Minutes of a meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th January 2017 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.

193/16 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman) Gail Elliot, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance.

194/16 Apologies: – Cllrs. Margaret Eadsforth, Lucy Hovvels, Maurice Nichols
In attendance was PCSO D. Weston.
 Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were 2 members of the public present.

195/16 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.

196/16 Declaration of Interest: – nil

197/16 Members Dispensations: – no noted

198/16 Public Participation: – nil

199/16 Chairman’s Report: – The Chairman advised members the issues blocking the release of £3000 Neighbourhood Funding had now been resolved. New Signage and tubs are to be installed with the support of DCC Clean and Green Team.

200/16 To approve minutes of meeting held on 13th December 2016.
Resolved: – It was moved Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. M. Lenehan-Ferguson to accept and approve the minutes and resolutions of the above meeting.

201/16 Annual Precept for the Civic Year 2017/`8.
Members considered the report submitted by the Clerk.
Resolved: – On a motion proposed by Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson to request a precept of £60068. 

202/16 Police Report
PCSO Weston reported since the last meeting there had been 55 reported incidents including 6 burglaries,1 vehicle crime and 1 criminal damage. The Chairman asked for update on the recent arsons/thefts, which PCSO gave a limited response due to service restraints.

203/16 Matters of information

  1. Dog signs on the memorial ground have been ordered and will be in place before the next meeting.
  2. Updated Electoral Role was received
  3. Awaiting a reply from Cllr. Nichols regarding flooding in Purvis Terrace
  4. Council nominees for Royal Garden Party have been submitted
  5. Allotment 35 has been accepted. Agreed as only 3 months left of this financial year not to charge any rent. Cllr. Gail Elliot and Carole Bell to undertake inspection visit in February of all allotments.

Resolved: – To note items of information.

204/16 County Councillor Report

205/16 Correspondence for information only

  1. NEPACS request for funding, refused as not a local body
  2. Heritage Trail reply from DCC advising the steps in their opinion are safe. The Clean and Green Team have tidied up the trail. Clarification of land ownership to e undertaken by DCC
  3. DCC advising election candidates will be able to use public buildings during the election for free
  4. Clerk advised he had received a large invoice from DCC for litter picking. He has challenged the invoice and awaiting a reply.
  5. It’s up to You report on Summer judging.
  6. Trimdon outreach officer asking for hotspots were youth workers could meet and work with young people. Agreed to suggest memorial ground.
  7. Tree week grant has been approved and trees ordered.
  8. Letter of thanks for village improvements from a resident, J. Brown.

Resolved: – To receive same.

206/16 Meeting re Patchwork Gardens.
The Chairman advised she and the Clerk had met with the County Officer dealing with this project. She had given leads for residents who could offer support, leads to be followed up. The Orchard project in Sycamore Terrace will be explored further.

207/16 Memory Clinic.
Cllr. Loverance reported the uptake within the Parish remains poor.
Resolved: – not to proceed with the project in the future.

208/16 Heritage Trail Report
No report as the group has not met due to Christmas Recess.

209/16 Monthly Transactions and Bank Reconciliation.
The Clerk presented the monthly Bank Reconciliation and monthly Transactions (appendix 1).
Members expressed concern that Avenue Builders had not supplied any detailed information on work undertaken.

Resolved: – On a proposal by Cllr. Brain Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan Ferguson, it was agreed to: –

  1. Accept bank Reconciliation
  2. Authorise payments except for Avenue Builders
  3. Clerk to write to Avenue Builders requesting full details of work undertaken.


210/16 MTFP
The Clerk presented the updated MTFP and responded to member’s queries.
Resolved: – It was prosed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson and carried to adopt the 2017 to 2020 MTFP

211/16 Planning Applications

212/16 Exclusion of Press and public
Resolution to excluded the press and public was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Ferguson to exclude the press and public, this was carried.

213/16 CCTV project
An update on the bid to provide CCTV.
Resolved: – Clerk to arrange a meeting with DCC and Police to discuss contract specifications.

214/16 Environmental Contractors.
Meetings with prospective contractors to be held Saturday 21st January.
The meeting closed at 7.05pm.

Agreed and Signed by: –

Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 14th February 2017

Please note these are draft minutes and may be altered before adoption.