** Draft Copy to be approved
Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th December 2018 at 6.30pm in May Crescent Community House.

142/18 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell ( Chairman), Gary Elliott, Mike Gilvin, Gail Elliott, Jean Loverance.

143/18 Apologies: – Cllr. L.Hovvels, B.Ferguson, M.L.Ferguson.

Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk in attendance.
There were 2 members of the public present.

144/18 Notice of motion
The Notice of Motion to call the meeting was proposed by Cllr. G.Elliott and seconded Cllr. M.Gilvin This was carried.

145/18 Declaration of Interest.
Cllr. C.Bell in regards to recruitment of new Clerk as she will be considering applying for post.

146/18 Chairman’s Report
Cllr. Carole Bell welcomed everyone to the meeting. She reported on the following:-
1. Due to Health and Safety reasons the need to cancel the light switch on event. She had received positive comments from residents as to the need to cancel. Members discussed the loss of income to Robert Cooper Fairground rides. It was agreed as a goodwill gesture to send £300 as compensation for loss of income

147/18 Member sharing of Information
All items covered by Agenda.

148/18 Police and Warden Report.
No officers present, however Cllr Bell gave an update from a report sent to her:
9 Anti-Social behaviour incidents,4 Burglaires,4 Criminal Damage,2 Car thefts. Crime up over the year by 39% however in November down.

149/18 County Councillor Report
Cllr. Hovvels was not present

150/18 Public Participation

151/18 Minutes of the Monthly meeting held on 13th November 2018
Resolved:- It was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott and carried that the minutes of the above meetings be accepted as a true record,.

152/18 Matters Arising
See Appendix A.
The following decisions were made:
1. The advisory letter has been sent to the family of a headstone needing repairing
2. It was agreed to defer a decision on the outstanding allotment given 28 days’ notice to improve until January meeting
3. Various weekly reports from S.E.Landscapes
4. 2018/19 Register of electors received
5. Christmas Bin Collection dates received
6. Notification of funding to celebrate Armed Forces Day
7. DCC Local Charter review, received
8. No reply from resident regarding their parents grave. Legal advise has been sought by Clerk from CDALC/NALC
9. Change of email address for Trimdon Parish Council
10. Formal notification of Sustran returning 50% of the amount paid for feasibility study that had not completed remit
11. DCC asking for update on Heritage Trail Project, update given by Clerk
12. Sign Off by DCC regarding Community orchard Funding
13. Notification salt bin in Cemetery has been replaced by DCC
14. Cars continue to park on junction at Station Road. Agreed to raise again with the Police and to request yellow lines via Cllr. Hovvels
15. Litter Competition awaiting winning entry from school so it may be copied and distributed across the Parish
16. Allotment in regards to cancelling tenancy. Agreed due to extend time to undertake repairs to March 31st 2019,and if not done tenancy to be cancelled
17. NALC circulation advising of Local Council General Powers

153/18 Correspondence
All members acknowledged receipt of e-mails regarding correspondence and on issues raised.

154/18 Report from Smaller Council Forum
Cllr. M.Gilvin reported on the recent meeting. Discussion took place at the meeting in regards to future role/forum nationally for smaller councils, NALC AGM had taken place but poor uptake due to cost. They also spoke about Renumeration for members and Expense claims. Cllr. Gilvin gave members a copy of the current rates for Councillor Renumeration. The Clerk presented current policy and advised members 2017 Council declined payment.
Resolved:- Not to claim member renumeration and to re- adopt current Council policy.

155/18 Cemetery Improvement Report
Cllr. Gary Elliott reported on the completion of the footpaths, the environment work to commence week beginning 17th December. The 6 new seats have been installed Cllr. Bell on behalf of the Council thanked both Cllr. Mr and Mrs Elliott for the work they have done on this project. It was agreed Clerk obtain a ‘No Vehicles beyond this point ’ sign for gates to protect the footpaths from vehicles.

Cllr. Bell gave a presentation of the drawings and costings submitted by artist. Members agreed to meet with the artist and take the water feature project forward. Cllr. Bell confirmed the artist has stated it will be within the proposed budget of £6/7000. Members agreed not to go out to tender as this was an extension to the Good Samaritan Tree and it would seem more appropriate to use the same artist. This was agreed.

A meeting with the artist to be arranged in January. Project is allocated to 2019/20 as part of MTFP

156/18 Litter bins
Cllr. Bell gave a presentation on the review she and Cllr. Gail Elliott had done in regards to litter bins in the Parish. The Clerk reported on the latest letter from DCC regarding current bill. It was agreed Clerk combine both reports into one and circulate to members. Clerk to arrange a meeting with DCC in early January to discuss same.

Cllr. Bell had received a complaint regarding litter bins not being emptied, so had the clerk. Clerk had contacted Mr. S.Foster at DCC who said bins had been emptied. It was agreed Clerk obtain form DCC what day of the week they empty Parish bins for monitoring purposes.

157/18 Report on Durham Community Action AGM
Clerk gave a report on the above meeting. Nothing specific relating to Parish raised.

158/18Website report
Cllr. Gilvin gave a report on a meeting he and the Clerk had attended with DCC. He has become the Council Webmaster and will mange the site. He is to have further training via DCC. He proposed the clerk arrange a meeting in January to discuss refreshing the content of the site. This was agreed.

159/18 Playground report
Clerk presented DCC report on the playgrounds. Some minor work was required and undertaken by DCC as part of the contract.

160/18 St. Pauls Annual inspection
Smiths of Derby have undertaken the annual maintenance and inspection of the church clock. Nothing specific was reported.

161/18 Royal Garden Party
It was resolved to nominate Cllr. M.Gilvin and Cllr. C.Bell to CDALC for consideration for attendance.

162/18 CCTV Review
Cllr. Bell advised members she had set the Uwatch cameras up but they only print pictures not show recording. Clerk to contact company to gain clarification of this. Regarding VIPER deferred until January meeting for further consideration as Cllr. Bell advised if Uwatch works they mat be more effective than CCTV cameras.

163/18 Monthly Financial transactions
Accounts agreed, see Appendix 2

A special meeting to be held 8th January to discuss and set precept and MTFP

164/18 Planning Application

165/18 Resignation/Recruitment of Parish Clerk
Cllr. Bell declared an interest on the grounds she may wish to apply for the post.

The Clerk presented his suggested timetable. He had also taken advise in regards to Councillors becoming the Parish Clerk which he advised members of. Members discussed the situation and agreed the timetable as presented. Job description/advert to be discussed 8th January and post advertised 14th January 2019.

Exclusion of Press and public was agreed, under S1 of the Public Bodies Act.

166/18 Charity
Land Registry request clearly identified all land at memorial ground belongs to TFPC. Charity Commission to be advised accordingly.

167/18 Environment Contract
Agreed a special meeting be called to discuss the new contract prior to meeting S.E.Landscapes. It was agreed Clerk contact Thinford Nursery to ascertain what plants have been ordered for the Parish.

Meeting finished 9.05pm

Agreed and Signed by:

Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 8th January 2019



Page added 19th December 2018