Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th September 2018 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community House. 

75/18 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell ( Chairman), Gary Elliott, Mike Gilvin, Jean Loverance.

76/18 Apologies: – Cllrs. Gail Elliott, County Councillor Lucy Hovvels.
 Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There was 2 members of the public present.

77/18 Notice of motion
The Notice of Motion to call the meeting was proposed  by Cllr. G.Elliott and seconded J.Loverance. This was carried.

78/18 Declaration of Interest.
 Cllr Gary Elliott in regards to drainage.

79/18 Chairman’s Report
Cllr. Carole Bell welcomed everyone back from summer recess and looked forward to the coming months events. The presentation for Best Garden Competition is to be held on Monday 8th October. It was agreed to bring the October meeting forward 1 day to follow immediately after this.

80/18 Member sharing of Information

  1. Allotment to the rear of 7 Luke Street requires attention. Members agreed to implement Council Policy and give 28 days for improvement.
  2. Members wished a letter be sent to Mr. Brian Booth for the support he had given in the recent clean up operation. Members also commented on the support given by 2 young people on the same day. Mrs. C.Carter agreed to provide the contact details.
  3. Members expressed concern at the dangerous state of fire hydrants. The Clerk advised both Cllr Hovvels and he had followed this up with DCC with no joy. Agreed Clerk chase up via Chief Fire officer


81/18 Police and Warden Report.
No officers present

82/18 County Councillor Report
Cllr. Hovvels had submitted her apologies 

83/18 Public Participation

85/18 Minutes of the Monthly meeting held on 3rd July 2018
Resolved:- It was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott and carried that the minutes of the above meetings be accepted as a true record,.

86/18 Matters Arising
Members requested an update report on all outstanding matters:-

  1. Members had all received training dates from CDALC and agreed received
  2. ICO officer attending Newton Aycliffe 17th September, received
  3. Section 106 Bid has been submitted and an acknowledgment e-mail from DCC
  4. No resident in Nattress Terrace has replied to CCTV letter.
  5. DCC advised Council horse in Laburnum Crescent has been removed
  6. Correspondence from Police in regards to Speed Watch role out
  7. DCC advising fly tipping rear of Wood View cleaned up
  8. DCC advising Proludic have provided part for repair to the Play area
  9. Insurance company have confirmed the water supply is covered under Public Liability.
  10. Note of additional work requested from S.E.Landscapes agreed. Outstanding issues to be raised at review meeting.
  11. No reply from Police regarding parking issues at the top of Station Road.
  12. Chairman reported on the Summer Judging Visit from NIB and thanked all involved
  13. No reply from Standards Board regarding member mediation. Agreed to write asking for an update
  14. Road markings in front of St. Pauls Church have been done by DCC
  15. Clerk confirmed he had supplied the additional information requested by DCC in regards to application for funding towards work on Heritage trail
  16. Clerk confirmed he had completed County Durham Foundation and DCC Community orchard completion reports
  17. Agreed meeting be arranged with DCC to review Litter Bins
  18. Thank you note from DCC Archives for information given regarding cemetery and what date it officially opened
  19. No progress in regards to roses being replaced at Malvern Crescent, letter to be sent to DCC asking for an update
  20. Confirmation Spring Bulbs has been despatched. Clerk advised S.E.Landscapes have them and asked to plant ASAP
  21. Letter sent to Home housing re land adjacent to May Crescent, no reply, agreed to close file


87/18 Correspondence
All members acknowledged receipt of e-mails regarding correspondence and on issues raised.

  1. Several CRM case numbers from DCC received regarding issues raised by either Cllr. Hovvels or Clerk
  2. Dates for forthcoming Cuppa with a Copper Sessions
  3. CDALC advising Councillors cannot become Council employees until 2 years after they stop being an elected member.
  4. CDALC advising DCC Renumeration Panel are to meet shortly and request for information on members Renumeration Scheme for TFPC. To reply advising no members paid.
  5. DCC Monitoring Officer advising the outcome of the Ledbury Case.


88/18 Monthly Financial transactions
Accounts agreed, see Appendix 1

DCC have also written asking for Councils to begin MTFP and Funding Plans for 2019/20. They advised the Council grant will reduce by £600. Agreed October meeting focus on Financial matters and other items to be deferred to November unless urgent.

89/18 Planning Application

90/18 Clerks Holiday Policy
Clerk presented a draft Policy.
Resolved :- To adopt the Policy as of 1st October 2018, moved Cllr. G.Elliott and seconded by Cllr .C.Bell

91/18 Clerk Report
The Clerk presented a report on the arrangements for the forthcoming events

  1. Unveiling of Samaritan tree
  2. Remembrance Service
  3. Christmas Light Switch on

Resolved:- To accept the report as circulated.

92/18 Newsletter
Draft articles have been prepared. It was agreed to circulate the draft once NIB results are known

93/18 Website
It was agreed to set up a meeting with DCC to review current site/contract

94/18 AAP Board meeting
Clerk gave a report on the recent meeting. An e-mail from AAP asking for expressions of interest in being member substitute discussed. No members wished to be considered

Exclusion of Press and public was agreed, under S1 of the Public Bodies Act.

95/18 Renewal of Cemetery Footpaths
Work to commence end of September

96/18 Drainage
Cllr. G.Elliott advised the work has been completed and Invoice paid earlier in the meeting.



Meeting finished  7.20pm

Agreed and Signed by:
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held  8th October 2018



Page added 8th October 2018