In Fond Rememberance.
Loving Greetings.
To Wish You a Happy Christmas.
There’s only one I think of, that’s my boy;
There’s only one I long for, that’s my boy;
And each hour the whole day through
My love is always true,
And wish and pray for you, that’s my boy.
From: Mother & Father
Annie & Hilda.
Pages 3 and 4 of a letter written on British Red Cross and Order of St John Stationary, Christmas Day 1915. (First two pages missing.)
…. that is something else I have to be thankful for. It is now about 3:30 and I am waiting to see what Xmas tea brings. I never slept a wink last night. I was thinking about Annie hanging her stockings up and the carol singers, things would be quite different I supose after nearly 1 ½ years of war.
Give my respects to everybody, trusting you had a good Christmas and this New Year will be better than the last year. I am wondering now were I will spend my 21st birthday perhaps here in this hospital, but they don’t keep us here long. Hope Annie had a happy birthday (New Years Eve). Give my best respects to Mr & Mrs Eva, hoping Horace is well and my best love to all.
I remain your loving son Joe.
13673 Corporal J Shorthous
or the Store cartman.
Letter from Nurse E Ashton 1916
408 Stanley Road N.
Bootle, L.pool
April 13th, 1916
Dear Corporal
Thank you so much for your welcome letter which I received this morning, it came as a very pleasant surprise, I did not know that you were now stationed at Weymouth, and remembered to you and don’t forget to let us know whenever you make a change for we are always interested in our brave boys. Hoping whenever you come to Bootle you will give us a call. Will close with best of luck and all good wishes.
From yours sincererly
E Ashton
Postcard from Joe to mother about May 1916. (Fabrication Francaise)
Front Side is embossed and embroidered with the caption;
“To my dear mother”
Back Side – handwritten.
From your loving son Joe
“Somewhere in France”
Wishing you many happy
returns of your BirthdayXXXXXXX
Excerpt from a letter written by Joe Shorthouse in France (only remaining page).
… of trenches, and then the order had to come from Headquarters for to send reinforcements up, but they were too late we lost 45000 men and then had to retire. The boys at the Dardsnells got up to the top of ashi Baba which commands the narrows, but had to retire for the want of help and we had ½ a million of men 4 hrs sail off Lemnas. I have nothing to thank Britain for no wonder we have 100’s of men what have been taken prisoners fighting for Germany, and how we have been asleep at Ypres for 12 months they have taken that. We want Generals and a Government and then we are alright. Well I hope I have not disheartened you about the war, but we havent won yet, we will do but it will …
Letter from hospital France 1916
37 Casualty Cleaning Station
Dear Mr. Shorthouse.
I am writing to let you know that your son Cpl. Shorthouse was admitted to this hospital last evening suffering from a bad attack of appendicitis. His condition was so serious that the Dr. had to operate last night.
I am sorry to say he is still very ill but is having everything done for him, the best of attention and care. The rest we must leave in God’s hands, trusting he will spare him to you. Hoping to have better news for you in a few days.
Yours truly
L.A. Howe
Sister in Charge
23 May 1916
Army Form B. 104-82.
No. 24421
(If replying, please quote above No.)
Infantry Record Office
Exeter Station
6 JUN 1916
It is my painful duty to inform you that a report has this day been received from the War Office notifying the death of
(No.) 13673 (Rank) Cpl.
(Name) Joseph Shorthouse (Regiment) 6 Bn. Dorset rgt.
Which occurred at with the B.E.F. France on the 29th of May 1916, and I am to express to you the Sympathy and regret of the Army Council at your loss. The cause of death was Appendicitis.
If any articles of private property left by the deceased are found, they will be forwarded to this Office, but some time will probably elapse before their receipt, and when received they cannot be disposed of until authority is received from the War Office.
Application regarding the disposal of any such personal effects, or of any amount that may eventually be found to be due to the late soldier’s estate, should be addressed to “The Secretary, War Office, London, S.W.,” and marked outside “Effects.”
I am,
Your obedient Servant,
H.S. Scholes Colonel
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