Minutes of a meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 13th September 2016 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.

(Please note these are draft minutes, still subject to confirmation at the October meeting)

84/16 Present:
Councillors Carol Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance.

85/16 Apologies: – Cllr M. Eadsforth
In Attendance Cllr. Lucy Hovvels, Maurice Nichols
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance. There were 3 members of the public present.

86/16 Declaration of Interest:
Cllrs. Gail and Gary Elliott by virtue of owning property adjacent to The Paddock.

87/16 Police Report
PCSO Dave Westman was not present and sent his apologies. Clerk to circulate his report via e-mail.

88/16 Minutes of Council meeting held on 12th July 2016.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 12th July2016 were approved on a motion proposed Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. M. Lenehan-Ferguson.

89/16 Matters of Information

  1. The item referred to environmental health for attention has now been improved. Item closed
  2. Public path reported to DCC has been cleared. Item closed.
  3. AAP £16,000 grant for 2015, play area project, final report completed and forwarded to DCC. Item closed.
  4. Indiscriminate parking Thornley Road. Durham Police have advised it has been added to areas for local police to monitor. Item closed.
  5. outstanding bill. It has been referred to client undertaker asking for action.
  6. Mobile Bus. No reply from Cllr. Brookes in regards to member’s questions
  7. Next memory Clinic to be held 26th September. Cllr. Loverance taking forward. Posters prepared and Cllr. Loverance agreed to distribute.
  8. Rebate received for water at Deaf Hill Cemetery. Item closed.
  9. Both Police and Environmental Health advise matter re properties in various streets in the Parish are in hand. PCSO Weston informed. Item closed.
  10. Following the meeting with NWA and allotment holders no issues have arisen or contact from allotment holders. Clerk to obtain prices in the Autumn to remove meters.


90/16 Public Participation
Mrs. C. Carter, Secretary Trimdon Station Residents Association, gave members additional information to support their application for funding. She also gave additional information in regards to the progress of the Heritage T Project/rail.

91/16 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman advised that the issues she wished to raise were as follows: –

  1. In October Trimdon Parish are holding an Oktober Fest and she is organising one of their events for them
  2. NIB results are to be the next day, hopeful of winning a medal
  3. The price for the i-pads for members from DCC had been circulated.  DCC have also advised there will be a delay in them training members. After discussion members felt the cost of DCC providing ipads/tablets was high and it was agreed Proposed Cllr. B. Ferguson, seconded Cllr. C.Bell not to proceed with DCC but to investigate ourselves. This was carried
  4. She reported on a broken bin, Cllr. Hovvels agreed to chase up
  5. Issue of Handy man to be added to October agenda
  6. Draft Cemetery Policy to be circulated, for discussion/agreement at Oktober meeting.

Cllr.M.Lenehan- Ferguson asked that it be placed on record the Councils thanks for all the work undertaken at May Crescent Community House, this was agreed.

92/16 Report from County Councillor Hovvels and Nichols
Members reported on the following: –

  1. DCC Healthy Communities Project
  2. The MTFP and urging members to take part in budget consultation, 64 million pounds to be found in current year
  3. The new village bus, due to commence shortly, timetable shared with members
  4. Health and Well Being Board Annual report
  5. Strategic Transformation Programme in NHS
  6. Better Health Care Project
  7. Proposals for DCC Youth Service. AAP will receive approximately £10,000
  8. Westminster Boundary Review
  9. Cllrs Hovvels and Nichols replied confirming they wish to participate in Neighbourhood Plan, still awaiting response from Cllr. Brookes


93/16 Correspondence
The following Correspondence was received: –

  1. DCC advising they had written to individual households telling them their new collection day, received
  2. Notification form DCC of next dog microchipping
  3. Poppy Appeal, 4 small wreaths to be ordered for military graves, 3 large wreaths, one for Community Association to reimburse, and 25 crosses to go with those form 2015, to enable young people to create a memorial garden for Remembrance Day.
  4. BT advising of the removal of under used telephone boxes
  5. Data Protection confirming Councils registration
  6. Email from Mrs. Carr expressing disappointment at the Councils response to her planning query. Agreed to write back and advise Council still have not been consulted on the plan
  7. Confirmation of meeting with CCG Chief Executive and Acute Trust Chief Executive 2pm, Friday 23rd September, to discuss the future of Sedgefield Community Hospital. Clerk and any member available to attend
  8. County Training Partnership dates circulated
  9. DCC advising of their Dog Control Order consultation, received
  10. NALC National Development Report, received
  11. Letter from Planning Minister regarding Neighbourhood Planning Bill, received
  12. Notification of MP meeting 14th October, members to advise Clerk if wishing to attend to enable places to be booked
  13. Complaint regarding graffiti on a fence in Cinnamon Drive, matter resolved
  14. FINE circulated via e-mail
  15. Enquiry form DCC if the Parish own land to the rear of 10 Purvis Terrace. It was agreed to seek further information from DCC.


94/16 Meeting to discuss Power Cuts
Cllr. B. Ferguson reported on a meeting with Northern Powergrid, attended by Cllr. M.Lenehan- Ferguson, the Clerk and himself. Work has been completed and hopefully they power cuts will not occur again.

95/16 Report from Smaller Local Council Forum
Cllr. B. Ferguson reported on the recent meeting were the main discussion was the effect of Brexit on local councils.

96/16 Heritage Project
Cllr. Maureen. Lenehan-Ferguson gave an update on the project supported by representatives of the group. The Friends of the Heritage Trail are now meeting on a regular basis and the project is progressing. Members were provided with copies of the area to be improved, provisional estimates for the project, and a Fee Quotation form Groundwork North East to undertake an initial feasibility study. The Council were asked by the Friends to accept the quote on their behalf and to utilise the its Your Neighbourhood Budget £500 towards the study. They also asked if Council would under rite the remaining cost of £781 out of the money set aside in the Council budget for the year. Cllr. B. Ferguson proposed and Cllr M. Lenehan- Ferguson seconded Council accept the Groundwork quotation minus £300 for the topographical survey, as this has already been done. A total cost of £1281. This was carried.

97/16 Employee Pension
The Chairman reported that the Pension Regulator had set 1st October 2016 as the Councils trigger date. The Clerk qualifies for a pension under the new scheme. It was proposed Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. J. Loverance that the Council formally offer the Clerk a pension from 1st September. This was agreed.

98/16 Planning Applications
No applications were considered by members.

99/16 Applications for Financial Assistance.
The Clerk reminded members that due to awarding grants in 2015 that covered up to 30th June that this year there is only £5000 remaining under Section 137

3 applications have been submitted, 1 from the Trimdon Karate Club who had advised they would be present to expand upon their application but sent an apology. 1 from Trimdon Station Community Association for £2000 and a final one from Deaf Hill Ward Regeneration Partnership for £8000, details of which had been e-mailed to members.

After debate it was prosed Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. C.Bell that

  1. The application from Trimdon Karate be deferred to the October meeting
  2. That a donation of £2000 be given to Trimdon Station Community Association to assist in the provision of services for young people and older residents
  3. That a donation of £2000 be given to Deaf Hill Ward Regeneration Partnership to assist in the provision of services for young people and older residents.

This was carried.

100/16 Monthly Accounts
The schedule of Payments as presented by the Clerk, Appendix A at a cost of

August payment £6170.23        September payment    £5473.15

Members agreed to payments being made.

Members considered a quote from the Insurance Company of £423.77 for a full year and £316.95 for the remainder of the year to cover the increased £90,000 play area. This would represent an increase on the annual premium of 40%. Members agreed to 1 months premium to allow them to obtain further quotes from other insurance brokers. The Clerk advised the Insurance Documentation had arrived.

101/16 Finance Working Party minutes
Members considered the minutes of the working party held on 6th September were considered and agreed moved Cllr. G. Elliot and seconded Cllr. G. Elliot.

The Clerk reported on the following: –

  1. The issues relating to the loss of e-mail and website. The e-mails are now back up, website, members of the Trimdon Station Community Association Computer Club have agreed to look into this and advise accordingly
  2. Npower have asked if Council wish to have a flexible account or fixed as previously. It was proposed Cllr G. Elliot and seconded Cllr. G. Elliot that the Council enter into a Flexible Business Energy Plan. This was carried.
  3. All members had now received budget details, agreed to finalise budget at December meeting. It was noted the letter from DCC Director of Resources had forecast a reduction of £200 in the Support Grant for 2017/18


102/16 Remembrance Service
It was agreed to hold a service on similar lines to 2015 on Remembrance Day itself.

103/16 Christmas Fayre
It was agreed to hold a Christmas fayre on the evening of 1st December 2016. A report to be presented to the October meeting.


The meeting closed at 8.50pm.


Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 11th October 2016