Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd July 2018 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community House.
55/18 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell ( Chairman), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, Mike Gilvin, Brian Ferguson, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson.
56/18 Apologies: – Cllrs. Jean Loverance (work)
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There was 1 member of the public present.
57/18 Notice of motion
The Notice of Motion to call the meeting was proposed by Cllr. G.Elliott and seconded G.Elliott. This was carried.
58/18 Declaration of Interest.
Cllr. Mike Gilvin declared an interest in regards to Section 137 grants. Cllrs Gary and Gail Elliott in regards to drainage.
59/18 Chairman’s Report
- She wished to advise members she had received a complaint regarding damage of a flower vase in the cemetery. Complaint noted.
- She expressed concern at the standard of grass cutting at the orchard and the damage done. She will raise the issue at the next meeting with the environmental contractor. It was agreed the Clerk write to County Council and advise them not to cut the grass in this area as our own contractor is contracted to undertake same.
60/18 Member sharing of Information
- Grit Bin at Cemetery is broken and so is the hydrant sign at Malvern Crescent. Clerk to report both to DCC.
61/18 Members dispensation
Nil. The dispensation granted to Cllr Brian Ferguson and Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson at the last meeting will now no longer be required as they have attended this meeting.
62/18 Police and Warden Report.
No officers present
63/18 County Councillor Report
Cllr. Hovvels reported the following:-
- There are 624 food outlets in the County
- County Plan is now out for consultation
- She had followed up all items as requested. She will report back on them at next meeting
- Police Crime Panel AGM held recently, Annual report tabled
- Health and Wellbeing Board Annual meeting this week
- She raised the issue of Home Housing stopping the use of the green for resident/community activity. It was agreed the Clerk write expressing the Councils disappointment and hope that in the light of this Home Housing will ensure it is kept clean, tidy and grass cut.
- She tabled a copy of all spending undertaken by her over the last 4 years across the Ward using members funds
64/18 Public Participation
65/18 Minutes of the Monthly meeting held on 19th June 2018 and Special meeting held 5th June 2018
Resolved:- It was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott and carried that the minutes of the above meetings be accepted as a true record, with he addition that Cllr. Mike Gilvin had declared an interest in the Section 137 applications.
66/18 Matters Arising
Members of Council note it was only 2 weeks since previous meeting and therefore no matters arising have been concluded. To be placed on next meeting Agenda.
67/18 Annual Accounts
The Clerk advised the accounts were submitted by recorded delivery and on time.
68/18 Correspondence
1: Groundwork Community Awards, to considered over recess
2: NALC and SLCC newsletters, received
3: CDALC training dates, received
69/18 Monthly Financial transactions
Accounts agreed, see Appendix 1
70/18 Planning Application
Exclusion of Press and public was agreed, under S1 of the Public Bodies Act.
71/18 Renewal of Cemetery Footpaths
Still awaiting DCC revised quote plus 1 further company, agreed matter be dealt with after growing Forward Together meeting on 6th July 2018
72/18 Renewal of Environmental Contract.
Members expressed concern that despite the meeting held last week the quality of planting/plants/lack of conformation to contract had not improved. Agreed to invite contractor to Growing Forward Together meeting.
73/18 Drainage Quote
1 quote has been submitted. Clerk to check the accuracy and report back to Growing Forward Together meeting.
74/18 NWA Cemetery
A report was given off the site visit held earlier with NW and responsibility for pipes outside of the Cemetery. Agreed the Clerk obtain a quote from Came and Company to see if it covered this area before any decision is made.
Meeting finished 7.10pm
Agreed and Signed by:
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 12th September 2018
Page added 5th September 2018