**Kept for reference / archive purposes only
Trimdon Foundry Parish Council
Chairman Cllr. C.Bell
28 White House Drive,
Co. Durham
TS21 3BX
01740 620042
15th January 2019
Advert Parish Clerk
The Parish Council are looking to recruit a Parish Clerk from 1st March 2019. The post is 14 hours per week, salary and holidays as per national terms and conditions.
The post holder will be expected to work at home however there will be times for both day and evening meetings. The Clerk will also act as Clerk to Council Committees and working parties. Representing the Council at external meetings is also required.
The Clerk as well as undertaking the Administrative work of the Council will also be the Responsible Financial Officer and Manager of the Council web site.
The Clerk will be expected to hold the CILCA qualification, but the successful candidate if they do not hold this qualification will be supported in obtaining same.
Applications should be in writing to the Parish Clerk by 5pm on Monday 4th February 2019 at the above address, please mark on the rear of the envelope ref.01
The Council will shortlist on Tuesday 4th February 2019 and Interviews will take place 8th February 2019
John Robinson
Parish Clerk
Page added 17th January 2019