Trimdon Foundry Parish Council
Supporting Statement
Accounts Year Ending 31st March 2016
1.Overall View
The Parish Council accounts are compiled using Rialtas a complete Local Government package from RBS. This has produced all of the necessary information required.
The Parish Council accounts are audited by its Internal Auditor, Mr. Gordon Fletcher.
The Council have used its Section 137 expenditure. This year it appears to be high as they gave grants to local organisation s to the value of £10,000 part of which will cover the forthcoming year. The grants having been awarded in June 2015 to cover a 1 year period. In the coming year this will be reflected in a reduction in section 137 Grants accordingly.
2. Fixed Assets
At 31st March 2016 the assets held were as listed (appendix 1) The basis of the valuation of these assets is historical cost wherever possible, insurance value or replacement value as appropriate. This excludes all land or village green which is valued at £1. There has been an investment in Play areas this year. This has cost £90,000. It was a planned use of reserves along with in excess of £20000 grant.
3. Transformation Plan/MTFP
The Council have produced a transformation programme which all decisions are linked to. Individual members have become Champions of various elements.
Cllr. C.Bell leads on Community Engagement
Cllrs. G and G. Elliott on Allotments
Cllr.M. Eadsforth and Cllr.J. Loverance lead on Children’s Play
Cllr.B. Ferguson and Cllr.M.Lenehan Ferguson lead on the Heritage Trail.
During the year the Council held Picnic in the Park, Opening of Memorial Ground and Christmas Events, all first for the Parish and linked to the Community Engagement component. An investment of £90,000 utilising reserves, in new Children’s Play Equipment. The Council wish to thank its partners in this project, DCC,AAP and Cllr. L.Hovvels.
In April this year they also arranged a 90th Celebration Party for the Queens Birthday inviting elderly residents from across the parish to tea.
Linked to this the Council have agreed financial plans up to the election of the new Council in 2017. In September the Finance Committee will prepare a 4 year MTFP for the forthcoming Council Period covering up to 2021
4. Current Assets
As of 31st March 2016 the Council have the following cash balances, Top Tier Account £122,640.19 and in the Current Account £1294.11. A total of £123,934.30. The Council has no borrowing. They do Lease the entrance to the memorial ground from Coal Industry Social Welfare organisation. The Council have no Tenancies or act as agency for other groups.
5.Earmarked Reserves
At this time with the completion of the Playground there are no ear marked schemes at present identified. However, the Transformation Plan review is due to take place 1st September 2016.
6. Council Plan
During the year the Council has reviewed and adopted its various Polices, Practices, Standing Orders, Financial regulations. It has also introduced and reviewed members interest and various member and Officer Registers. In 2016/17 it has a work plan for the authority in regards to further Policies, procedures and when various reports are to be presented to Council. A copy is available on request.
6. Employees
The Council has 1 employee, a part Time Clerk on 14 hours per week.
7. Advertising/Publicity
The Council produced its first newsletter January 2016. It has agreed to produce 4 per year from now on. It has also agreed as part of the Annual Clerks Appraisal to refresh its Website.
8. Reclaiming of VAT
This is done in June each year on an annual basis. This years claim totals £18,671.72
9. Pre-payments
The Council have paid £2000 deposit to Datona to secure the staging for the Picnic in the Park event on 18th June.
John Robinson
Parish Clerk
11th May 2016