Minutes of a meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th April 2016 at 6.30 pm in Trimdon Station Methodist Church.
1/16 Present: – Councillors Carol Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance, Margaret Eadsforth.
2/16 Apologies: – Nil.
Cllr. L.Hovvels and Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk in attendance. There were 4 members of the public present.
3/16 Declaration of Interest:
Cllrs. Gail and Gary Elliott by virtue of owning property adjacent to The Paddock.
4/16 Police Report
The police were not present but had sent apologies prior. The Monthly Neighbourhood Warden report had been circulated to members and its contents noted.
5/16 Minutes of both 8th March 2016 and 29th March 2016.
Minutes of both the 8th and 29th March were approved on a motion proposed Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. M. Lenehan-Ferguson.
6/16 Matters of Information
a. The Clerk advised 3 places had been reserved as agreed on the SLCC Regional Roadshow and had attracted the reduce fee.
b. No fee has been as yet paid in regards to the funeral arranged by Ranson Funeral Directors. If not paid by 1st of May matter to be chased up.
c. Liz Charles of Durham Community Action has been contacted and a meeting with her requested to take forward Community growing project.
d. Y. Edwards, DCC, has been written to asking for information in regards to the decision to confirm the removal of 5 Street Lights. As of yet no reply. If no reply by 1st May matter to be chased up.
e. Rural economy Funding, Cllr. Tomlinson written to, a reply awaited. Cllr. Hovvels agreed to follow this up.
f. Proludic are asking for photographs of the problem areas on the playground. Chairman agreed to provide same.
g. Footpath Trimdon Station, letter from K. Jameson, DCC, advising matter is being dealt with.
h. No follow up from the family of the late Mr. Drysdale in regards to their query re memorial stones. It was agreed to close this matter.
i. A reply from the Charity Commission was received. However, members felt their questions had not been answered in regards to the Charity 1078669, and the clerk was asked to write once again asking for clarity on the points raised by Council.
7/16 Public Participation
There were no matters raised by members of the public.
8/16 Chairman’s Report.
The Chairman reported on the following issues.
a. She had been advised by the residents of St. Pauls Church, that the power has now been re-instated and we may proceed to the repairs of the Church Clock. It was agreed the clerk in conjunction with the Chairman proceed with the repair and purchase of relevant parts.
b. The Playground opening is now scheduled to commence the last weekend in May, the Bank Holiday. A programme of the day and events to be circulated shortly for member’s comments. Cllr. Hovvels agreed to assist in the funding of phase 2. Clerk to write to Cllr. Hovvels with the information for future phases.
c. There has been an article in the Northern Echo and ‘Village Gossip’ about the possibility of the closure of Trimdon Village Doctors Surgery. This will clearly have a knock on effect to the Trimdon Colliery surgery. No official communication or consultation has been received by the Council. Cllr. Hovvels advised, she as local member had not been informed either. It was agreed the Clerk write to both Skerne Practice and the CCG asking why no consultation. Cllr. Hovvels also felt it should be referred to the County Council Scrutiny Committee as it could be seen as a substantial change of service. Clerk to follow up.
d. The Chairman asked members if Council would consider employing an apprentice, to work specifically in the environmental field. It was agreed Council via Clerk investigate and report back to the May meeting.
e. The Chairman reported on the progress of the Party for elderly residents to celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday, to be held on Friday 22nd April. It was also advised that a resident, Ms. Elsie Winn will be 90 on the same day. It was agreed to check on this and if so flowers to be sent of congratulations. The Council will also send Her Majesty Best Wishes.
f. She had recently been to a local registrar’s office and seen a leaflet that give to bereaved families. It was agreed to keep on file. Fr reference when the Council booklet is reviewed.
8/16 Report from County Councillor Hovvels; _
The following issues were raised by the County Councillor: –
a. She had met with the officers that day to discuss the proposed re-siting of the Bus Stop. The Clerk also read out to members an e-mail he had received confirming the comments she raised. It was agreed to re- write to the County Council advising members are concerned that they still feel the situation is dangerous. Also cars going in and exiting the new houses will have a potentially hazardous situation, trying to negotiated safely past buses. They fell it will result in parking restrictions and yellow lines, whilst moving the bus stop would have prevented the need for this.
b. She referred to various items currently being discussed by the County including, increase in Care Connect charges to £4.80 per hour, big spring clean programme, DLI Somme exhibition on Palace Green, merger of Trimdon Schools, smoking in bus stations, social care financial assessments becoming more means tested, and that the County cuts will go on till at least 2020.
c. She reoffered also to the CCG consultation on Urged Care and encouraged members to take part
d. Finally, she advised members of the sad death of former Council Leader Don Robson.
9/16 Correspondence
The following Correspondence was received: –
a. Funding Grant bulletin, sent to members, received.
b. E-mail from DCC advising the lights on Windsor Terrace are now repaired. Members commented on the untidy state of the area. Cllr. Hovvels agreed to chase this matter up.
c. NHS getting care Right For You Consultation. This is the urgent care consultation. Members were advised of the consultation events. Matter to be placed on Annual Assembly Agenda to allow both members and public to comment before June deadline.
d. Notification that the DCC, AAP Chairman’s Medal winners were Ann Gething, Adult and Stephanie Thornton, form the Parish the Youth award. It was agreed to send a letter of congratulations to Stephanie Thornton.
e. Minutes of developing health interventions, previously circulated to members, received.
f. CAB requesting a donation. It was agreed to defer a decision until more information on the numbers of parishioners gaining from the service is known.
g. E-mail, previously circulated to members re-Hurworth Burn temporary closure, received
h. AAP documents received
i. Notification Village Atlas Project has not been supported once again by the Lottery, received
j. Notification via, e-mail circulated to members of the opening of Trimdon Village Legacy Gym, received
k. Notification that S. Ragg, Chief Officer for CDALC is now part time, received
l. Came, the Council insurers, quarterly magazine, received
10/16 NIB Judging Day
The Chairman advised the Spring Judging of the Parish will take place on the 20th April, 10am. The working party have designed a route and names of those accompanying the judges have been forwarded to NIB. Members were cordially invited to join the judges both before and after the judging for coffee. It was agreed to purchase badges for the event so the judges are able to recognise those attending. All members were given a copy of the NIB Handbook for Entrants.
11/16 The Paddock
The Clerk advised NWA have acknowledged receipt of our request for their involvement and will respond by the 19th. NWA have stated if the Council wish to proceed with the transfer of the water bill to the allotments, allowing tenants to take this on this can be done on receipt of the authority to proceed.
Members agreed to write to the tenant representative, Mr. David Robson, advising him the Council are happy to proceed to transfer the responsibility of the water supply to the 5 tenants to them.
12/16 Deaf Hill regeneration Partnership
The Council had received a letter from the Partnership advising they would be discussing their response to the Councils concern over the Poster stating the Council grant on the 12th April, same night as this Council meeting.
The Clerk had also been approached by the partnership on 2 occasions
a. Report from residents in regards to glass on the playground, it was agreed to ask DCC to clean it up
b. The Partnership had asked for a steering as to what areas the Council were looking at as priorities for groups to apply for grants. Council agreed to refer this matter to the Finance Committee.
13/16Annual Parish Assembly
This is to be held on the 3rd May. It was agreed to invite May Crescent Community Centre, Deaf Hill Partnership, Police and School to present an annual report at the meeting if they wish.
14/16Heritage Project
Cllr. Maureen. Lenehan-Ferguson advised that she has now established a friends of the heritage group. It was agreed a meeting be arranged to discuss the scoping and financing of the project, so assisting the working party and friends.
15/16 Planning Applications
There were none to consider
16/16 Cemetery Turning Circle.
Members considered a report from the Clerk in regards to problems with the grassed area in front of the cemetery. He had met with the residents of the Cemetery Lodge who stated it had taken place 2 year previously by a Greggs delivery van. It was agreed the clerk obtain a cost for remedial work. Other issues arose during the meeting with the resident. It was agreed to obtain the sale transfer document for the property and a separate meeting be arranged with the resident.
17/16 Allotment Transfer Request
The Clerk advised no letter had been received from the current tenant requesting/agreeing to the transfer. A number of e-mails had been received from the transfer applicant. It was agreed,
a. To write to the current tenant asking if he wishes to terminate his Tenancy. If he has not replied by 1st May to assume he does
b. To inform the applicant of the delay.
c. To contact Royal Mail to trace the missing recorded delivery letter
d. Members were concerned that the tenant had left the allotment keys in the hands of a third party, who had begun to store on it. It was agreed to request the return of the keys to the allotment and to ask them to remove their property.
e. A post tenancy inspection to take place after Saturday 23rd April in accordance with the rules
f. If the tenant has relinquished the tenancy or not replied, then it be re-allocated at the May meeting.
18/16 Financial Transactions
a. DCC confirming 2016/17 Trade Waste Contract, in response to Council query DCC confirm 1 X 240L general waste bin and 1 x240L recycling bin to be emptied on an alternative weekly basis.
b. DCC confirming Dog/Litter Bin maintenance contract
c. Discussion took place regarding the Broxap Account. Members agreed the bins were now installed and only lettering a problem. It was agreed to pay the invoice and ask them to send lettering so we can replace locally. If this fails, then to look for a local firm to undertake the lettering locally.
d. The Chairman, reported on the up to date situation in regards to the Neighbourhood Renewal Application.
e. The Data Protection Registration has taken place
f. NWA notifying the new rate for the Burial ground water. Members expressed concern at the steep rate. The Clerk has written to NWA seeking clarification.
g. Notification from DCC re Cemetery Rates, this year they are nil.
h. NPOWER, the Clerk advised a number of invoices had been received.It was agreed to set up a meeting with them to establish exactly how much the Council is in credit.
19/16 Monthly Accounts
Income for April 2016
Annual Precept £69887
Cemetery Fees £ 114
A total Income of £70001 for the April meeting
Expenditure for April 2016
Methodist Church £60 cheque number 302245 Hall Hire
White Printers £102 cheque number 302246 Tickets Proms
A total Expenditure of £162 for the April meeting
20/16 Environmental Quotes
3 companies have submitted tenders to provide the service. It was agreed to hold a special meeting on Tuesday 26th at 6.30pm to interview them.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 10th May 2016
Trimdon Foundry Parish Minutes for 12th April 2016