Minutes of the Trimdon Foundry Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 9th February 2016 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.

176 Present:- Councillors Carol Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance, Margaret Eadsforth.

177 Apologies:- Cllr. Lucy Hovvels (Illness).

County Councillor L.Hovvels, 5 members of the public and Mr. John Robinson Acting Clerk in attendance.
178 Declaration of Interest: – Cllr. Eadsforth in respect of planning application on land opposite St. Paul’s, Commercial Street, by nature of employer is the applicant.

179 Presentation by Ms. Donahue, Trimdon Partnership Youth Co-ordinator
The Chairman welcomed Ms. Donahue to the meeting who gave a presentation on the work she is doing across all of the Trimdon Communities, working with the various Community Centres. She is based in the former Trimdon Community College. The Chairman thanked her for her presentation and wished her well with the project.

180 Police and Wardens Report:-
The Chairman advised the meeting that the Police had hoped to attend but an emergency must of occurred. A written report to be sought. From them and circulated to members.

181 Chairman’s Report
a) Unfortunately the Tesco bid for the Memorial Park had been unsuccessful
b) She had advised she had received an e-mail from the Banner Group asking why Council has met with the DMA and not involved them. She had replied that the meeting has not as yet taken place and is to discuss the Memorial ground not banners.
d) The Newsletter had been delivered by the members and well received by the public. The next edition of the newsletter to go out in March, any articles for this edition to either Chairman or Clerk by the end of February.
e) This years Proms is to be held on 25th June 2016, plans for the event are well in hand and tickets to go on sale shortly. There had been a negative comment placed on Face book. Both she and the Clerk had tried to identify if the person involved was a parishioner, to discuss the issues with. This had proved unsuccessful and so she will place a message asking for them to contact the Council offering a meeting.

182 To approve the Minutes of the monthly meeting held on 12th January 2016 and Special meeting held on 18th January 2016.
These were read and accepted as a true record, moved Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson. All matters arising are to be covered later in the Agenda. The Clerk advised that to achieve the standstill budget as requested by members at the Special meeting the Precept Budget request had to be set slightly lower to achieve this due to the increase in Band D Propertied making up the Council Tax base. Members agreed to the action taken by the Clerk and Chairman in this matter.

183 Public Participation
There were no issues raised by the members of the public.

184 Report form County Councillor Lucy Hovvels
Although she was not able to attend the meeting due to family illness she had sent a series of e-mails advising of the actions she had taken since the last meeting. She had advised that 5 lamp posts are to be removed opposite the cemetery. Members expressed concern and requested the Clerk to arrange a meeting between Cllr. Hovvels, Highways and members of Council.

185 Report on Parish Clerk Interview panel
The Chairman advised the panel had met on the 18th January and interviewed the short listed candidate. The panel were recommending the appointment of Mr. John Robinson as Parish Clerk. It was unanimously agreed to appoint Mr. John Robinson as Parish Clerk as of 9th February 2016 and for the Chairman to meet with him to discuss contractually issues and report back to Council.

186 Correspondences
a. Notification of planning permission being granted for 12 houses on land opposite St. Paul’s Church, Commercial Street. Members discussed the agreed conditions It was agreed to write once again to DCC and Local Ward members requesting a site visit to discuss moving the Bus Shelter down to Luke Street.
b. Children’s Foundation requesting a donation. This was declined as no parishioners were being cared for by them.
c. Durham Voice, Clerk advised this has been sent by e-mail
d. Notification and Accounts have been sent to the Charity Commission in regards to the Trimdon Station Recreation Ground Charity.
e. DMA, no response to our letter for a meeting. It was agreed Clerk to write once again.
f. Meeting with Wellfield School re-arranged for afternoon of the 23rd February
g. Confirmation that DCC will plant the 6 Cherry Trees, site agreed on the road side next to the Cemetery. Tree Week form DCC will fund part of cost.
h. series of e-mails of thanks between PCC and Chairman following his visit in January
i. Letter from Mrs. J.Wetherall asking to exchange her allotment with Mr and Mrs. Lawson. Agreed to write back and advise members will meet with them and discuss once she has purchased the house.
j. Following the last meeting members asked for a second quotation for repairs to the swings. Notification from RSS Playground Inspection that they would undertake a site visit 10th February. Cllrs Bell, Loverance and Eadsforth agreed to attend. RSS would also comment on the query re welding joints. The Clerk advised he had taken this up with Proludic who had asked for photographs. Cllr. Bell agreed to supply.
k. Notification our nominees for the Royal Garden Party had been unsuccessful.
l. letter from CDALC reminding Councils to set date for Parish meeting. In light of this Clerk circulated a series of proposed meeting dates, including Parish meeting on 3rd May. The report and dates were agreed.
187 Clock Former St.Paul’s Church
In response to questions by members the Clerk reported that Smiths of Derby had advised the clock has an automatic switch so that any power cut it would automatically re-start once power was restored. Electrician to undertake work on the lighting repairs on the 11th February.

188 Complaint of prohibited access to footpath
DCC have written back asking for clarification of which path was of concern. Members were issues with a map and highlighted the path accordingly. Members advised that there has over the past few weeks been some improvement with the path.

189 Allotments
The Clerk advised he had written to Mr. Booth offering him the vacant allotment, but to date no reply. Cllr. Eadsforth asked if we could re-write to Mr. Booth offering the allotment. This was agreed. The Clerk advised he had written to all those on the waiting list asking if they wished to remain on the list. He had advised them if the Council had had no response by 1st March their name would be removed from the list. The Council confirmed this action.
190 To Consider current Planning Applications
None submitted

191 Queens 90th Birthday
The Chairman reported on a proposal to hold a special party for those residents over 90 residing in the Parish. Members thought this an excellent idea but were advised by a member this is being done by the Deaf Hill Ward Regeneration Partnership. It was agreed to place once again on the March Agenda for consideration.

192 Deaf Hill Regeneration Ward Partnership
Members received a letter from the partnership advising they have no documentation from the Council confirming their annual grant. They did supply a letter from the former Clerk and Parish Chairman stating that whilst no formal agreement or SLA was in place they had wished to support the partnership. Members agreed to receive the letter and thank them for the information.

193 Schedules of Accounts
It was agreed to pay the schedule of accounts:-
Trimdon Station Residents Association £250
DCC Playground Inspection £48.60
VONNE £32.50
NIB entry fee £45.00
Salary £7`4.60
Donation to Methodist Church re 1/12 £30.00
North of England Brass Festival £50.00
HMRC £217.80
HMRC £221.22

A total of £1609.72

Members confirmed a donation of £30 to the Methodist Church for hosting the Christmas Light Switch on, Clerk to pay and re-claim. In regards to the bill submitted by Broxap for bins. Both Cllr. Elliott’s reported that the bins are excellent but the lettering of the Councils logo is sub standard, not etched into the bin, and peeling off. This is happening when bins are being moved for installation. It was agreed not to pay the bill and ask Broxap for an explanation.

193 Financial Reports
The minutes of the Finance Committee held on the 18th January were discussed. All recommendations were agreed and Clerk authorised to obtain costings for the number 1 projects.

A letter from CDAL advising an increase in NALC fees to 6.6p per elector and CDALC fees remaining at 10p per elector was received.

194 Heritage project
Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson presented an up to date report on the current progress with the heritage Project. The Chairman advised that the Clerk had completed the forms to allow the Its Your Neighbourhood £500 funding to be paid to the Council, that has been awarded for this project.

195 Smaller Authorities Audit Appointment ltd.
Members discussed 2 reports/letters from CDALC plus a verbal report from the Clerk on discussions at a recent SLCC meeting in regards to the changes in Audit arrangements for 2017/18. It was unanimously agreed to opt into the SAAA programme. It was also agreed to re-appoint our internal Auditor, Mr. Gordon Fletcher.

The Chairman then asked for a notice of motion under Section 100A (4) Local Government Act of 1972 to exclude the Press and Public for the next part of the meeting. This was agreed.

196 Changes of Bank Details
The Clerk reported on continuing problems with the change of details. Further forms in regards to the change of signatories were signed and Clerk authorised to forward same to the bank.
197 Allotment
A further letter from Mr. Barrett in respect of his allotment was discussed. It was agreed to write back to Mr. Barrett advising the Council Policy will remain in place. Clerk however to check previous minutes from 1995 to see if the resolution he refers to was passed.

198 Letter from Mrs. Dineen.
Members discussed a letter from Mrs. Dineen in regards to her father’s grave. In her letter she referred to a successful appeal 12 years previously. Members agreed to look into the previous minutes to explore this issue.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm.

Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 8th March 2016