agreed to contact DCC to seek the ownership of the land before raising tnhe matter with them.

The Council had repaired the corner of the grass verge recently due to damage from an unknown driver.

60/16 Planning Applications
DM/16/01605/FPA single storey extension to rear of 50 Station Road East. No objections raised

An email had been received from Ms. Carr in relation to 3 houses proposed for next to the Nursing Home. Members felt this was in the Trimdon Parish and therefore declined to comment.

61/16 Financial issues

Annual Accounts
The Clerk referred members to the Finance Committee minutes and also the relevant Internal Audit report, Financial Reconciliation and also the proposed Internal Governance Report. Members sought clarification on a number of issues.

It was resolved: –

61/2/16 To agree to all the relevant documents and reports relating to Section 1 of the Audit submission report and to adopt the Internal Governance report

61/3/16 To accept the Section 2 reports, financial statements and Internal Audit report.

It was agreed both the Charmian and Clerk complete and sign the relevant forms on behalf of the Council. The Clerk advised members the public inspection of accounts has been published on the May Crescent and Parish Notice boards. It was also agreed to post a notice on the Trimdon Times, and to extend period of inspection to 20th July 2016 so that members of the public who use the internet have access.

The Clerk also advised that all actions raised in the  2014/15 Audit had been implemented and all those raised in the current Internal Audit have ben actioned.

a.    Cllr. Hovvels circulated a list of both MIF and Neighbourhood Renewal Funding, received
b.    The Clerk presented an update report on the Allotment rental renewal. 5 remain outstanding, and it was agreed Clerk remind these tenants rent is due. 2 tenants had raised issues. In regards to using garages as storage as opposed to car parking, it was agreed this remain as a rental fee for garage use no matter what is stored within. In regards to additional fencing at plot 32 Cllr. Gary Elliot will inspect and report back to the next meeting.
c.    The Chairman advised members that the Environment Group along with May Crescent had obtained a grant of £950 towards the Fis Shop Project. The quote to undertake the work had come in at £1480. It was agreed to proceed with the project, the Council to under right the project but to ask both County Councillors if they have any MIF remaining to assist this project. The Clerk advised that Mr. Gibson had given a quote of £1200 to provide coal tubs for this project. It was agreed to defer this element until further funding or a cheaper quote can be obtained.

62/16 Monthly Accounts

The schedule of Payments as presented by the Clerk, Appendix A was approved.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.


Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 12th July 2016