Minutes of a meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th April 2017 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.
8/17 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman) Gail Elliot, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance, Margaret Eadsforth
9/17 Apologies: – Cllr. Maurice Nichols, PCSO Weston.
County Councillor Lucy Hovvels was in attendance.
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were 3 members of the public present.
10/17 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.
11/17 Declaration of Interest: – nil
12/17 Members Dispensations: – no noted
13/17 Public Participation: – no matters raised
14/17 Chairman’s Report: – The Chairman advised members of the following: –
- The new Environmental contractor commenced 1st April and to date doing well. She advised Alan Wilkinson and Deborah Coates have done superb work and are reaching their 100th bag of rubbish collected. It was agreed a photo call be arranged with Northern Echo to promote same.
- NIB judges to visit the Parish 12th April, all welcome.
- Claire Hubbard our Clean and Green Link Officer is leaving to join the Traveller and Gypsy Liaison Service. Members agreed to write and thank her for all the support she has given to the Parish. Cllr. Hovvels suggested linking in with Pauline Walker to continue the good work.
- A football team may be formed linked around the Grey Horse. Members discussed the value of this and agreed that if the team were to confirm Cllr. Elliott to source a replacement Goal Post for the one recently destroyed, and Clerk to ask S.E. Landscapes to both erect post and prepare the ground. The Chairman will confirm when club has been formed/transfers from Peterlee. Cllr. Eadsforth agreed to work with young people and groups within the Parish to encourage greater usage of the Memorial Ground.
- The junior school are leading on Armed Forces Day, instead of the Parish Proms, which is not happening this year, due to the election. The event is costing £2000 and she hoped Council would consider part funding, using the funds set aside for Community events (Proms). It was proposed Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. C.Bell to donate £500 from Section 137 funding for this purpose. This was carried unanimously. Cllr. Hovvels requested Council inform Ian Hunter Smart, County Army Liaison Officer of the event to link in with other County wide events.
- There had been during the day reports of leaking water in land adjacent to the Cemetery. Clerk has arranged for NWA to inspect area on 12th April.
15/17 Police Report
PCSO Weston had submitted his monthly report, circulated to members by e-mail. Several members expressed great concern at the recent events and lack of support from local police for the Council. Despite numerous requests for a meeting with local Inspector no meeting had occurred.
Resolved: – It was unanimously agreed to write to PCC R. Hogg and request an urgent meeting with him to discuss this situation. It was also agreed examples of incidents be given to him.
16/17To approve minutes of meeting held on 14th March 2017.
Resolved: – It was moved Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. J. Loverance to accept and approve the minutes and resolutions of the above meeting.
17/17 Matters of information
- Various circulation e-mails had been circulated during the month to members for information only
- Nothing to date from DCC in regard to council’s challenge to litter bill
- Awaiting Crime Prevention to return from holiday to take forward CCTV Project
- John Fenwick has been advised his £100 quote to repair cemetery parking area has been accepted and to proceed with repair
Resolved: – To note items of information.
18/17 County Councillor Report
- Expressed her own concern in regard to Anti-Social behaviour across the Parish and requested attendance at any meeting
- Social Care funding from Central Government will only help slightly in alleviating issues in this area of care.
19/17 Correspondence for information only
Various e-mails circulated by Clerk from DCC/CDALC.
Resolved: – To receive same.
20/17 Correspondence for decision none
21/17 Heritage Trail Report
Draft minutes and actions from Special meeting were noted. To be adopted at May Full Council.
22/16 Monthly Transactions and Bank Reconciliation.
The Clerk presented the monthly Bank Reconciliation and noted no invoices for payment (appendix 1).
DCC have paid both Transition Grant and Precept. Allotments have also been paid, apart from 2 and reminders sent. DCC advised no rates due on Cemetery for the coming year. CISWO Invoice has been submitted and paid via Direct Debit in previous years accounts. Members requested another attempt be made to meet with them and purchase the small piece of land owned by them in front of the Memorial Ground.
Resolved: – On a proposal by Cllr. Brain Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan Ferguson, it was agreed to: –
- Accept bank Reconciliation
- Note remaining items.
23/17 Parish Plan
Cllr. Eadsforth referred to the Council Transformation Plan and asked how far it had been implemented to date. Cllr. Bell advised she would be reporting the success of the plan at the Annual meeting and she would be prosing a special meeting be held to look at producing a new Council Plan now the composition of the new Council is known.
Resolved: – It was proposed Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Lenehan Ferguson to accept the actions of the Chairman and note a Special meeting to be called.
24/17 Planning Applications
25/17 Election Report
The Clerk reported on the recent notice from the Returning Officer that as the Council was not contested all nominated candidates have been elected. Members advised to sign acceptance book prior to the commencement of the Annual Council meeting in May. A number of induction documents were circulated by Clerk to members to assist them in the coming Council term.
26/17 Exclusion of Press and public
Not required
27/17 Report from meeting with Cemetery Lodge neighbour
Cllr. Gary Elliott had requested the Clerk to arrange a meeting with undertakers to discuss the future of the Cemetery management now we have a new Contractor. Clerk confirmed they are being arranged.
Resolved: – Report to be noted.
Agreed and Signed by:
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 16th May 2017