Complete article spread over five pages for easier reading;
Thomas Robinson (1859- 1932) – At Howle Hope farm (Fishburn) in 1861 and 1871, and Old Wingate farm 1881 with father. Married Jane Isabella Peacock born Hart Bushes (South Wingate) in 1890, at the time of the 1891 census they both lived and worked on the family farm at Old Wingate. The 1901 census shows that Thomas and Jane together with daughter Mary age 9, were farming at Shotton Hall farm (with 3 farm servants). The 1911 Census shows them still on the same farm at Old Shotton. Daughter Mary is shown as a dairy worker. Jane’s mother, Elizabeth Peacock, a widow, age 92 is living with them. The Kelly’s Directory shows that they moved to and farmed at Swan Castle Farm, Shotton, in the years 1914 to 1929.
Jane Isabella Peacock was the 6th child of Matthew Peacock and Elizabeth Wilkinson. Matthew is shown to have been born in Reeth, Yorkshire. His wife Elizabeth is shown to be from Trimdon. Matthew is shown to be: a publican in Hartlepool, a publican in Coxhoe followed by being a butcher/grocer in South Wingate (Hart Bushes) and Trimdon Grange. Five of their children were born in Coxhoe, Jane born in Hart Bushes and the sixth child Henry in Trimdon. Their son Matthew was a farmer in Trimdon Colliery, he eventually moved to the Middlesbrough area and opened a grocery store. The following newspaper articles track the lives of Matthew and his son Matthew during their time in the Trimdons. After Matthew’s death in1888, his wife Elizabeth moved to Trimdon Village where she lived on her own means, with a servant, she subsequently move to live with son-in-law Thomas Robinson at Swan Castle Farm, Shotton, after the 1901 Census.
Newcastle Journal Saturday 23 June 1838.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, of HARTLEPOOL in the County of Durham, Clock and Watch maker, hath by Indenture of Assignment, bearing the date the 13th day of May,1838, assigned all his personal Estate and Effects unto Robert Brewis, of Hartlepool aforesaid, Painter and Glazier, and Matthew Peacock, of the same place, Innkeeper, in Trust for the general benefit of the Creditors etc.
The Durham Chronicle Saturday 2 January 1841.
At Shildon: 26th (December), Mr. Matthew Peacock to Miss Wilkinson.
The ERA Sunday 30 January 1842.
Orders have been made, vesting in the Provisional Assignee the Estates and Effects of the following Persons: (On their own Petitions.)
Matthew Peacock, Hartlepool, innkeeper.
Durham Chronicle Friday 4 February 1842.
INSOLVENT DEBTORS. To be heard at the Court House, at Durham, on the 23rd Feb., 1842.
MATTHEW PEACOCK, late of Hartlepool, in the County of Durham, Innkeeper.
The Durham County Advertiser. Friday 20 January 1843.
(And entered upon immediately,)
ALL that well-accustomed INN, known by the sign of the GOLDEN LION, situate in Northgate and Middlegate, in the flourishing Town of Hartlepool, with the TAP ROOM, BREW HOUSE, and every requisite Conveniences for carrying on an extensive Business, now in the occupation of Mr. Matthew Peacock, who is declining business on account of ill-health. The present tenant will show the premises.
The Durham Chronicle Friday 3 March 1843
THOMAS HUTCHINSON, of Hartlepool, attorney-at-law and solicitor, next applied for his discharge (Marshalls, Attorney).
Mr. Dowse said he appeared on behalf of a female named Jane Swaddle, who was entitled to considerable property, amounting to about £800, left to her by the late Frederick Colberg. Hutchinson along with Mr. Peacock, the executor and the Colberg’s will, received the money in London; and as it was not unsatisfactorily accounted for to the female he (Mr. Dowse), submitted that she was entitled to be placed in the schedule.
Commissioner: What are you, Mr. Hutchinson? – A solicitor.
Did you receive this property? – The executor received it.
Did you receive it from him? – We received it together.
In whose name? – It was removed down from Barclay and Co.’s, London, to Backhouse and Co’s Hartlepool.
In the name of Mr. Peacock? – Yes.
Who was to receive the benefit of it? – Jane Swaddle.
Was it ever paid over to her? – Partly so; about £200.
What was the whole sum? – About £1,300.
What became of the rest? – About £170 was paid on bills to from the deceased; and Mr. Peacock received about £396.
Why did he receive it? – On his own account.
It was paid in your joint names? – I went with him to the bank to pay it in, and he said it might as well be in our joint names.
To do what with? – He used it immediately on his own account.
What became of the rest? – There was the journey to London. The will have been mutilated, torn in two, and we had great difficulty in getting it proved.
Was Miss Swaddle consulted about it at all? – No doubt of it.
Mr. DOWSE:-. We gave the insolvent notice, but as he had not inserted us in his schedule, we were set in the situation to oppose him. He drew against this £800, by cheques signed by himself.
The COMMISSIONER:- Had you any part of the money from the bank? – I had, towards my own bill.
How did you get it? – By Peacock’s and my cheque.
Did Miss Swaddle know of that? – No.
What became of the residue? – She got £220.
Do you mean that she received only £220 out of £1300? – That is all.
And is all payed away? – It is.
Mr. DOWSE:- You have made a statement just now which I request you to reconsider. Will you swear that she had £220? – According to the best of my knowledge.
Will you swear it? – I will not swear it.
Mr. DOWSE:- I’ll tell you what she received: and that is £100.
Insolvent;- Her mother had something.
COMMISSIONER:- Have you ever delivered her an account? – Yes, she had an account.
When did the transaction take place? – In 1841.
And pray what notice is taken in your schedule of the business? – My solicitor said it was unnecessary.
You should have been a judge of that. You put here Matthew Peacock as a debtor to yourself? –Yes, as the executor.
What does he owe you money for? – For proving the will.
What? – £345 for proving a will? – No. Sir.
Mr. DOWSE:- It might have been proved at Hartlepool for comparatively nothing.
Insolvent:-. By the recommendation of the proctor, we went to London.
COMMISSIONER:- This £345 does not comprise the money that Peacock had out of Backhouse’s Bank? – It is part, but not the entirety of the money.
You put him in a debtor to you? – I had not my books.
Mr. DOWSE:-. Where are your books?- A portion of my books are at Hartlepool, in the possession of Mr. Robertson, a butcher.
COMMISSIONER:- You say Mr. Peacock owed you £298, for business done? – For business done.
Then, how are you a creditor of his for £345, 10s ? – That is rather over-stated, from not having the accounts.
Did Mr. Peacock pay to you £345, 10s out of the money he received in London? – I do not think I have received so much.
COMMISSIONER:- Well, then I think you had better make your schedule as you ought to do. It appears to me that you have had a great deal more to do with Mr. Peacock than you ought. It is quite clear that the money you received from Peacock belonged to Miss Swaddle. Now, why have you not made her a creditor?
Insolvent:- I wanted to do so: but Messrs Marshall thought it was not necessary. COMMISSIONER:- I adjourn the case to next circuit, to serve Miss Swaddle, and to amend the transactions under the will.
Mr. DOWSE:- Miss. Swaddle wants to know where the gold watch and chain are? – It is disputed whose property they are.
But where are they? – In the possession of a friend of mine.
What is his name? – He lives in London.
COMMISSIONER:-. London is a large place.
Mr. DOWSE:- Is the watch in the hands of a friend who keeps a shop? – It is.
Commonly called and “Uncle”? – Yes.
Where is the pawn ticket? – I have not it by me.
COMMISSIONER:- Did you pawn your watch? – I did.
Is that a specific legacy under the will? – It was left to a Mr. Gibson. The will was afterwards torn; but he claims to watch.
You pawned it? – I did, when we run short of cash.
Mr. DOWSE:-. When your schedule is in a complete state, we shall be able to discuss these matters much better.
Insolvent:- I have here the probate of the will.
Mr. DOWSE:- You had better hand it into court; and perhaps you would be kind enough to file your books, to show the state of your affairs. We must not have these wholesale robberies of poor people.
The COMMISSIONER:- We must have a proper schedule.
Insolvent:-. I was anxious to do so.
Mr. DOWSE:- You must make mention of all the property Miss Swaddle was entitled to. There were an Austrian, a Neapolitan, and other bonds.
Insolvent:- They were sold.
Mr. DOWSE:- Then say how they were sold, when you put them in.
The Court then adjourned till Monday.