CASUALTIES RECEIVED AT THE GENERAL HOSPITAL. – Priscilla Oatway, extensive lacerations of the hand, and compound fracture of a finger (requiring immediate amputation) by a malt-mill.
The Bristol Mercury and Western Counties Advertiser, Saturday, December 20th 1851.
John Oatway was charged with stealing a piece of carpet from the house of Thomas West. The complainant did not press the charge, as the carpet was of but little value. The prisoner having borne a good character he was discharged with a caution.
Bristol Mercury Saturday July 16th 1853.
SHEEP STEALING – During Thursday night a fat ram-lamb, marked M.O., the property of Mr. Oatway, of the PLOUGH and Windmill tavern, was stolen from a field near the Starycall Colliery, Bedminster.
The Bristol Mercury And Western Counties Advertiser, Saturday, December 9TH 1854.
Wm. Oatway, charged with assaulting Caroline Pitman, was advised to retire and compensate the complainant. As he declined to do so, he was fined 10s. and costs, or fourteen days imprisonment.
Bristol Mercury Saturday January 27th 1855.
DIED – Jan. 24, aged 19, beloved by a large circle of friends, Catherine Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. Mark Oatway, Plough and Windmill, Bedminster.
Bristol Mercury Saturday June 30th 1855.
George Oatway, and John Blackburn, charged with travelling on the Midland railway, they had not taken tickets, were fined 10s., and costs, or seven days imprisonment.
Bristol Mercury Saturday July 7th 1855.
MARRIED – June 20th, at Temple Church, Mr. Thomas Oatway, of Bedminster, to Miss Mary Ann Lansdown, of Union-terrace, New-cut.
The Bristol Mercury And Western Counties Advertiser, Saturday, January 26th 1856.
William Oatway and Louisa Lodge, charged with having stolen three £5 notes and five sovereigns from the person of John Walker, were remanded.
The Bristol Mercury And Western Counties Advertiser, Saturday, August 14th 1858.
Thomas Oatway and John Collins were charged with being disorderly and fighting in Rosemary Street, at three o’clock that (Friday morning. P. C. 47 saw both prisoners come out of the Anchor public house and commence fighting, and he took Oatway into custody, and Collins went off. Etc.
The prisoners were cautioned and discharged.
Bristol Mercury Saturday October 30th 1858.
DEATH – October 20 after three years’ severe affliction, Frederick William, second son of Mr. Mark Oatway, of Bedminster.
The Bristol Mercury And Western Counties Advertiser, Saturday, August 28th 1863
LONG ASHTON PETTY SESSION FRIDAY – ANNUAL LICENSING DAY. – There were two applications for fresh licences, and both were from Bedminster etc. . . .The second application was made by a person named Oatway, landlord of a beerhouse on Bedminster Down, and this was also refused by the magistrates.
The Bristol Mercury And Western Counties Advertiser, Saturday, February 6th 1864.
Henry Swash, charged with being drunk and disorderly at the house of Aaron Oatway, Barton Street, and breaking a pane of glass, and also with threatening to stab him, was ordered to enter into his own recognisance in the sum of £10, and to find two respectable sureties in £5 each, to keep the peace for one month, or, in default, to be committed for that period.
Bristol Mercury Saturday March 26th 1864.
John Westlake was charged with assaulting Caroline Oatway, and damaging the property of Aaron Oatway. A certificate was read from Mr. Board, house-surgeon of the Infirmary, stating the former complainant could not attend, as she was at present an in-patient of that institution. Mr. Oatway stated the particulars of his charge, from which it transpired that the prisoner lodges in his house in Barton=street, and on returning home one night, he assaulted him, and then he struck his wife so seriously that she was taken to the Infirmary. The prisoner made a long statement about the wife falling down and injuring herself, but as she could not appear, the case was not gone into, it being adjourned for a week, the magistrates offering to accept bail for the appearance of the accused himself in £20 and two sureties in £10 each
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