Burnley Express and Advertiser January 16th 1909. 


The first case coming before his Honour Judge Graham, K. C. at the Burnley County court on Thursday was one with you arose out of a dispute between a man and wife. Arthur Wm. Cocks, railway porter, of 5 Hulme-street, and Sydney Nicholls, weaver, 9 Adiand-street, for the recovery of a piano and £5 damages for detention, or £35 damages for conversion. Mr. Mossop appeared for Cocks and Mr. Waddington for Nicholls.

Mr. Mossop stated the piano was sold by plaintiff’s wife to the defendant without any authority. The piano was purchased on the biro system. On Oct. 27th last plaintiff after bother with his wife, left home but returned on November 5th. On the following day he missed the piano, and on his questioning his wife left the house. Plaintiff subsequently ascertained the piano was brought by defendant for £15.

Cox denied that the piano was paid for out of the joint earnings – Mrs. Cocks took in lodgers – and that when he left the house he told his wife to sell up.

In answer to his Honour, plaintiff stated the bother with his wife arose through his refusing to take her to drinking places.

His Honour held that the piano was bought by Mrs. Cocks and the children, and therefore he non-suited the plaintiff, he was mulcted in costs.


The Burnley Express and Advertiser September 28th 1918.  

The death in action on September 2nd is reported of Pte. Sydney Nicholls, of the Lancashire Fusiliers, whose wife lives at 28 Keith Street, Gannow, and his mother at 19 Godley-street. Deceased, according to a letter received by his wife, was killed instantly by a bullet in the head and the letter adds that he died like a soldier fighting for the freedom of his country. Deceased, who was 37 years of age, joined up two years since last July, and had been out about 18 months. He was formerly employed at Blakey’s Gannow Shed as a weaver, and attended Rose Grove Wesleyan Church, where his name is on the roll of honour. There are two brothers serving, one of them, Pte. Fred Nicholls, gained the M.M. a short time ago.


Burnley News Saturday October 5th 1918.  

Young Burnley Musician Killed.
Weaver and Collier Casualties.

The many times in which the Lancashires have been mentioned as playing a noble part in the fierce fighting in France and Flanders carries with it an inevitably heavy casualty list. This week it is again I was sad duty to record a number of local losses.

Mrs. Nicholls, 28, Keith Street, Gannow, Burnley, has been informed that her husband, Private Sydney Nicholls, Lancashire Fusiliers, met his death on September 2nd, being shot in the head. The deceased soldier, who was formerly a weaver employed by Messrs. Blakey at their Gannow Shed, joined up in July 1916, and had been in France for a year and a half. He was a member of Rosegrove Wesleyan Church. Private Fred Nicholls, one of two other brothers serving, was awarded the military medal some little time ago.

Burnley Express and Advertiser, September 3rd 1919.

NICHOLLS – In loving memory of Sydney Nicholls,
Killed in action Sept. 2nd. 1918.
May his reward be as great as his sacrifice.
From Sisiter-in-law and Brother-in-law,
213 Accrington-road

Burnley Express and Advertiser January 23rd 1915.


The alleged offensive conduct of a man named Ernest Nicholls, of 37, Sunderland-street, Burnley, on a Burnley tramcar on the journey to Rosegrove on Boxing Day, led to a lively scene, a window on the top deck being smashed. The car was delayed for some considerable time at Cog-lane, and when the facts of the case became fully known to the tramway authorities, proceedings were taken against Nicholls, who appeared before the magistrates on Wednesday.

Asked to plead, defendant, said that he was “not altogether guilty”, and a plea of not guilty was accordingly entered.

Prosecuting. Mr. R. H. Tee said Nicholls was under the influence of drink at the time he boarded the car. He went on top, where there was a man named Greenwood and his wife. Nicholls began to behave offensively, and eventually went up to Mrs. Greenwood and put his arms on her neck. Greenwood thereupon gave the man what in his (Mr. Tee’s) opinion he rightly deserved, and bang his head through the window. Undoubtedly he had great provocation in doing what he did, and the authorities came to the conclusion that Nicholls was the man to be prosecuted. Greenwood was not in court as he was a soldier, and although a summons had been issued for him to appear as a witness, it was not known where he was, and it had not being served.

Defendant, who is 27 years of age, and the weaver, said that he recollected nothing of the whole occurrence beyond the fact that Greenwood caused the disturbance by referring to a past disagreement which existed between the two of them.

Mr. Tee. Don’t you remember your head going through the window?

Defendant; No, it was Greenwood’s hand. (Laughter).

The mayor said the public must be protected against such actions as the defendant had committed. Nicholls would be fined 10s. and costs or 14 days. Time to pay was allowed.


Burnley Express and Advertiser, July 6th 1918.