Minutes of a meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th February 2017 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.
215/16 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman) Gail Elliot, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance.
216/16 Apologies: – Cllrs. Margaret Eadsforth, Lucy Hovvels, Maurice Nichols, PCSO Weston.
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were 2 members of the public present.
217/16 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Margaret Eadsforth that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.
218/16 Declaration of Interest: – nil
219/16 Members Dispensations: – no noted
220/16 Public Participation:
The Treasurer of the Friends of the Heritage Trail gave a brief report on the meeting held that day. Groundwork had presented their initial draft report with costings, which he supplied the meeting. Cllr. B. Ferguson had also been liaising with the HSE and had arranged for an additional survey of the area to be undertaken by Mr. Porter on behalf of HSE. DCC had advised there are parts of the trail not in their ownership. A meeting has been requested with DCC to confirm ownership. The Chairman thanked him for his report and the continued work of the group on behalf of the Parish.
221/16 Presentation by Mrs. Susan Coulson Head of Housing DCC
The Chairman welcomed Mrs. Coulson to the meeting who gave a report on her departments work with landlords and the Landlord Charter. She advised the accreditation by private landlords is a voluntary scheme and in the Trimdon area 9 are accredited. She advised at this time there is little DCC may do in regards to enforcement with private landlords. Mrs. Coulson then answered members queries. Cllr. Lenehan Ferguson advised members the law is changing and greater powers are to be given to Councils to deal with landlords. The Chairman thanks Mrs. Coulson for her input to the meeting.
222/16 Chairman’s Report:
The Chairman advised members of the following:-
- Confirmation has been received from DCC that the signage scheme has now been signed off and therefore the paths funding of £3000 will be realised.
- She expressed disappointment at the lack of Police input to the Council especially in the light of the numerous recent arsons
- The replacement environmental company tenders are to be dealt with in exempt matters
- NIB Launch day is 1st March if any members wished to attend, please advise the Clerk to enable a place at the meeting/catering to be booked
- Clerk to liaise with Clean and Green Team for a environment meeting.
223/16 Police Report
No report submitted.
224/16 To approve minutes of meeting held on 10th January 2017.
Resolved: – It was moved Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. M. Lenehan-Ferguson to accept and approve the minutes and resolutions of the above meeting.
225/16 Matters of information
- Various circulation e-mails had been circulated during the month to members for information only
- S106 e-mail. Clerk advised Cllr. Eadsforth outside of the meeting had requested DCC be approached to enquire on when the Parish amount will be available to apply for. This has been done
- Confirmation in writing Signs Scheme monitoring has been accepted
- No reply to date from Environmental Health in regards to the state of 20 May Crescent
- No reply from DCC in regards to leasing/purchasing the land to the rear of Sycamore Crescent
- Confirmation Deaf Hill Community Centre has been registered as a valuable community asset
- Confirmation none of our nominees to attend the Royal Garden Party
- Nothing to date from DCC in regards to councils challenge to litter bill.
Resolved: – To note items of information.
226/16 County Councillor Report
227/16 Correspondence for information only
- Notification that external audit fee to be £300
- Notification that the DCC garden collection scheme fee to be £25 per annum
- Notification Parish Election to be called 20th march 2017
- Letter of thanks from Karate Club for donation.
- Trimdon Station Community Association minutes
- Smaller Council Forum 16th February at Shildon.
Resolved: – To receive same.
228/16 Report of AAP Board meeting
The Chairman advised she and the Clerk had attended the recent AAP Board and raised the issue of ASB/Arson with the Community Inspector who had agreed to raise the issues at Police HQ and report back to Council.
Resolved: – to accept and note the report and await the police reply.
229/16 Heritage Trail Report
Cllr. Brian Ferguson reported on the Friends meeting held that day attended by Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson, the Clerk and himself. He confirmed the report given by the member of the public under public participation and confirmed he was working with HSE and Mr. Porter to undertake a further assessment. He reiterated the need to confirm land ownership. Included in the Groundwork Report was an amount estimated to resolve the drainage issues on phase 3.
Resolved:- It was proposed and agreed that a meeting be held with Groundwork to discuss this phase 3 element. This was proposed Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded Cllr C.Bell.
230/16 Monthly Transactions and Bank Reconciliation.
The Clerk presented the monthly Bank Reconciliation and monthly Transactions (appendix 1).
The Chairman advised the meeting that Cllr. Gary Elliott had examined the work record submitted by Avenue Builders and he had recommended the invoices be paid.
The Clerk advised DCC had accepted the Precept submission as agreed by members giving a total of £69,887 income, including precept and grant.
Resolved: – On a proposal by Cllr. Brain Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan Ferguson, it was agreed to: –
- Accept bank Reconciliation
- Authorise payments as per appendix 1.
231/16 Neighbourhood Plan
It was agreed to defer the public meeting to establish the working party till after the May elections, and to set a meeting date in June.
232/16 Planning Applications
233/16 Exclusion of Press and public
Resolution to excluded the press and public was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Ferguson to exclude the press and public, this was carried.
234/16 Environmental Services
2 tenders to provide environmental services had been submitted by the closing time, Sustain had declined to tender.
Resolved: – To call a Special meeting of Council to interview both companies on 21st February at 6pm to evaluate tenders and appoint .
235/16 CCTV Quote
The Clerk advised DCC had awarded £3000 from Cllr. Nichols Neighbourhood Funding towards the CCTV project subject to a quote being forwarded to them of the work to be undertaken. He had in agreement with the Chairman obtained a quote from CDS.
Resolved:- To forward the CDS quote to DCC and to obtain further quotes.
Meetings with prospective contractors to be held Saturday 21st January.
236/16 Inspection of Cemetery.
The Chairman reported to members on the recent visit Cllrs. Elliot, Elliot and herself accompanied by the Clerk.
Resolved:- On a proposal by Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Lenehan Ferguson and carried
- Cllrs. G and G. Elliott meet with the neighbours to discuss car parking
- Clerk to accept quote form DCC Clean and Green Team of £100 to repair pot holes.
Agreed and Signed by: –
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 14th March 2017