Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 16th May 2017 at 7.15 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.

25/17 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman) Gail Elliot, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance, Margaret Eadsforth

26/17 Apologies: – Cllr. Maurice Nichols, PCSO Weston.
County Councillor Lucy Hovvels was in attendance.
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were 3 members of the public present.

27/17 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.

28/17 Declaration of Interest: – nil

29/17 Members Dispensations: – no noted

30/17 Election of Chairman.
At this point, Cllr. Bell advised members she did not wish to be re-elected to the post.
Cllr. B. Ferguson was nominated by Cllr. M.Eadsforth and seconded by Cllr. J. Loverance and duly elected as Chairman for the 2017/18 Civic Year. He then signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

31/17 Election of Vice Chairman.
At this point, Cllr. Elliott advised the meeting she did not wish to be elected as Vice Chairman.
Cllr. J. Loverance proposed and Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson proposed Cllr. M.Eadsforth and she was duly elected as Vice Chairman.
Cllr. J. Loverance left the meeting at this point.

32/17 Election of Finance Committee/Signatories
It was proposed Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson and seconded Cllr. M.Eadsforth that Cllrs. B. Ferguson, Cllr. M.Eadsforth and Cllr. C.Bell be both Finance Committee and Signatories. This was carried. Clerk to obtain relevant change of signatory forms.

33/17 Election of Internal Committees/Lead members
Chairman advised none required.

34/17 Election to |Outside Bodies
AAP Observers, Cllr M. Eadsforth and Cllr. B. Ferguson
AAP Council Forum Cllr. M.Eadsforth (Clerk as observer only)
Smaller Council Forum Cllr. M.Eadsforth and Cllr. B. Ferguson (Clerk as observer only)
Neighbourhood Plan Cllrs. C.Bell and Gail Elliott
Heritage Trail Cllrs G and G. Elliot

35/17 Issues from Annual Assembly

36/17 Public Participation

37/17 County Councillor Report
Given to Annual Assembly

37/17 Minutes of Full Council held11th April 2017
Resolved: – On a proposal by Cllr. Bell and seconded by Cllr Elliott the minutes were accepted. Cllr. Eadsforth advised members she had enrolled Council in Membership of Sport It, and had applied to Sport England for funding. She is meeting with Sported to establish what support they can give to the Council and report back to June meeting for endorsement. The issue of Public Liability in regards to the project to be resolved by her.

38/17 Matters for Information
The Clerk reported on the following

  1. Confirmation of Crime Prevention meeting held on 9th May
  2. Church warden has replied advising ground maintenance of Churchyard is a DCC matter. Agreed to refer matter onto DCC
  3. Letter sent to DCC re Clare Hubbard, reply thanking Council
  4. No reply from letter to PCC R.Hogg, letter agreed at Annual Assembly to be actioned
  5. Friends of Heritage Group have supplied their Constitution
  6. Letter sent to School regarding Armed Forces Grant
  7. Still awaiting DCC repairing pot holes at Cemetery car park
  8. No reply as yet from either DCC or Holme Housing over Landownership of Sycamore Terrace
  9. No reply from DCC regarding Challenged Invoice

Resolved: To note report and actions undertaken. 

39/17 Correspondence for information only
Various e-mails circulated by Clerk from DCC/CDALC.
Resolved: – To receive same.

40/17 Correspondence for decision

  1. Nominations for County Volunteer award, none made
  2. Scarecrow Competition to join in with Trimdon Parish Council and to have 1st,2nd,3rd Prizes and a combined School/Business Award.
  3. SLCC and Audit Training on 19th June and 19th July, Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk to attend
  4. CAB request for funding, agreed to seek more information on numbers of residents of the Parish who have used the service.


41/17 Monthly Transactions and Bank Reconciliation.
The Clerk presented the monthly Bank Reconciliation and noted no invoices for payment (appendix 1). Payments authorised and cheques signed.

 A discussion also took place regarding the risks associated with holding all Deposit income in a single account. It was proposed Cllr. Bell and seconded Cllr. G.Elliott and carried that the Clerk investigate the best deal he can from other banks in regards to interest rates and transfer £75.000 as soon as possible. Matter to be raised at Finance meeting on 6th June.

42/17 Timescale for Annual Audit
Clerk presented a report to members on the Annual Audit Process. This was accepted.

43/17 Annual Audit
The Clerk presented members with the Annual Account Report for 2016/17. Members noted the report and agreed to its content.
Resolved:- To agree the Accounts as presented and pass them onto the Internal Auditor. Once report from Internal Auditor is known then report to be considered by Finance Committee prior to Full Council.

44/17 Planning Applications

45/17 Exclusion of Press and public
Not required



Agreed and Signed by:

Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 13th June 2017