Trimdon Foundry Parish Council
Annual Account Support Statement 31st March 2018
Overall View
The Council accounts are compiled using RIALTAS. This has produced all the necessary information required.
The accounts are audited by the Council Internal Auditor Mr. Gordon Fletcher.
The Council continues to work actively with groups in the Community and would thank them for their support. Partnerships have been forges with Deaf Hill School and its friends, both Community Centres, Growing Forward Together Environment Group and Heritage Trail group. Many thanks to our County Councillors for their continued support.
Fixed assets.
At 31st March the assets held were as listed in the appendix. The basis of these valuations of these assets is historical wherever possible, insurance value or replacement value as appropriate. This excludes the Cemetery land, village greens which are valued at £1.
Current Assets
Current Account stands at £22,045.17 and Investment Account at £122,828.25. A combined total of £144,873.42.
Nil. However we do rent 48 allotments to parishioners.
Reserve Policy.
The Council has formally adopted a Reserve Policy, copy attached to appendix.
Planned Policy spending due in 2018
Footpaths £50,000
Drainage Heritage Trail £10,000
CCTV/Play area £10,000.
Members also have a policy to hold 75% of the Annual precept in Reserve. They are concerned that the funding came from the sale of the former Sextons home attached to the Cemetery. There is also concern that in the next 5 years there is a possibility they will need to purchase additional land to create a extension to the Cemetery.
Section 137 Payments
This is a total of £6626.
£6065 in grants to local groups, both Community Associations, Karate Club and Methodist Church. £576 was used to maintain the village clock and funeral flowers for a former Chairman.
Agency work
The Council have produced 2 newsletters. They have commissioned Durham County Council to develop a website linked to DCC site and have an annual maintenance agreement. They also use the local village website, Trimdon Times. The Council also has its own Facebook page.
Pension-Durham County pension Scheme
The Clerk was accepted into the scheme April 2018. Council is registered with the pension regulator.
John Robinson
Parish Clerk
1st April 2018.
Associated pages:
Audit Notice 2018
Documents: (PDF format)
Annual Return 2017-18 final
Summary Receipts and Payments for Year Ended 31st March 2018 Final
Page added 19th June 2018