Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th April 2018 at 6.30 pm in Trimdon Station Methodist Church.

 1/18 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell ( Chairman), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, Mike Gilvin.

2/18 Apologies: – Cllrs. Jean Loverance (work) Brian Ferguson and Maureen Lenehan -Ferguson (illness) County Councillor Lucy Hovvels on holiday.
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were 2 members of the public present.

3/18 Notice of motion
The Notice of Motion to call the meeting was proposed  by Cllr. G.Elliott and seconded G.Elliott. This was carried.

4/18 Declaration of Interest.

5/18 Member sharing of Information

6/18 Police and Warden Report.
No officers present, they had advised the Clerk they would submit a written report to this meeting and attend all future ones. No written report has been received.

7/18 Minutes of the Monthly meeting held on 20th March 2018, Special meeting 20th March and Annual Assembly.
Members considered all 3 sets of minutes. No matters were referred to Council from Annual Assembly.
Resolved:- It was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott and carried that the minutes of the above meetings be accepted as a true record.

8/18 Matters Arising
Members of Council considered the MOI Sheet, the following items being highlighted:-

  1. Rear of Furness Terrace. Members expressed concern at the increasing fly tipping in this area. Agreed to refer matter to Cllr. Hovvels as it is seen as a county matter.
  2. Garage rear of Station Road West. DCC have via both Building Control and Environmental Health  stated they have contacted the owners, and the garage is repaired. Members expressed concern at this report and asked both the Clerk to raise the issue of safety with the DDFA and Cllr. Hovvels to take up in her County Councillor role.
  3. Awaiting response regarding installing Commonwealth Grave Signage from the Church. Cllr. Lucy Hovvels advised of the current British Legion Silent Soldier Campaign. Cllr. Gilvin supplied details of the project.
  4. A meeting has taken place with Brian Weatherall from DCC regarding the Heritage Trail Drainage. Cllr. Hovvels to be requested to chase up as an urgent matter.
  5. Rear of Windsor Street, letter of complaint naming this street as a problem. The resident concerned has contacted the Clerk and Cllr. Gary Elliott and will undertake work on repair. Matter to be monitored.
  6. Leaning headstone. Family have not responded. It was agreed to place a laminated sign on the stone advising it will be laid down by 15th May if not repaired.
  7. Unfinished Pathway 5-6 Windsor Gardens. Cllr. Carole Bell reported on a meeting held earlier in the day when clean and green team stated the path will be repaired.
  8. Concern was again expressed regarding the fly tipping on the heritage trail. Cllr. Hovvels to be asked to chase up County officers regarding this and clarify the issue of land ownership. Cllr. Carole Bell advised she is also submitting funding bids for this area also.
  9. The Clerk advised the disputed land at Windsor Street, he had found a document from the former Easington District Council confirming Parish Council ownership.
  10. Standards Board, they have been advised Council have signed and agreed minutes. Re mediation offer to facilitate made to relevant members.
  11. Clerk advised Cllr. Ferguson had spoken to him and will return Parish property in his possession to the Council and also those given to him  by Mrs. Eadsforth. Cllr. Ferguson had advised the Clerk at this time both he and Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan Ferguson would not be attending meetings due to their ill health. Members agreed Clerk write to them both offering any help or assistance that Council can give.
  12. Rats rear of Luke Street, matter resolved
  13. No reply from DCC regarding drainage issues at Deaf Hill School. Referred to Cllr. Hovvels for her to investigate why no response.
  14. Clerk advised S.E.Landscapes have confirmed agreement to Contract Renewal.
  15. No reply from the Church regarding war grave signs.
  16. DCC have agreed to supply a list of all bins they empty on our behalf to enable resolution on the Invoice for litter picking.


  1. Chairman’s Report

Cllr. Carole Bell reported on the Tub unveiling ceremony. The event had been extremely successful and well received by most of the residents. There had been items placed on Facebook expressing views that the Council had refused to allow the banner group permission to do a similar project on land adjacent to the Noticeboard. She had replied advising no request had been made  to the Parish Council. To date no response made. Members agreed to write to all involved thanking them for their help with the event.

Cllr. Bell briefly referred to the meeting with Dean Henry and colleagues regarding siting of Hanging Basket Trees. Regarding the Samaritan Tree, it will now go on land next to the Noticeboard. Cllr. Bell is meeting AAP on 11th to confirm funding.

Cllr. Gail Elliott referred to the meeting earlier and suggested land to the side of Malvern Crescent be added to clean up programme. Clerk to chase up. It was also suggested this could be a project for the school.

Cllr. Carole Bell also referred to the NIB visit on the 24th. Taxi booked via Cllr. Gary Elliott, Clerk has ordered food. Dean Henry had confirmed DCC will undertake litter picking/check of route. Cllr. Carole Bell will confirm route and prepare portfolio.

10/18 Public Participation
Mrs. Christine Carter advised a resident is to be 100 on 15th June. Chairman to visit her and take flowers on behalf of Council to congratulate this achievement.

11/18 Review of Council Polices/Assurance/Audit
The Clerk presented timetable for agreeing the above. To conform with the Audit Process it would be necessary to bring forward may meeting to allow all relevant documents to be sent to Internal Auditor.
Resolved:- It was prosed Cllr. Gary Elliot and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott to bring the may meeting forward to Tuesday 8th May 2018. This was agreed.

12/18  Correspondence

  1. Cllr. Jude Grant had sent copies of letters she had sent to the PCVC Ron Hogg in regards to Flashing Speed Signs. Members agreed to support her project but to also request via PCVC the introduction of Community Speed Control Group as in other community’s.
  2. Norther Powergrid requesting details of power supplied to St. Pauls. It was agreed Clerk liaise with the owners.
  3. Request from Scott Memorial regarding a stone facing down the bank. This was agreed. Cllr. Gary Elliott raised an issues regarding the cement around a recently installed memorial. Clerk to chase up with relevant company. ( M.Storey)
  4. Invite to a meeting to discuss Ribbon of Poppies Project to be held on 25th April. Chairman and Clerk to attend.
  5. GDPR training 25TH April 5.15pm in County Hall. Agreed Cllr. Gilvin and Clerk to attend.


13/18 Member/Officer Reimbursement/Claims Policy
The Clerk presented a draft Policy in regards to the above.
Resolved: Moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott to agree and implement policy. This was agreed.

14/18  Monthly Financial Transactions.
Monthly report presented.

  1. The monthly invoices were approved for payment (see Appendix1)
  2. Annual ICO Registration Contract received.


The Chairman advised Cllr. Gary Elliott had purchased on behalf of the Council keys for the allotment/memorial ground but had lost the receipt. It was agreed on this occasion to reimburse him for this at a cost of £53.

15/18 Reserve Policy
Members considered a draft Policy submitted by the Clerk.
Resolved:- Moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott the Reserve Policy be adopted. This was carried.

16/18 Items to be deposited into County Archive
 The Clerk advised he had reviewed documents currently in his possession on behalf of the Council, some dating back to 1899.
Resolved:- It was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott that 29 items be deposited into DCC Archives for safe keeping (list attached to minutes). This was agreed.

17/18 Financial Regulations
Resolved:- It was proposed Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott to endorse the current Financial Regulations for the forthcoming year.

18/18 Section 137 Limits
NALC have advised the amount for 2018/19 has been set  by Government at £7.86 pence per elector which equates to a maximum of £6500 for the coming year.

19/18 Resolution to exclude Press and Public.
This was agreed.

20.18 Charity Commission
The Chairman and Clerk gave an in-depth report on the recent communications with the Charity Commission and recommendation to call an extraordinary general meeting to recommend it be dissolved and all property be transferred to the Parish Council
Resolved:- It was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott to hold an Extraordinary General meeting at 6.30pm on 8th May to recommend the Charity be dissolved and its property be transferred to the Trimdon Foundry Parish Council. This was agreed.

21/18 CCTV
Members had earlier met with the CDS Security to discuss their quote. Certain alterations to the quote were made, a new quote to be supplied.

22/18 Dates of future meetings and events
Members agreed not to take forward Scarecrow Competition.

May meeting to be Tuesday 8th May 2018
June meeting to be 19th June 2018
July meeting to be 3rd July 2018
No meetings in August.
Remembrance Service to be Sunday 11th November 2018
Christmas Light Switch, to be held on Saturday 1st December 2018
Garden Competition to be held July/August.


23/18 Planning Applications
None submitted.


Agreed and Signed by:

Chairman of Parish Council meeting held  8th May  2018


Page added 19th April 2018