Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 19th June 2018 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community House. 

33/18 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell ( Chairman), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, Mike Gilvin.

34/18 Apologies: – Cllrs. Jean Loverance (work)  County Councillor Lucy Hovvels (work)
 Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were no members of the public present.

35/18 Notice of motion
The Notice of Motion to call the meeting was proposed  by Cllr. G.Elliott and seconded G.Elliott. This was carried.

36/18 Declaration of Interest.

37/18 Chairman’s Report

  1. She wished to advise members of yet another fire behind the row of houses next to the Top Shop. It was agreed to write to residents requesting removal of any rubbish behind their home in the area and to be vigilant in regards to arson attempts.


38/18 Member sharing of Information

  1. Concern was expressed in regards to road safety at the T junction at the end of Station Road. Residents are parking directly on the corner of the junction blocking driver and pedestrian views. Matter to be raised with Police
  2. It was agreed contractor be asked to straighten up the seat at Rodwell Street, now hanging trees are in situ
  3. Litter bin on Thornley road needed and planter to be moved slightly to be more in line and improve road safety.
  4. NWA meeting needs to be addressed, Clerk advised 3rd July 2018
  5. S.E.Landscapes who have renovated the old seats be asked to site 2 in Cemetery, 2 in the Orchard and 1 on Fish Shop Corner
  6. DCC to be contacted to repair water hydrant sign in front of Memorial Ground that is broken
  7. Cllr. Elliott has placed the broken item from the playground inside the locked area for safety. Clerk to chase up DCC/Proludic
  8. Rear of Windsor Street major dumping. Cllr. Hovvels to be asked to deal with asap
  9. DCC be asked to repair broken grit bin at Beech Grove corner.


39/18 Members dispensation
Members considered the non-attendance of both Cllr. B.Ferguson and Cllr.M. Lenehan -Ferguson. The Clerk advised July non attendance would mean automatic disqualification for both.

Resolved:- It was proposed Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott that a 3 month dispensation be granted for both members to allow for any illness to be considered/resolved. This was carried. The Dispensation will end after the October Parish Council meeting.

40/18 Police and Warden Report.
No officers present

41/18 County Councillor Report
No member present.

42/18 Public Participation

43/18 Minutes of the Monthly meeting held on 8th May 2018

Resolved:- It was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott and carried that the minutes of the above meeting be accepted as a true record.

44/18 Matters Arising
Members of Council considered the MOI Sheet, the following items being highlighted:-

  1. It was agreed to erect both silhouettes on the Memorial Gates now as opposing to wait till November
  2. Flooding memorial Ground onto adjacent land, agreed to ask for an update from Cllr. Hovvels
  3. Litter Bin meeting, to be re-arranged for 1pm Thursday 28th June 2018 with DCC. Cllrs. Bell, Gail Elliot and Gilvin to attend. Clerk circulated both list/plan of litter bin siting.
  4. EON Community Fund. Offer of funding accepted but need copies of drawings for the proposed Heritage Tree. Cllr. Bell has arranged a meeting 20th June with sculptor, after which she will supply same to the Clerk
  5. Neighbourhood Renewal application. Funding Team DCC awaiting drawings as 44/18/d.
  6. Neighbourhood Funding application for Heritage Trail. DCC appraisal team requesting additional information. This the Clerk has provided.
  7. St. Pauls Church. Agreed not to reinstate the lighting, but to have it inspected as requested by national Grid only. Clerk to arrange.
  8. CCTV. Still no reply from CDS with additional quote. Agreed to set up a further meeting with Crime Prevention Team.
  9. Query raised by resident of St. Pauls Church frontage regarding marking in front of their property car park area. Note from DCC matter received but nothing further. Cllr. Hovvels be asked to take further. FS27922823
  10. Durham4 Community, to be received.
  11. Confirmation in writing DCC chasing up defect play area piece with Proludic. Clerk to follow up.
  12. Letter rom Officers at DCC ALL our fly tipping reports have been completed and removed
  13. Issue of breach of Gov. domain, has been resolved and up and running.
  14. E-mail update from PCSO Foreman over decrease in incidents reported. Letter of congratulations and support to be sent.
  15. Wingate Nature Reserve, DCC advise matter resolved
  16. Clerk confirmed no response/communication form Cllr. Brian or Maureen Ferguson. Nothing back from Standards Board either.


45/18 Annual Accounts

The Clerk advised the Public Notice for Inspection began Monday 18gth June 2018 and will cease 27th ++July. Now minutes of Special meeting agreed all documents will be submitted to External Auditor. The Clerk advised a transcribing error in 2017 Accounts had meant the re-stating of the Asset Register as the figure transcribed was the same as the year before and did not reflect true figure. The members noted and agreed to this action.

46.18 Correspondence

  1. Request to sponsor a seat in the Durham Pitman’s Parliament at Redhills at a cost of £100.

Resolved: proposed Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott to sponsor 1 seat. This was carried.

2.Seafarers, asking groups to Fly the Flag on Navy Day 3rd September. Received as we have no flag post.

  1. Letter from resident asking why we had removed her flower barrel. Members agreed to apologise and return same. They had been removed for repair and we had been advised no one had accepted ownership. Barrel to be returned.
  2. Letter from Registrar re a missing burial green form. Registrar advised not our Cemetery.


47/18 Smaller Council Forum.
Cllr.M. Gilvin gave a report on the recent meeting which focused on GDPR

48/18 EDRC Local Council Committee
Forthcoming meeting cancelled. TFPC to host next one.

49/18 NIB Judging
The Chairman advised the Summer judging will be Thursday 19th July at 2pm. An action plan was devised, this to be circulated to members.

50/18 Autumn/Christmas Events
The Clerk gave a verbal report on the update of these. Clerk to circulate written report to members for their file.

51/18 Section 137 Applications.
Members considered all the applications for this year’s grants.
Resolved: Proposed Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott, (Cllr. M.Gilvin declared an interest), that:

Deaf Hill Regeneration Partnership £2000
Trimdon Station Methodist Church £1500 to complete window replacement
May Crescent Community House £2000
Community Garden £600.

All applications conditional to a full submission on what funding to be spent on.
This was carried.

52/18 Financial Transactions.
The monthly invoices were approved for payment (see Appendix1)

53/18 Renewal of Cemetery Footpaths
Still awaiting DCC revise quote, remaining 2 on file. Cllr. Elliott is to meet a further 2 companies on Saturday. In regards to drainage, again Cllr. Gary Elliott to meet 2 contractors.

54/18 Renewal of Environmental Contract.
Members expressed concern at the quality of planting/plants/lack of conformation to contract. Agreed to invite contractor to next monthly meeting to discuss these concerns.


Meeting finished 8.43pm

Agreed and Signed by:


Chairman of Parish Council meeting held  3rd July  2018


Page added 23rd June 2018