September 30, 1915
White Star Line    Britanic Hospital Ship

Ward:     Z                            Cot 6
Name:    Shorthouse J
Regiment:             3rd Dorset Co. E
Disease: Scalp Wound and Trench Foot
Date and Place of Origin of Disease:               Serbia
Treatment:            Wool Dressing for Head
                                Iodine & Olive Oil with wool dressing for feet

J Holmes
2nd Lieut. R.A.M.C.


Letter from Hospital in Egypt December 1915

No. 2 Camp
P.H.D.    Hospital

Dec 11th

Dear Mother and Father

Just a line or two to let you know I got to Hospital. At the time of writing I am a lot better and don’t think I will be in here very long. There as been a big battle with the British in Serbia. How are you all going on. It would cheer me up if I had a letter from you, as you know I have never had a line from home yet, and it is close on 3 month since I left home. Well Egypt is a lovely country, and I came right through Alexandria, and Cairo.

The people in the Hospital ship were very good, and I have found it so in the 3 hospitals I have been in, especially the Canadian one, the people are excellent.

I wonder how many of my letters you have got. Is Annie alright, I should like a letter from her now. I have just had one letter from England, and it got to Wyke the day I left, it was from Kitty, but it was’nt any cop, I never write her now. The weather is simply glorious here, the sun shining strong. Well mother, how are you keeping, and father, in fact how are all of you. Won’t we have a good time when the war is over, and I get home again.

By you get this letter, I may be fighting again or I may not, but I am quite willing when I am alright again, but the weather in the Balkans is fierce, and there are something like 6,000 frost bites. I sent you a photo of the Hospital ship, went it was a passenger steamer. How is Harry Mortimer in France, is he still alright, I hope Fred has’nt gone abroad yet.

Give my best respects to all brothers and sisters, hoping the children are all well. I may be longer in getting a letter with shifting. Well I must close with best Respects to everybody.

I Remain
Your Loving Son

13673 Corpl. J Shorthouse.



Christmas card from Joe to family 1915

Front page caption;

HEALTH              WEALTH              HAPPINESS

Inside page;

To Greet You for a very happy Christmas
From: Joe to mother, father & Annie  X


A happy Christmas to you
As joyous as can be
Each moment filled with glad delight
What more could I wish Thee ?

To this Joe added the question mark and “A Happy New Year”





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