Minutes of the Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 9th January 2018 at 6.30 pm in Trimdon Station Methodist Church..
188/17 Present: – Councillors Brian Ferguson (Chairman), Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Margaret Eadsforth, Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, Carole Bell.
189/17 Apologies: – Cllr. Jean Loverance (Work) County Councillor Lucy Hovvels
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were 2 members of the public present.
190/17 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.
191/17 Declaration of Interest: – nil
192/17 Members Dispensations: – none noted
The Clerk advised members that a former Council Chairman and former member of Easington District Council, Mr. George Martin had died. Members agreed to send a letter of condolence to his family and a wreath to his funeral.
193/17 Members sharing of information
Cllr. Brian Ferguson advised members that Cllr. Hovvels had reported street lighting and pot holes to the relevant DCC Department.
Cllr. Gary Elliot asked members if they knew who owned the garage to the rear of Station Road West in front of the school as it appears to be in a dangerous state. A name was suggested who Cllr. Gary Elliot will chase up. If this person is not the owner he will advise the Clerk who will then raise the matter with DCC.
194/17 County Council Report
Cllr. Hovvels had sent her apologies via the Chairman.
195/17 Minutes of monthly meeting held on 12th December2017
The Chairman proposed and Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan seconded deferment of the minutes being accepted.
Cllrs Gary and Gail Elliott both asked why deferment when they believed the minutes to be accurate. Cllr. Bell agreed with a slight amendment that it was the road in front of Sycamore that needed pot hole repair as opposed to the community orchard.
Cllr. Brian Ferguson advised he did not agree with minute 172 and did not make statements referred to in regards to having a Barrister. Cllr Gail Elliott asked if the Clerk confirmed the minute was a true reflection, which he confirmed. Cllr. Brian Ferguson also advised members the issue has now been sent to Parliament for their direct intervention. The Secretary of State and Minister of Justice were both personally advising him and his wife in regards to the standards board complaint made by Cllr. Carole Bell and they would advise him if he needed to stand aside as Chairman whilst the complaint being investigated.
Cllrs. Gary and Gail Elliott both stated they could see no reason why the minutes could not be adopted.
Resolved: – Cllr. Brian Ferguson proposed and Cllr. Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson seconded that the minutes be deferred. Cllr. Gary Elliott proposed and Cllr. Gail Elliott seconded an amendment to adopt the minutes of 12th December with the alteration regarding potholes in sycamore. On put to the vote Cllrs. Gary Elliott, Gail Elliott, Carole Bell and Margaret Eadsforth voted for the amendment and Cllrs Brian Ferguson and Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan Ferguson voted against. This then became the substantive motion and when put to the vote the same result occurred. Minutes with 1 amendment agreed.
Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth left the room 6.53.Cllr. Brian Ferguson suspended the meeting till the return of Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth.
Meeting resumed 6.55 on return of Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth.
Cllr. Gary Elliott then asked to agree both the October and November minutes. Cllr. Brain Ferguson stated he did not wish to accept but defer for the same reason as previously. Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth asked if other members agreed they were accurate. Cllrs. Gary Elliott, Gail Elliott and Carole Bell advised they were. Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth stated she wished to vote for the deferment as she had not read either set of minutes. Cllr. Brian Ferguson ruled the minutes be deferred to the February 2018 meeting. The Clerk gave Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth copies of both October and November 17 minutes.
196/17 Matters for information
Please see separate report attached. Cllr. Carole Bell asked that items remain on the list till formally agreed to remove at Full Council. Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth asked that the list be re-sent to all members.
197/17 Police Report
No Report.
198/17 Public Participation
Members of the public advised they had no issues to raise.
199/17 Correspondence
- Various e-mails circulated to members during the month, none for decision
- Nominations sought for invitation to attend the Royal Garden Party on behalf of CDALC. Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth proposed and Cllr. Brian Ferguson that the Council nominate Cllrs.Brian Ferguson, Maureen Lenehan- Ferguson and Jean Loverance. This was carried.
200/17 Monthly Financial Report.
Members agreed to monthly re-conciliation.
Monthly accounts were presented for payment. Members discussed each invoice. It was agreed all cheques authorised.
201/17 Planning Applications
202/17 Growing Together
Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth asked which organisation would be leading on the Miners Tub Project and also the Samaritan Tree. Cllr. Carole Bell advised they were both Community Projects and the Growing Together Group were leading on behalf of the community. Indeed there is a meeting on the 13th of the group to submit a funding application to HLF for the Samaritan Tree. Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth asked for clarification on the role of the group. This was provided by Cllr. Carole Bell.
203/17 Allotment Agreement.
The Clerk submitted the agreement as amended by Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth.
204/17 MTFP
The Clerk circulated the up to date MTFP. This was formally agreed.
205/17 Precept
Resolved:-It was proposed Cllr. Carole Bell and seconded Cllr. Gary Elliott that the Council Precept for 2018/19 be £62322.26, giving a band D tax base of £174.67. This was agreed.
Cllr Brian Ferguson proposed and Cllr M.Eadsforth seconded that under provision of S1 of the Public Bodies Act 1960 as amended by S100 of the Local Government Act 1972 this council does now exclude the press and public for the remainder of the meeting. This was agreed.
No business was transacted.
Meeting closed at 7.40 pm.
Agreed and Signed by:
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 13th February 2018
Published 2nd March 2018