Minutes of the Trimdon Foundry Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th January 2016 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.
168 Present:- Councillors Carol Bell (Chairman) Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance, Margaret Eadsforth.
169 Apologies:- Cllr.Gail Elliott (Illness).
County Councillor L.Hovvels, 4 members of the public and Mr. John Robinson Acting Clerk in attendance.
Before beginning the meeting the Chairman wished all present a happy and prosperous New Year.
160 Declaration of Interest:- nil
161 Trimdon Foundry in Bloom
The Chairman welcomed Mr. Andrew Jackson form DCC who briefed members on the Northumbria in Bloom Competition and discussed with members what the Community will need to do as part of its entry. He praised the Council and Community for the efforts to date and supported the Councils plans to establish a Trimdon Foundry in Bloom. The Chairman thanked Mr Jackson for attending and for agreeing to attend the next meeting of the Environment Group to be held on 2nd February, the aim being to produce an audit of the current situation and an action plan.
It was agreed the Clerk enter the Parish in both Northumbria in Bloom and Its Your Neighbourhood Scheme.
The Clerk reported on his meeting in December with Mr. Jackson and Mr. Jeff Talbot from the Clean and Green Service DCC. They had agreed to plant the 6 flowering cherry trees on behalf of the Council and also to do a wildflower planting scheme. Mr. Jackson confirmed this. DCC are also to renovate the flower beds opposite the Notice board.
On behalf of the Council the Chairman thanked Mr. Jackson for attending and the excellent advice he gave.
The Chairman reported on the Parish Environment group meeting held earlier that day. John Fenwick form DCC has planted bulbs around the Parish including entrances and in front of the Fish Shop. This will complement those planted by the Parish.
Work is being done with the young people of the Parish including funding obtained from Growing Wild. A Community Notice Board is also to be purchased. The entrance signs will be updated post April with funding from Cllr. Hovvels. 8 tree and roof boxes arte to be purchased and then to be maintained by the Parish. It was also suggested the Christmas tree be moved to the opposite side of the road to the notice board. It was agreed this report be further discussed at the next meeting, after the 2nd February walk about.
161 PCC Walkabout, Police and Wardens Report:-
The Chairman advised the meeting that the PCC Mr. R.Hogg, Cllr Hovvells, several members of the Council and Police representatives had joined her on a Parish walkabout earlier. They had covered the whole Parish and it had proved very useful. The PCC has agreed to look into providing CCTV and monitoring of the Memorial Ground and its Play area.
PC Dave Weston was present who also gave the monthly Police Report. He advised due to reorganisation the Parish has a new Inspector, Inspector Thubron. He has also reorganised Police Officers and the Parish is now to have an additional Officer making a total of 3 dedicated officers. He advised there had been in the last month 48 incidents including 5 ASBO, 2 Criminal Damage, 3 Vehicle Crimes and 5 Burglary (including the recent 2 shop burglaries). He also answered member’s questions.
The Chairman thanked PC Weston for his attendance and report. Members asked that he pass on their thanks for the new PC being allocated to the Parish.
162 Chairman’s Report
a) On behalf of the Council she had applied to the Tesco Funding Programme for the Memorial Park
b) She had attended the DCC Budget Consultation and had commented on their plans for IT
c) There needs to be re-scheduling of the meetings with both the DMA and Wellfield School
d) The Newsletter had been delivered by the members and well received by the public. The next edition is to go out in March. Any articles for this edition to either Chairman or Clerk by the end of February.
e) This years Proms is to be held on 25th June 2016.
163 To approve the Minutes of the monthly meeting held on 7th December 2015
These were read and accepted as a true record, moved Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson. All matters arising are to be covered later in the Agenda.
164 Public Participation
The new owners of St. Paul’s Church (now a house) reported on the incident involving the man cu8tting holly in the church yard before Christmas which resulted in the involvement of the Parish.
165 Report form County Councillor Lucy Hovvels
a) She has agreed to utilise £2000 Neighbourhood Fund money in 16/17 to fund the Environmental Projects
b) Devolution voting packs are currently being distributed
c) Cabinet at DCC are to consider a report on reducing Day Centres across the County to 5 and also public consultation on the future of youth services.
d) The leader of DCC has been awarded a CBE in the NEW Years Honours list.
166 Correspondence
a) CCG notification that the local pharmacy is being relocated to 11 Luke Street, opposite the Doctors as of 11th January. Collection of prescriptions from Harpers newsagents will cease that day. Letter received.
b) Further details on the National celebrations for the Queens 90th birthday. To be discussed at February meeting.
c) Notice from DCC and Police unable to provide mobile CCTV. This is now being followed up by the PCC.
d) Proludic asking that a Certificate of Acceptance is signed. Members are still not happy at the quality of the welding. It was agreed to write once more to Proludic asking them to re-inspect before signing the acceptance forms.
e) Nomination for Royal Garden Party. It was agreed to nominate Cllr. Gail Elliott/C.Bell and Cllr. B.Ferguson/M.Lenehan-Ferguson.
f) E-mail from Mrs. Jackson identifying an incident that occurred on the memorial field with another resident and his dog. Members advised they had had similar comments from other residents. It was agreed that from now all dogs in any part of the memorial Grounds be on a lead. This to be added to the standing orders. Clerk to have signs erected on the field.
g) Up to date Register of Electors, received.
h) Allotment list request from Police, no follow up request by Police received, matter closed
i) Charity 1079669, no answer from the Charity Commission to Council query.
j) Letter sent to Walcott ( top shop) as requested by Council but no reply
k) Members had been previously e-mailed with Playground Inspection report. DCC had submitted a quote to undertake the repairs. It was agreed a further quote be obtained.
i) Letter from Cllr Hovvels that the request to clean up leaves had been done.
j) Letter from Cllr. Hovvels with details of the War Grave Commission
k) CDALC notification of offer for Clerks pay rise, two year offer of 1%
l) CDALC notifying Safer Communities Exhibition in County Hall, 19th to 29th January, received
m) CDALC notifying of RTPI Planning Conference, received
n) CDALC notification of Living Wage amounts
o) Broxap notifying bins will be delivered to Cllr. Gary Elliott, and their invoice. Agreed to defer payment till after bins are delivered
p) Police notification of consultation events on their proposed increase to their precept of 1.88%
q) Smith of Derby have done the annual inspection of the clock tower and advised all the lighting tubes and starters have blown. Chairman agreed to approach David Easson local electrician to supply and repair.
r) Notification Tree Week Grant approved to the value of £142.
s) Department of Transport, advising of nominations for New Years Honour list for 2017
t) DCLG draft referendum relating to Council Tax, received.
u) Cllr. Hovvels re lighting Windsor Street. Members advised lights still not fully working, Cllr. Hovvels agreed to chase this matter up
v) Notification that DCC Central and east planning are to discuss the Commercial Street planning application today. Clerk advised it had been approved. Members discussed the agreed conditions It was agreed writing to DCC and Local Ward members asking for the £6000 to remain in the parish and also request a site visit to discuss moving the Bus Shelter down to Luke Street.
167 Grounds of Former St.Paul’s Church
The Clerk advised that prior to Christmas there had been a complaint made in regards to a member of the public being stopped from taking holly from the former church grounds. The member of the public had believed the grounds belonged to the Parish. The Church Dioceses had been contacted and a letter was received stating the grounds apart from the road way to the church (access for the house holder) still remained the property of the church via father Michael Gobbet and maintained by DCC. It was agreed as the Council do not own the land no further action be taken.
168 Complaint of prohibited access to footpath
A complaint had been received from Mr. Cranson re lack of access of footpath leading from the top shop to Trimdon Grange. Cllr. Hovvels agreed to investigate and report back to the Council.
169 Allotment
Cllr. Gary Elliott advised that an allotment has now become vacant. It was agreed Mr. Steven Booth be offered it. Clerk to write and ask Mr. Booth to contact Cllr. Elliott to discuss same.
170 To Consider current Planning Applications
None submitted
171 Schedule of Accounts
It was agreed to pay the schedule of accounts:-
Viking Stationery/Stamps £89.82
Rialtas Computer Software £133.20
Ravensworth Nursery £252
Inland Revenue £1012.10
Hp Ink Contract (JR) £7.99
Salaries £714.80
Smith Derby Clock £254.40
Light replacement (CB) £74.97
172 Financial Report
The Clerk circulated a detailed report on the transactions of the Council up to November. It was agreed to refer the matter to the Finance Committee to discuss and report back to February meeting.
173 Precept
It was agreed to hold a special meeting to agree the 2016 Precept on n Monday 18th January at 6pm.
The Chairman then asked for a notice of motion under Section 100A (4) Local Government Act of 1972 to exclude the Press and Public for the next part of the meeting. This was agreed.
174 Change of Bank Details
The Clerk reported on continuing problems with the change of details which has resulted in a cheque payment being declined. He had therefore written to Senior officers of the Co-op making a formal complaint. As he is not an authorised signatory the reply had gone to Cllrs. Elliott, Elliot and Ferguson, via him. The Co-op had upheld the complaint and paid the fee back as well as £200 compensation. The change of details has still not happened.
Members queried whether or not to change bankers. It was agreed to defer any decision at the moment.
175 Recruitment of Parish Clerk.
The post was advertised on the 18th December with a closing date of the 5th January. 1 applicant has been received. It was agreed to interview the applicant at 7pm on Monday 18th January.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm.
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 9th February 2016
Trimdon Foundry Parish Minutes for 12th January 2016