Minutes of a meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th July 2016 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.
63/16 Present: – Councillors Carol Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Margaret Eadsforth, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance.
64/16 Apologies: – Cllr. Lucy Hovvels, Maurice Nichols
PCSO Dave Westman and Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk in attendance. There were 2 members of the public present.
65/16 Declaration of Interest: – Cllrs. Gail and Gary Elliott by virtue of owning property adjacent to The Paddock.
66/16 Police Report
PCSO Dave Westman was in attendance to present the report. He advised that over the last 4 weeks there has been 62 incidents reported, 23 on Rodwell Street, 5 SB,0 Burglaries,3 Criminal Damage,1 Vehicle crime. He advised that over the last year crime has risen by 104% and ASB by 39%. A general discussion took place in regards to the reasons for this rise. Members expressed concern in regards to insecure properties and the potential arson risk to adjoining houses. Members agreed to raise this issue with Environmental Health on an urgent basis. Members reported a car that had been parked for several weeks in the Rodwell Street area and not moved. The officer agreed to look into this and report back.
67/16 Minutes of Council meeting held on 14th June 2016.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 14th June2016 were approved on a motion proposed Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. M. Lenehan-Ferguson.
68/16 Matters of Information
- The Clerk advised that the Council had been advised by Durham County Council that all the land on the heritage trail belonged to DCC and gave permission for the Heritage Project to work on the land. A section of land behind a property on Malvern Crescent had been lost due to adverse possession claim. DCC are requesting prior to any work being undertaken on the land that they are notified to allow comment.
- The outstanding rent has now been paid. The resident who was offered the vacant allotment has written to accept the tenancy but not completed the tenancy agreement or paid. A reminder letter has been sent.
- Fly the flag on Commonwealth Day, no reply from school, agreed to close.
- Agreed to take forward Neighbourhood Plan in the Autumn.
- Clerk advised he had written to Cllr. Brookes and other County Councillors with member’s questions in regards to his mobile bus project, but to date no reply.
- Field drainage, a quote to plant willow trees area to be dealt with under exempt information. The Clerk did confirm that at the recent Heritage Project meeting held earlier in the afternoon, he had agreed to write to DCC asking for a copy of the Seymour Report they had commissioned into drainage on the heritage walkway which runs parallel to the Paddock.
- Members had received an e-mail from DCC in regards to the query on Rural Economy Funding
- Clerk advised he had written to County Hall in regards to the SLEP 55 Project and how much will be save by removing the 5 lamps
- The Clerk provided members with copies of the sale agreement of the cemetery lodge. A number of issues have arisen in regards to the cemetery and land ownership. It was agreed to defer this matter till September for members to consider the relevant documentation.
- 2 outstanding funeral accounts are currently being chased up for payment.
- No response has been received from DCC in regards to the removal of street lighting. Agreed to reluctantly close this matter.
- Date of meeting in regards to Community Growing Project to be confirmed.
- Chairman advised of a problem with rubbish in a garage in front of Junior School which she had asked Clerk to report. To date no answer from Environment Health, agreed to chase up.
- Cllr. Eadsforth advised members of photographs relating to Kelloe Heritage Fund and HLF.
69/16 Public Participation
There were no matters raised by members of the public.
70/16 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman advised that the issues she wished to raise are covered in Agenda.
71/16 Report from County Councillor Hovvels and Nichols
No report submitted.
72/16 Correspondence
The following Correspondence was received: –
- Contact list of staff at Wellbeing Project received
- CDALC news received
- Confirmation from SLCC/CDALC of Clerk Salary increase, a 2-year deal of 1% each year This was agreed and covered by Council when setting the annual budget.
- Confirmation from Cllr. Hovvels that the pot hole in front of Mr. Fords house has been repaired.
- Wellbeing Training Calendar, received
- Durham Community news, received
- AAP E-Bulletin received
- Notification from Cllr. Hovvels of DCC Capital Programme 2016
- DCC County Plan Documents, closing date for comment 5th August 2016
- Application for a grant from Deaf Hill Regeneration Partnership. It was agreed to defer this until the Finance meeting in September.
- SHEDS Application form, received
- Letter from Mrs. Austen enquiring about the whereabouts of her grandmothers grave who died in 1929. The Clerk advised Council records only go back to 1936. Cllr. Brian Ferguson suggested the lady may have been buried in St. Pauls Cemetery. Clerk to inform the lady accordingly.
- E-mail from Cllr. Hovvels with prosed details of a service bus to cover the Trimdon area, received.
- CDALC/NALC report, received
73/16 Picnic in the Park
The Chairman gave an up to date report on the success of the above event. All feedback has been positive. The numbers attending had risen on last year. Members agreed the Clerk writ to all who had assisted with the event thanking them for their assistance. Cllr. Lenehan Ferguson asked that it be especially minuted the Councils thanks to those members of the public who had attended on the Sunday to clear up after the event.
The Chairman advised she had complained to the Security Company in regards to the standard of service provided, and a full refund has been agreed.
74/16 Deaf Hill Primary School
The Chairman advised members that from September the head, Mr. Newton, will also be headmaster at Kelloe School. It was agreed to write and congratulate him on this appointment.
75/16 Meeting with NWA
The Chairman reported on a meeting attended earlier with NWA/Allotment holders/members of Council,
- The representative from NWA advised that the water meters installed in the allotments did not come up to standard, and they had had no other option but to turn off the water. An external stand pipe can be installed at a cost of £1300 plus annual fee. The representatives of the allotment holders advised no one was prepared to undertake the account and they could not find the funding for the stand pipe. After discussion it was resolved not to re-instate the water supply and the Clerk to inform relevant allotment holders accordingly.
- Discussions had taken place regarding the water supply to the cemetery. NWA had been billing the Council based up usage via 2 pipes not 1. They had agreed to rectify this, cut off the 2 extra stand pipes and alter the account accordingly. Members agreed to this course of action and agreed to discuss installing a dedicated meter in the Autumn.
76/16 Heritage Project
Cllr. Maureen. Lenehan-Ferguson gave an update on the project supported by representatives of the group. |it was agreed to receive monthly reports on the progress.
The Chairman thanked the group and members for their report. It was agreed Council act as Financial adviser/Treasurer for the project.
77/16 Reports from external meetings
The following reports were given;
Northumbria In Bloom judging visit, that day by the Chairman
Community Network by the Clerk
SLCC Regional Conference by the Chairman
County Neighbourhood Planning by the Clerk
Smaller Council Forum by Cllr. B.|Ferguson.
All were received.
78/16 Allotment Inspection
The Chairman reported that she and Cllr. Gail Elliott had undertaken the annual allotment inspection and found a number of allotments up to standard. It was agreed the Clerk write to the relevant tenants advising them off their responsibility under the tenancy and to bring their allotments up to an acceptable standard. Both Councillors to undertake a re-assessment on the 30th July 2016.
79/16 Planning Applications
No applications were considered by members.
80/16 Financial issues
a. Key Register, members noted the register and agreed in future ALL keys issued must be signed for and recorded in register.
b. Insurance:- Clerk has written to the Insurance Company asking for a quote to cover the new play equipment. The Chairman reported she and the Clerk had spoken to the Insurance Company regarding the Picnic in the park and were advised it is covered by the current policy. The Insurance Company have agreed to visit the Council to discuss risk management.
c. SLA Playground inspection: – agreed to renew for the coming year at accost of £41.67.
d. 2017 Gardening Competition: – It was agreed to organise a Gardening Competition in 2017.
e. Invoice for electrical repair:- members agreed to question the bill for the electrical cable repair at the Memorial ground as members believed it to be £185 and not £285 as billed.
81/16 Monthly Accounts
The schedule of Payments as presented by the Clerk, Appendix A at a cost of £6391.12, was approved.
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson that the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under Section 100a (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, and this was carried.
82/16 Apprentice
It was agreed not to proceed with the appointment of an Apprentice but to investigate appointing a part time handy person. Clerk to prepare a report for the special meeting in September.
A request for a young person to undertake work experience was considered. Chairman to investigate and report back to members.
83/16 Quote
It was agreed to accept the quote from Avenues Builders to plant the Willow Walk/Copse subject to clarification on the nature of the fence.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 13th September 2016