Minutes of the Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th July 2017 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.
73/17 Present: – Councillors Brian Ferguson (Chairman), Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance, Margaret Eadsforth
74/17 Apologies: – Cllrs. Gail and Gary Elliott, PCSO Weston.
County Councillor Lucy Hovvels was in attendance.
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were 3 members of the public present.
Before commencing the meting the Chairman called for a 2-minute silence in memory of Cllr. Maurice Nichols who recently died.
75/17 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.
76/17 Declaration of Interest: – nil
77/17 Members Dispensations: – no noted
78/17 Chairman’s Remarks
Cllr. Brian Ferguson reported on the following: –
a. He had recently attended the Trimdon Grange Health Initiative meeting and found it very useful.
b. He had attended the Small Council Forum were new Officers were elected following County elections
c. He had visited the Cemetery and felt a 2-year improvement programme was needed including renewing all footpaths
He thanked Cllr. Hovvels for all the road improvements around the Parish.
79/17 Bright Water Project
Mr. Jim Cokerell, Director of Brightwater, gave a presentation on the work his groups are to undertake from 2018 along the River Skerne route and adjoining land. Reference was made to the funding, and it is from Heritage Lottery with a 3-million-pound budget. Members asked questions in regard to land within the Parish and specific reference to the Heritage Trail. Mr. Cokerell advised his body would be keen to work with the Council on the project and he would keep in touch with the Council on a regular basis. The Chairman thanked him for his input.
80/17 Police and Warden Report
No Police were present having submitted their apologies. Members were concerned that no reply has been received from the PCC Ron Hogg and agreed a further letter be sent asking him to meet members at Police Headquarters as this may be easier to arrange than him attending a Council meeting.
81/17 Minutes of monthly meeting held on 13th June 2017
The minutes of the above were considered for adoption
Resolved: – on a motion proposed by Cllr. Eadsforth and seconded by Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson the minutes were agreed.
82/17 Minutes of Special meeting held on 28th June 2017
The minutes of the above were considered for adoption.
Resolved: – on a motion proposed by Cllr. Eadsforth and seconded by Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson the minutes were agreed.
83/17 Matters of information
CCTV advise, still awaiting report from Peterlee Police
St. Pauls Churchyard, complaint referred to DCC who own the land to clean up. No reply as of yet.
DCC request re allotments, information provided
£500 sent to Deaf Hill School, no acknowledgement/receipt received. However, event took place and very successful
DCC still not undertaken filling in pot holes at Cemetery, further request sent
Awaiting feedback re style
Awaiting reply from groundwork re drainage quote for Heritage trail phase 3
Heritage Trail awaiting in reply re paths over road
Heritage Trail awaiting reply from DCC re definitive land ownership
Clerk has been requested to submit a Project brief to Planners by August to enable them to assess if Planning Permission is needed.
84/17 Public Participation
85/17 County Councillor Report
Cllr. Hovvels began her report by referring to the sad death of her colleague Cllr. Nichols. A man she not only counted as a colleague but a good friend.
It is now 10 years since smoking in public had been brought in and continues to be successful
DCC now have several new apps, Music, Baby and Noise
She has donated £1000 to the orchard Project
She has followed up Councils concern regarding the footpath adjacent to the Top Shop
Armed Forces Day had been excellent across the County
She briefly referred to the recent Teaching Assistant ballot
Closure of Trimdon Surgery the effects of which she is closely monitoring
Meeting with Ron Hogg she will also take up with him directly
She gave details of several upcoming road closures
DCC are to make £41 million cuts by 2020
86/17 Council Programme
Resolved: – On a proposal by Cllr. Bell and seconded by Cllr Eadsforth that the Council will meet 2nd Tuesday of the month apart from August which is recess.
87/17 Business Plan and MTFP
Cllr. Eadsforth proposed and Cllr. Ferguson seconded a special meeting be held on Tuesday 5th September to formulate both the 4-year Business Plan and MTFP for the Council. This was agreed.
88/17 Correspondence for information only
a. Various e-mails circulated via e-mail to members, nothing raised from same
b. Members were reminded of Training dates on offer from CDALC. Members also asked to submit to the Clerk dates of any training attended since 1st January 2016 for Councillor records.
c. E-mail from Cllr. Bell advising, she had informed Football Team of playing field post code
d. Various e-mails from Cllr. Hovvels and Ferguson re allotment plot and plants therein
e. NALC new Legal topics
f. Letter of thanks from Luncheon Club for their donation
Resolved: – To receive same.
89/17 Correspondence for decision
a. CDALC asking members to consider the future funding of their Chief Executive. Options include funding from current CDALC balances for 3 years, or to increase County levy.
Resolved: – It was prosed Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Eadsforth to agree to initially taking amount from balances and to increase levy post this period. This was carried.
90/17 Memorial Ground Project.
Cllr. Eadsforth reported on a meeting she had held with Annett Docherty from Trimdon Community College in regard to a Summer Play scheme across all of the Trimdons. She recommended members donate £500 towards the project. Cllr. Bell asked if further information was available in regard to costings, insurance, venues, and a business plan for the project in general.
Resolved: – It was prosed Cllr. Bell and seconded Cllr. Ferguson, that whilst supportive of the project to defer any donation and to ask Mrs. Docherty organiser to the next Council meeting in September. It was also as a result of this agreed to defer decisions on any S137 grant till September Finance meeting.
Cllr. Eadsforth also advised she had affiliated the Council to Sport It.
91/17 Scarecrow Report
The Clerk tabled a report on the competition this year. Prizes had been presented before the meeting to runner up groups by the Chairman and he is to attend Deaf Hill School on Friday to present them with their winner’s prize. The Clerk had recommended that a meeting be held 3rd April 2018 to organise the 2018 event.
Members also made their own comments on the event.
Resolved: – To accept the Clerks report and to hold a meeting on 3rd April 2018 to organise the 2018 vent. This was proposed by Cllr. Bell and seconded Cllr. Eadsforth.
92/17 Heritage Report.
The Clerk tabled a written report on the Project to date. Cllr. Bell gave a verbal report o the recent meeting. The group are to undertake a review of progress to date and produce an action plan at the next meeting. The Clerk and Secretary of the group are as reported earlier to prepare a report of the project for the DCC planners.
Resolved: – To accept both written and oral report
93/17 Website
A report was tabled for members of the update situation. Cllr. Bell gave a verbal report to supplement same. Members agreed to consider if they wished to be the named administrator with the Clerk. The Webmaster is DCC. Members agreed to also supply articles to go on the site and to also supply a biography and phot of themselves to go on the site.
94/17 Logo Report
A report was tabled and supplemented by a verbal presentation by Cllr. Bell and Clerk.
Members discussed 2 options that had been shortlisted for the logo.
Resolved: – T adopt the sunburst Logo and to have it included on all paperwork and website.
95/17 Orchard Report
Cllr. Bell gave an in-depth report on the project to date. She had met with Holme Housing who had tentatively agreed to the Council having the land. She had also obtained £1000 from Cllr Hovvels to take the projects forward. An action plan has been devised, including tree planting programme.
She and the Clerk are to meet Holme Housing in early August to drill down land ownership. Once this is confirmed she requested Council agree to adopt and insure
Resolved: – It was proposed Cllr. Bell and seconded Cllr. Eadsforth to approach Holme Housing and confirm ownership and also to Insure the site via council policy. This was carried.
96/17Allotment Report
The Clerk tabled a written report. All rent has been collected. 1 vacancy for an allotment remains. Cllr. Gary Elliott had called a working party meeting to discuss the Council allotment and work required. The Council Environmental officer, S.E. Landscapes had quoted a total of £750 for 2 areas of work.
Resolved: –
To agree report
To advertise vacancy in August newsletter
To endorse working party recommendations and to accept S.E.Landscapes quote.
97/17 Newsletter
The next edition is to be published in August. Members to submit articles by 22nd July and a biography and photograph to be inserted into same.
98/17 Cemetery Report
The Chairman gave a report on the land ownership from the deeds. He is to chase up via Land Registry ownership.
99/17 Planning application
100/17 Financial Transactions/Monthly re-conciliations
See Appendix 1.
Resolved: – To authorise payment, moved Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Eadsforth.
99.1/17 Going for Green Report
The Clerk tabled an up to date report and Cllr. Bell gave a verbal update. Plans are in place for the NIB Visit and the Chairman to host on 19th. Floral trees have been donated by TSA and Council asked to accept ownership and to insure. Seats arranged by Cllr. Hovvels, Council to accept ownership and again arrange insurance. Cllr. Hovvels is trying to pay via her budget but this may fail as DCC will not pay retrospective. If this is so Council asked to pay for same. Cllr. Bell reminded members of Garden Competition and that Council would pay for the trophies. Members had Also agreed to purchase 12 self-watering planters from amberol.
Resolved: –
To accept ownership of Floral trees, to maintain in the future and Insure
Seats as above. If Cllr. Hovvels unable to claim funding Council to underwrite as they are in situ
To purchase 3 trophies for Garden Competitions, 4th to be donated by Cllr Bell.
Clerk to purchase 12 self-watering planters from amberol
There were no matters to discuss under exempt information. The meeting closed 8.43pm.
Agreed and Signed by:
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 12th September 2017
Published 2nd March 2018