Minutes of the  Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th November 2017 at 6.30 pm in Trimdon Station Methodist Church..

135/17 Present: – Councillors Brian Ferguson (Chairman), Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson,  Margaret Eadsforth, Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, Carole Bell.

136/17 Apologies: – Cllr. Jean Loverance (Work)
County Councillor Lucy Hovvels was in attendance.
 Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were 2 members of the public present.

137/17 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.

138/17 Declaration of Interest: – nil

139/17 Members Dispensations: – none noted

140/17 Members sharing of information

  1. Cllr. Gary Elliot expressed concern at the 3 green fencing pieces removed from the memorial ground. The Clerk advised it has been reported to the police and 2 letters have been sent to dcc for their advice and assistance in their replacement.
    Resolved; Moved Cllr. Gary Elliot and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott the clerk obtain quotes from external providers for the next meeting.
  2. Cllr Carole Bell expressed concern at the broken lock/barrier behind the top shop and illegal dumping. It was proposed Cllr. Carole Bell and seconded by Cllr. Gail Elliot clerk to write to residents of Nattress Terrace re. the incident asking if they have seen any anti-social behaviour and reminding them not to use area for dumping of rubbish. Clerk also agreed to request neighbourhood wardens of dcc to use their cover cctv surveillance camera.
  3. Cllr Carole Bell reported on dog fouling near the school. Cllr Lucy Hovvels advised she has this matter in hand. Any information members have on specific cases Cllr. Hovvels agreed to follow up with fine enforcement team.
  4. Cllr Margaret Eadsforth reported on a number of leaflets she had obtained and available from her.
  5. Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth asked that members agree to obtaining prices to finish off disabled access to the Bowling Green Play area. This was agreed.


141/17 County Council Report

Cllr. Hovvels reported on the following:-

  1. She had attended the recent meeting organised by the MP regarding Anti-Social behaviour and reported on the discussions.
  2.  She will supply the Clerk with a map of the Parish to map out dog bins and look at where future bins be sited
  3. She is to arrange for the dog fouling team to visit the school on an educational visit
  4. Lumiere preview to be held 15th November
  5. Clean and Green Team to work on Watson Terrace
  6. She had attended a meeting at Wellfield School to look at future developments of the school and bids are being collated for funding to expand the school at a projected cost of £998,000


142/17 Minutes of monthly meeting held on 3rd October 2017
The Chairman advised he had taken advise and to adopt the minutes of the October meeting would be illegal as this would be action against the Law of Tort. He wished a named vote take place. Cllr Carole Bell, Gary Elliott  and Gail Elliott expressed they could see nothing wrong with adopting the minutes as they were a true record of the meeting. Cllr. Eadsforth agreed the minutes were accurate but if it would be illegal to accept them she felt she must seconded the Chairman’s motion.

Resolved: – on a motion proposed by Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth the minute adoption be deferred was carried on the following basis those voting for Cllr’s Brian Ferguson, Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth and Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson, those against Cllr. Carole Bell, Cllr Gary and Gail Elliott, the motion was then agreed and minutes deferred on the Chairman’s casting vote.

Cllr. Brian Ferguson asked for an explanation from the Clerk as to the cancelling of the Finance meeting due to be held on 31st October 2017. The Clerk advised he had tried to contact him but the Chairman’s e-mail apparently had been corrupted so not received. He had cancelled the meeting as only the Chairman could attend and therefore would not be quorate. The Chairman advised he had  as a result of the cancellation added a Finance meeting to follow immediately after Full Council. Cllr’s Carole Bell and Gary Elliot asked that the two meetings be combined to enable all members to participated. Cllr. Eadsforth agreed. The Chairman therefore agreed to the two meetings being combined on this occasion. 

143/17 Matters for information
See appendix 1 updated information report

144/17 Police Report
The Clerk advised Ron Hogg’s Secretary had sent a link for members to obtain Police information directly. The link to be circulated to members. 

145/17 Public Participation

146/17 AAP Report
The Clerk reported on the recent AAP Board meeting. The main issues raised were the DCC MTP and Anti-Social Behaviour. A copy of DCC slides at the meeting on file. AAP have a total of £28000 for Youth Projects in this financial year.

147/17 CDALC AGM
Clerk advised he had attended on behalf of the Council and submitted both Chairman and Vice Chairman apologies. Copy of CDALC Annual Report on file. He had also attended the SLCC Annual General meeting.

Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson left the meeting due to ill health.

148/17 GDPA Training
Both Cllr. Eadsforth and the Clerk reported on the training session they had attended in regards to the Act due to be on statute in May 2018. More information to follow early 2018.

149/17 AAP Parish Liaison meeting.
The Chairman reported on a recent meeting of the above group which he chairs. The main topic on the agenda was a presentation by Mr. Paul Darby on the County Council MTP.

150/17 Member contact sheet
Cllr. Eadsforth requested members be re-issued with the Members Contact sheet. Clerk agreed to undertake same.

151/17 Correspondence

  1. Various e-mails circulated to members during the month, none for decision
  2. Request by Mr. Mercer regarding planting of tubs in front of Toban Street. Clerk to write to DCC and ask if they will plant as they belong to DCC
  3. Letter from Mrs. Bell in regards to the state of the seats in the cemetery. Clerk to obtain costs from Environment Contractor for renovating all seats in the Cemetery. Cllr. Eadsforth suggested Clerk contact the CREE Group at Deaf Hill Community Centre to see if it is a project they would be interested in.
  4. Smaller Council Forum Agenda for meeting to be held on 23rd November. meeting to focus on Allotments. Chairman as delegate to attend.
  5. National Tree Charter, Cllr. Carole Bell agreed to forward onto Community Orchard team.


152/17 Minutes and Report of Growing Forward Together
Cllr. Carole Bell advised members that the group had been nominated and shortlisted for the 2017 DCC Environmental Awards and 4 members would be attending the Awards Ceremony on the 24th November. Members congratulated the group on this achievement. The Clerk advised DCC had authorised and licensed the planting of the bulbs along the road verge as suggested by the group. Cllr. Gail Elliott asked that bulbs be planted in-between the 6 flowering cherry trees near the cemetery. She also commented on the need for the DCC to cut the grass in this area.

153/17 Heritage project
Cllr Carole Bell advised that a local business has agreed to sponsor the project in kind as opposed to financial contribution.

154/17 Website
Cllr Carole Bell expressed concern that she had tried to access the website but failed. The Clerk advised he had had similar problems. However the Chairman advised he had had no problems accessing the site and other members of the public had advised him they also had no such issues. The Clerk advised he had arranged a training session with DCC prior to the December meeting to cover access and also for those wishing to be webmasters. This action was agreed. Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth reported a presentation she had seen from Debbie Barron on Cyber Attacks on behalf of the Police. She suggested she organise an event at May Crescent to include the Cyber presentation for the general public.

155/17 Christmas Events
A report from the Clerk was presented and agreed. Costing enclosed in the report were also agreed for payment. Cllr Carole Bell advised she was liaising with the school and Santa and Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth agreed to be Santa’s ‘Elf’ Clerk to circulate a event action sheet to members.

Cllr Eadsforth asked members to consider a cake stall and asked members to volunteer to provide cakes. Cllr Bell, Gary Elliott and Gail Elliott felt this was inappropriate as members were already heavily involved in other activities for the event. Cllr Brian Ferguson proposed and Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth seconded that a cake stall be provided. On an named vote the motion fell with Cllr. Brian Ferguson and Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth voting for and Cllrs Carole Bell, Gary Elliott and Gail Elliot voting against.

156/17Orchard Report
No report 

157/17 Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth advised she had placed this on the agenda to request she be added to the group membership.

158/17 Newsletter
The Clerk advised he had a number of articles written by himself, Cllr Carole Bell and Cllr. Lucy Hovvels. It was agreed draft newsletter be circulated by 19th November to members for comment. Alterations if required to be made by 20th November and then sent to print. Cllr Margaret Eadsforth agreed to deliver same 27th and 28th November.

159/17 Remembrance Service
The Clerk presented a report on the event. Report agreed.

160/17 Monthly Financial Report.
Members agreed to monthly re-conciliation. The Clerk advised that in accordance with members decision at the last meeting he had written formally to the Charity Commission submitted this year’s statement of accounts and formally closed the Charity. He also advised on behalf of Council he had re-registered with the Pension Regulator.

Monthly accounts were presented for payment. It was agreed all cheques authorised.

161/17 Planning Applications

Cllr Brian Ferguson proposed and Cllr M.Eadsforth seconded that under provision of S1 of the Public Bodies Act 1960 as amended by S100 of the Local Government Act 1972 this council does now exclude the press and public for the remainder of the meeting. This was agreed.


162/17 Cemetery Report
Members considered an update report by the Clerk in regards to the Sexton Contract. Cllr. Gary Elliott proposed and Cllr Gail Elliott seconded that the sub-contractor currently digging graves and attending internments work with the Council finish 4th December, and that S.E.Landscapes ltd, the Council Environmental Contractor commence this work as of 5th December. Undertakers to be informed accordingly. This was carried.

The annual review of Cemetery Charges was considered. It was agreed no change to charges and that the gravedigging/purchasing fee be combined as the Council will be arranging both. This was proposed Cllr Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott and carried.

Cllr. Brain Ferguson presented a report he had undertaken using the current Council owned documents in regards to land ownership. Report noted. Cllr. Ferguson agreed to return documents to be sent to County Archives.

163/17 Allotments
It was reported that Cllr Gary Elliott had arranged for the allotment to be prepared for a lock up to go on site to store Council equipment/gazebos. The fencing was also in situ. Tenders had been obtained for the provision of the lock up. It was proposed Cllr Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr. Gail Elliott that the quote from Parsons Containers of Sedgefield be accepted and that Cllr Gary Elliott visit the company to ensure the lock up quoted for, especially the locking system, is as required by Council this was agreed. Details of quotes recorded in Council Tender register.

A request from Mr. Cooper of Trimdon Village to be accepted onto the waiting list was refused on the grounds he does not live in the Parish.

Cllr Margaret Eadsforth advised it had been her request that members be given a copy of the Tenancy Agreement. In the light of  GDPA changes it was agreed members consider any alterations they wish to make to the Agreement for the December meeting when the matter will be discussed.

Members agreed under the Annual Review process that allotment fees for 2018/19 remain as it is.

It was also agreed on a proposal by Cllr Gary Elliott and seconded by Cllr Gail Elliott an article be added to the forthcoming Newsletter inviting members of the public to apply for allotments.

164/17 Members IT
The Clerk presented a report to the meeting in regards to the above, including costings as recorded in Tender Register. Cllr Margaret Eadsforth advised she was in support of the lap top provision and commented on the work of the cheapest tenderer, Lanes System Limited, quoting Bodies/Companies they work with. Cllrs Carole Bell and Gail Elliott advised they preferred ipads/tablets. It was agreed Cllrs Carole Bell, Margaret Eadsforth and the Clerk meet to discuss specification followed by a meeting with Lane Systems to discuss the provision of IT equipment for members prior to the next meeting and report back before any decisions made. Cllr Carole Bell agreed to provide her availability for the coming weeks to enable the meeting to be arranged.



Meeting closed at 10.10pm.


Agreed and Signed by:

Chairman of Parish Council meeting held  12th December 2017


Published 2nd March 2018