Northern Daily Mail Saturday December 22, 1883
A man named Matthew Peacock, grocer, Trimdon Colliery, was summoned before the Castle Eden Bench today (Saturday) for a breach of the Public Health Act by not providing sufficient privy accommodation to five of his dwelling houses at Trimdon Colliery. Notices had been served. The Inspector of Nuisances, Mr. Wm. Snowdon, stated that he had examined the premises, and found no privy accommodation. There was a privy, but it was used as a coal house and contained coals. The existing ash pit was defective, and required repairs. There was a smell in one of the pantries arising from the ash pit. The houses had no land attached to them on which to to build, but they could obtain land for a small sum from Mr. Smith, who had provided land for other parties. The place generally had been defective in privy accommodation, but all had made arrangements for providing it. Dr. Sheraton gave evidence of the nuisance caused. There was smallpox within half a mile of the place. The ashpit would have to be cemented out, as the drains ran into it and the water would percolate through. There was an offensive smell in one of the pantries adjoining the ashpit. Defendant stated that it was impossible to build anything. He had no land and could not get any. He also stated that there were others besides himself who ought to be summoned, and many other houses were in worse condition than his. The water coloset in his houise was used as a water closet, and was sufficient for the tenants. He accused Mr, Snowden of spite in bringing him up. He also stated that houses in Trimdon Colliery had gone without water closet accommodation for twenty and thirty years, and called in support of his statement P.C. Christon, who said the house in which he lived had no water closet accommodation at all. The Rev. J. Burden said he had seen rows of water closets unfinished in the Village, and without doors on, and they had been without doors for two to three years to his knowledge. The Bench adjourned the case for a month to give defendant time to provide privy accommodation, the one privy not being sufficient.
The North-Eastern Daily Gazette, Saturday, December 22 1883
Today (Saturday), at Castle Eden, Matthew Peacock, grocer, Trimdon Grange Colliery, was summoned at the instance of the Rural Sanitary Authority of the Sedgefield Union to show cause why he should not provide sufficient sanitary accommodation on certain dwelling houses belonging to him at Trimdon Grange Colliery. Mr. Snowdon, Surveyor, proved that the houses, five in number, were entirely without the ordinary sanitary accommodation; and Dr. Sheraton, Medical Officer for the district, stated that the premises were in a most disgraceful condition, and that small pox had broken out within a short distance of these dwellings, and he was afraid an epidemic in the district would be the result. Defendant said he had no space to provide the accommodation asked for. The whole of the land was occupied. That was other property in the place similarly situated, and he considered it very hard that he should be the only one summoned. Mr. Snowdon , in reply to this, said the other owners had promised to remedy the nuisances, and defendant, if he liked could obtain the necessary land at a small annual charge. Dr.Sheraton added that the places were very unwholesome, and the poor people could not observe the ordinary decencies of life. P. C. Christon, who resides in a colliery house at Trimdon Grange, was asked by defendant what accommodation he had, and replied, not at all. Rev. J. Burdon said he had noticed a number of houses at Trimdon Grange where the places of accommodation were without doors , and they had been in this condition for over two years. The Bench remarked that the dwellings seemed to be really unfit for human habitation, and thought that the owners of all the property in a defective condition should be brought before them. Ultimately it was decided to adjourn the summons for a month in order to give defendant time to make the required improvements, he being informed that unless in that time the necessary accommodation was provided the houses would be condemned. The bench also intimated to Mr. Snowdon that they expected him to take the proceedings against the owners of other defective property. A similar case was heard against William Tyndale, the owner of three unsanitary dwellings at Trimdon Grange, who was also given a month to improve his property.
The Durham County Advertiser Friday December 28th 1883.
Matthew Peacock, grocer, Trimdon Grange, was summoned at the instance of the Sedgefield Sanitary Authority for not having sufficient privy and ashpit accommodation, and that a nuisance was caused thereby. William Snowden, inspector of nuisances for the Sedgefield Sanitary Authority, stated that the defendant was the owner of five dwelling houses at Trimdon Grange, for which there was only one privy and one small ashpit. The usual notices had been served upon the defendant, but he refused to comply with the wishes of the authority, and witness now asked for an order to provide the necessary accommodation. The ashpit, which was not covered, was situated in close proximity two of the cottages, and a very foul smell emanated from it. In cross-examination, witness said that all the property owners at Trimdon Grange had provided these accessories, or were now doing so. Defendant said that he had no place to build the necessary conveniences. Dr. Sheraton, medical officer for Sedgefield Union, said he had examined the cottages in question, and found them very deficient in a sanitary point. Fever and smallpox were prevalent in the district. The ashpit was a very small one and the privy was not used as such, but as a receptacle for coals. Water percolated through the walls into the dwelling houses, and altogether the property was in a very bad state of repair. Defendant said he had no land on which to build any of these conveniences. The nuisance inspector said that plenty of land adjoining could be purchased at a nominal price. The chairman said that if no land could be obtained the defendant must pull down one of the cottages; otherwise the bench would order them to be closed. Defendant said there was a great deal of property at Trimdon Grange which was deficient in this respect, and he complained of having being singled out for prosecution. The inspector said that there was none of that he knew of. The Rev. John Burdon said there was a long row of privies without doors, and to his knowledge they had been in that condition for a very long time. The chairman bore out the remarks of Mr. Burdon, and said that the sanitary condition of Trimdon Grange was very defective indeed. Defendant called P. C. Christon, who said there was no sanity accommodation whatever to the house he lived in, and it belonged to the colliery company. They Rev. J. Burdon said it was not right to single out one or two of the poorer property owners and let the others off scot free. The inspector said he could only do as he was ordered by the sanitary authority. The chairman said that if the inspector represented the conditions of these houses to the authority they would, no doubt, order the owners to put them right. The bench adjourned the case for a month, and in the meantime they instructed the inspector to report upon the condition of all the property at Trimdon Grange, and would instruct their own officers to see that it was put right. The defendant must understand that he must provide the necessary accommodation, otherwise the bench would order the houses to be closed as unfit for human habitation.
Daily Gazette Middlesbrough Saturday 19 January 1884.
Today (Saturday), at Castle Eden Petty Sessions, before Mr. C. Burdon, the Rev. Burdon and Major Burdon, the adjourned summonses against Matthew Peacock and Robert Tindale owners of unsanitary dwellings at Trimdon Colliery, were heard. At the first hearing a month ago it was stated by the Medical Officer for the district that the houses in question, which are mostly occupied by pitmen, were in the most disgraceful condition as regards sanitary arrangements, the tenants, for want of necessary conveniences, not being able to observe the ordinary decencies of life. Mr. William Snowdon, Sanitary Inspector to the Sedgefield Union, now stated that the nuisances had not been abated. He had seen Peacock, who said he was arranging for the purchase of land adjoining the property in question in order to carry out the improvements required, and witness produced a letter from Tindale, who promised to do the necessary work as early as possible. Mr. Snowdon, however, pressed for an order in each case, and the Bench granted this application, the work to be executed within 21 days.
The Durham County Advertiser Friday January 25 1884
Matthew Peacock, grocer, Trimdon, was charged with creating a nuisance by neglecting to provide sanitary accommodation to some cottage property at Trimdon, of which he was the owner. The case, it will be remembered, was heard a month ago, and was then adjourned to allow the defendant an opportunity of building the necessary conveniences. Defendant did not appear, and Mr. William Snowdon, the Inspector of Nuisances for the Sedgefield Union, stated that the defendant had failed to comply with the requirements of the authority, although he had promised to do so. Witness was instructed to apply for an order to provide the the necessary accommodation within 21 days. The Bench made the order asked for.
The Northern Echo Wednesday 2 September 1885.
FOR SALE, 2 Excellent REAPING MACHINES; no reasonable offer refused. Apply Matthew Peacock, Grocer Trimdon Colliery.
Daily Gazette Middlesborough Friday 20 August 1886.
Middlesborough Police Court.
Matthew Peacock applied for a beer licence for his house at Grangetowwn. Mr. Bolsover appeared on behalf of the applicant, and Mr. J. T. Belk opposed on behalf of Messere Bolckow, Vaughan and Company. The grounds of objection were that the wants of the township were amply met by the Grangetown Hotel, and that the house for which the licence was asked was within forty-eight yards of the hotel. The application was refused.
Daily Gazette Middlesborough Friday 13th November 1914.
Peacock. On 10th November, at Swan Castle, Wheatley Hill, Elizabeth, widow of the late Matthew Peacock, of Trimdon, aged 96.