Record Office
24 June 1923


I am directed to transmit to you the accompanying
British War Medal, Victory Medal
which would have been conferred upon No.13673
Cpl. J. Shorthouse  Dorset Regt.
had he lived, in memory of his services with the
British Forces during the Great War.
In forwarding the Decoration I am commanded
by the King to assure you of His Majesty’s high
appreciation of the services rendered.
I am to request that you will be so good as to
acknowledge the receipt of the Decoration on the
attached form.

I am
Your obedient Servant



File information, Records Office Kew, London 



19 yrs 244 days old, signed for three yrs or duration of war,
occupation, cartman
formerly in  Hussars of the Line No. 17571
Transferred to 3rd Dorset  3-6-1915, No. 13673

Private  3-6-1915
L/cpl     12-6-1915
Cpl       28-9-15
Served France and Flanders

Casualty record
Frostbite   18-12-1915,  transferred to England  26-12-1915
Appendicitus died 29-5-1915

24-4-2016  embarked at Folkestone for 6th Dorset
5-5-1916    proceeded to join 5th entrenchment batallion in field
12-5-2016  joined
26-6-2016  sent to hospital
27-5-2016  appendicitus in field
29-5-1916     died of appendicitis

Personal effects letter received 14-11-1916 by Annie Shorthouse at 7 Pringle Street

Pay separation  8s/1d,  allotment pay  3s/6d to Annie Shorthouse up to 11-7-1916.

Letter about medals 16-6-1916 received by Annie Shorthouse


Service records for Joe Shorthouse from various sources.


Enlisted 2nd. September 1914.
21st. November 1914 transfer to 4th. Reserve Cavalry Regt. Tidmouth.
3rd. June 1915 transfer to 3rd. Dorset Regt. Tidmouth.
Appointed to Lance Rank 12th. June 1915.
Promoted to Corporal Rank 28th. September 1915.
10th. Dec. 1915 admitted PHD Hospital Giza (Egypt), frostbite.
26th. Dec. 1915 AAG to England on HS Assage.

British Armed Forces – Admission and Discharge Book – H.M.H.S. Assaye.
3rd. Dorset Att. 6 R.M.F.  #13673 Shorthouse J., rheumatism.
Transfer 26th Dec 1915 to sick convoy 31st. Dec. 1915, H.S. Britannic.

After his stay in Bootle Aux. Hospital, he rejoined his regiment in England and was shipped to France for the 6th. Dorset rotation.

Embarked Folkstone 21st. April 1916
22nd April 1916, Joined, Etaply, Roll of Reinforcements, 3rd. Echelon M.E.P.
5th. May 1916, proceeded to join 5th. Entrenchment.
12th May 1916,  5th. Entrenchment battery joined.

Admission and Discharge Book 14th. Field Ambulance Hospital
13673 Cpl. Shorthouse J age 21 one year 8 months service, 1 month field, admitted 22nd  May 1916. Transferred 22nd. May 1916 t0 37 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station).





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