Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Monday 8th October 2018 at 7.00pm in Trimdon Station Methodist Church
97/18 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell ( Chairman), Gary Elliott, Mike Gilvin, Gail Elliott
98/18 Apologies: – Cllr. J.Loverance.
Both Cllr. L.Hovvels and Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk in attendance.
There was 3 members of the public present.
99/18 Notice of motion
The Notice of Motion to call the meeting was proposed by Cllr. G.Elliott and seconded Cllr. M.Gilvin This was carried.
100/18 Declaration of Interest.
101/18 Chairman’s Report
Cllr. Carole Bell welcomed everyone to the meeting. She reported on meetings she had attended of the Friends of Deaf Hill School. The group are organising a sponsored Colour Run on 10th November. They are also exploring funding to cover a synthetic ice rink as part of their Christmas events. She requested the Clerk/Cllr. Hovvels to chase up filling salt bins across the Parish and especially the Cemetery where the bin is both broken and empty. She had met Jeff Talbot from DCC in regards to the Community orchard and they are to replace all plants lost.
102/18 Member sharing of Information
- Several members commented on the recent publicity in regards to an incident attended by the Police in Windsor Square. The reports state within our Parish when in fact the street is in Trimdon Village
- Gilvin reported on a meeting of the Community Action Group he had attended. Members agreed to sponsor/organise a Litter Poster Competition if the School are in agreement. Clerk to chase up. In regards to the suggestion of boards on roadside asking cars to slow down, members felt further information is required. Cllr. Gilvin agreed to report back to the group Councils views.
- Gary Elliott raised the issue of dog dirt. Clerk to obtain a sign from DCC, have it blown up and Cllr. Gary Elliott agreed to erect them around the Parish
103/18 Police and Warden Report.
No officers present
104/18 County Councillor Report
Cllr. Hovvels reported on the following:-
- She had that afternoon met with NHS England to discuss Public Health Budget for the County and possible cuts. She came from the meeting feeling hopeful
- School places, primary registration up to 15th January 2019 and Secondary 31st January 2019
- County Council have appointed 50 apprentices
- Bin crews have been attacked, Respect Project launched
- AAPs across the County have had 25 projects supported at a cost of £2.4 million matched funded to a tune of £127 million
- World Mental Health Day 10th October
105/18 Public Participation
106/18 Minutes of the Monthly meeting held on 11th September 2018
Resolved:- It was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott and carried that the minutes of the above meetings be accepted as a true record.
107/18 Matters Arising
Members requested an update report on all outstanding matters:-
- A request has been sent to DCC for a meeting to discuss litter bins.
- Letter sent to CDALC advising Council do not have a Renumeration Policy for TFPC
- No funding has arrived from Sustrans, Clerk to chase up
- DCC have agreed to replace the rose beds at Malvern Crescent with heathers late October
- Allotment inspection has resulted in 1 letter being sent to a tenant asking him to improve the state of the allotment before 22nd October as per tenancy agreement
- DCC advising they are not awarding Neighbourhood Funding for the Samaritan Tree as it is in situ
- Fire Hydrants, Fire Brigade have laid signs down and reported to DCC for attention. Nothing done by DCC to date, Cllr. Hovvels agreed to chase up
- No contact from Standards Board
- No response from PCVC in regards to his offer of £5000 towards CCTV. Clerk to chase up
108/18 Correspondence
All members acknowledged receipt of e-mails regarding correspondence and on issues raised.
- Weekly maintenance reports from Scott Ellwood re work undertaken
- E-mail from Holme Housing requesting a meeting to discuss land at the bottom of May Crescent, agreed to meet
- Letter from Royal Mail advising they do not deliver Scam mail. Letter received
- Notification of CDALC Annual meeting 20th October
- Trimdon Parish Council new e-mail
- Advert for outdoor gyms, received
109/18 NIB Results
Cllr. Bell advised the Parish had received Siler Gilt in the 2018 Competition. Judges comments discussed by Council and actions to be taken.
110/18 Monthly Financial transactions
Accounts agreed, see Appendix 1
111/18 6 Monthly Financial Review
The clerk circulated copies of the 6 month report to members. It was agreed to begin setting the 2019 Budget at the November meeting, Clerk to prepare report.
112/18 Planning Application
113/18 Charity Return
Clerk advised he had submitted the Annual Return and also Closed the Charity. No reply from Charity Commission to any of Councils letters. Agreed matter be closed.
114/18 External Auditors Report
Clerk presented a report which included the Auditors report and request for action.
Resolved:- Clerk to undertake all the recommendations made by Auditor and to write to them with outcome of Actions taken.
115/18 Clerk Report
The Clerk presented a report on the arrangements for the forthcoming events and also the resurfacing of Cemetery footpaths. Members requested quotes be obtained for 6 new seats in the Cemetery and 1 Noticeboard.
Resolved:- To accept the report as circulated.
116/18 Newsletter
Draft articles have been prepared. It was agreed to circulate draft.
117/18 Website
It was agreed to set up a meeting with DCC to review current site/contract
118/18 Heritage Trail
Members considered the progress of the above. The DCC grant has stalled until confirmation from County Asset team that the project may proceed. It was agreed to write to the Heritage Trail Gronup and request a joint meeting to discuss future of the project.
Exclusion of Press and public was agreed, under S1 of the Public Bodies Act.
No items discussed.
Meeting finished 8.45pm
Agreed and Signed by:
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 13th November 2018
Page added 17th October 2018