Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 13th November 2018 at 6.30pm in May Crescent Community House.
119/18 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell ( Chairman), Gary Elliott, Mike Gilvin, Gail Elliott, Jean Loverance.
120/18 Apologies: –
Both Cllr. L.Hovvels and Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk in attendance.
There was 2 members of the public present.
121/18 Notice of motion
The Notice of Motion to call the meeting was proposed by Cllr. G.Elliott and seconded Cllr. M.Gilvin This was carried.
122/18 Declaration of Interest.
123/18 Chairman’s Report
Cllr. Carole Bell welcomed everyone to the meeting. She reported on the following:-
- Friends of Deaf Hill School colour run has been postponed due to lack of numbers
- Friends of Deaf Hill failed to attract the funding for the ice rink for 1/12/18
- Deaf Hill School Christmas Fayre will be held on 7th December 2018
- Litter and particularly glass in memorial ground. Clerk has chased up DCC to remove.
- She reported on the feedback via social media regarding Skerne Medical Practice. A general discussion took place amongst members who agreed to await outcome of Consultation Events before formal commenting
- She had held discussions with Deaf Hill School regarding ‘Green Finger ‘Project. She is exploring funding for a polytunnel. Clerk to arrange a meeting with Liz Charles, Durham Community Action to take forward. A general discussion took place regarding the future of the Community Orchard. It was agreed to review in a years’ time.
- She referred to the fire on land at the bottom of May Crescent 5th November. She and members expressed concern at this event and the fact that it has put in jeopardy any project for this area
- She reported on the recent vandalism at the Chapel. All members expressed both concern and sadness at theses acts and offered support to the chapel community.
124/18 Member sharing of Information
All items covered by Agenda.
125/18 Police and Warden Report.
No officers present
126/18 County Councillor Report
Cllr. Hovvels reported on the following:-
- She advised of issues due to care of horses
- Top shop footpath being looked at by DCC
- She had been delighted to attend a ceremony in London to receive the Veteran Gold Award from Earl of Wessex on behalf of DCC
- She referred to the issues of Wellfield School being raised at DCC cabinet on 14th November
- She had recently opened a new Housing Development in Wheatly Hill
- She referred members to the Fire Stopper Scheme.
127/18 Public Participation
128/18 Minutes of the Monthly meeting held on 8th October 2018
Resolved:- It was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott and carried that the minutes of the above meetings be accepted as a true record.
129/18 Matters Arising
See Appendix A.
The following decisions were made:
- An allotment tenant given 1 months’ notice to improve his allotment and fencing has failed to undertake this. It was agreed to give 7 days’ notice of lease termination
- Further letter to be sent to Deaf Hill School asking for confirmation of them participating in Litter Competition
- Roses from Malvern Crescent have been removed and replaced with heathers
- Website meeting to be 30th November 4pm
- Cllrs. Bell and Gail Elliott will review the litter bins and report back to December meeting. Reduction contract for 1 weekly collection with DCC to be agreed and signed off
- In regards to dog fouling signs. Cllr. Mike Gilvin asked if dog bags could be provided again. It was agreed not to purchase/provide same
- Outstanding grave has been backfilled, item closed
- External Audit, item closed
- Concern expressed by hydrant removal. Cllr. Hovvels to follow up
- Standards Board, item to be closed
- Bulbs all planted, item closed
- Thinford invoice, agreed to pay, item closed
- No quote for noticeboard from Just Wood, Wood Company at Wheatley Hill suggested for a quote
- Remembrance Service very successful, item closed
130/18 Correspondence
All members acknowledged receipt of e-mails regarding correspondence and on issues raised.
- Heritage trail, DCC asking for a map of area requested for Trail .Same to be provided. Also letter from Friends of heritage trail asking for DCC to clear land. Cllr. Hovvels to arrange a meeting with relevant officers.
- Letter from Sustran advising refund for half of fee agreed.
- Tree Week, agreed to apply. Cllr. M.Gilvin to work with Clerk on submission
- NIB. To be placed on December agenda.
131/18 Review of Cemetery Policy
Resolved:-Cllr. Bell proposed and Cllr. G.Elliott seconded re-adoption of Cemetery Policy.
132/18 Cemetery Improvement Report
Cllr. Gary Elliott reported on the current footpath renewal. It is on target for project to be completed within the next fortnight. Members agreed to the purchase of 6 seats to go into the cemetery as previously agreed at the site visit.
133/18 CCTV Review
Cllr. Gilvin gave a report on the recent meeting with the Police to discuss CCTV. Meeting with Vipauk arranged for 22nd November, 4pm to look at site. Members also asked to look at Uwatch site to see the roving cameras suggested by Police.
134/18 Heritage report
Cllr. Gary Elliot reported on the recent meeting of the group.
135/18 Angels and Kings event
Clerk gave an update of the event to be held on 1st December. Members agreed roles for the day.
136/18 Monthly Financial transactions
Accounts agreed, see Appendix 2
CDALC notifying 2019 membership fee to be 16.99 pence per elector
Resolved: On a proposal by Cllr. C.Bell seconded by Cllr. G.Elliott that Burial fees and Allotment rental to remain as current. This was agreed.
Clerk to prepare draft budget for 2019/20 Civic year based on MTFP projects previously identified.
137/18 Allotment
Cllrs. Advised an allotment has fencing broken and laid down at the end. It was agreed to write giving tenant 28 days to repair or replace as per tenancy agreement.
138/18 Planning Application
Exclusion of Press and public was agreed, under S1 of the Public Bodies Act.
140/18 Charity
Clerk reported on correspondence from Charity Commission regarding land ownership. Resolved Clerk obtain report from Land Registry.
Meeting finished 9.05pm
Agreed and Signed by:
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 11th December 2018
Page added 21st November 2018