Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.
46/17 Present: – Councillors Brian Ferguson (Chairman), Margaret Eadsforth, Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Carole Bell.
47/17 Apologies: – Cllrs. Jean Loverance, Maurice Nichols, Lucy Hovvels ,PCSO Weston.
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There were 3 members of the public present.
48/17 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.
49/17 Declaration of Interest: –
Cllr. Carole Bell declared an interest in respect of NIB, Heritage Trail and Football Team
Cllrs. Gail and Gary Elliott in respect of a bill from Elliott’s Taxi. (further details for all in Declaration of Interest File).
50/17 Public Participation
Mrs. Carter gave an update on the running of the Trimdon Station Community House and advised an application for funding would be submitted for the July meeting. The Chairman advised an application from Deaf Hill Community Regeneration Partnership has been received and both applications would be considered at the July meeting.
Mrs. Carter requested the Council to raise with County Council problems with the footpath next to the ‘Top Shop’
51/17 Police Report
An apology had been submitted by PCSO Weston and his written report had been circulated. Members expressed concern at the lack of attendance by any Police Officer and lack of response to the letter sent to PCC. The Chairman advised he had raised the issue of crime in the Parish with both Cllr. Hovvels and the MP Phil Wilson.
Resolved: – It was proposed Cllr. B. Ferguson and Seconded by Cllr. C.Bell the Clerk to arrange a joint meeting with TFPC members, all 3 County Councillors, Member of Parliament and the PCC to discuss a way forward for the Parish on an urgent basis.
52/17 Chairman Report.
The Chairman advised he had inspected the whole Parish and had grave concerns in regard to the state of the roads. He had raised the matter with Cllr. Hovvels and was awaiting her reply.
53/17 Minutes of the Annual and Annual Assembly meeting held on 16th May 2017.
It was proposed Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson and seconded Cllr. M.Eadsforth that the minutes be agreed.
54/17 Matters Arising
Cllr. C.Bell advised she was unhappy at being on both the Finance Committee and a Signatory, she also wished both Cllr. Gary ad Gail Elliott remain as signatories, to assist the Council in ensuring enough Councillors are available to sign cheques.
The Chairman also expressed concern regarding the Co-op Bank.
Resolved: Proposed Cllr. C.Bell and seconded Cllr. M.Eadsforth, that all members except Cllr. Bell be signatories. This was carried.
It was prosed Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson that the Clerk prepares a report for the July meeting in respect of continuing to use the Co-op as Council bankers.
55/17 Matters of Information
56/17 Issues from Annual Assembly
57/17 Report from County Councillor
58/17 Correspondence for information
Sent to members via e-mail, all e-mails on file.
59/17 Correspondence for decision
- Conformation that DCC have agreed to Council being part of Public Space Protection Order
- Request to support fly the red ensign, as we have no flag pole not to take part this year
- Community Centre Training Cllr. Bell, Mrs. Carter and Clerk to attend
60/17 External Reports
- Smaller Council Forum. The Chairman advised he had attended this on behalf of the Council. The main discussion was around the future of the Chief Executive of CDALC and the funding of the post. A report will be sent to the Council in the Autumn.
- The Clerk advised the AAP AGM had been due that evening but had been cancelled due to not being quorate as County Councillors had all submitted their apologies.
- Going Forward together. Cllr. C.Bell reported on the recent meeting. The Hanging Basket Trees are almost finished and will be sited shortly. There is concern regarding the siting of the tree near the Cemetery being close to the 30mph sign. It was suggested the Council ask for the sign to be moved forward. This was agreed. Regarding the barrels in front of the allotments. Cllr. Mr. Elliott had spoken to the Chairman and he had expressed concern in regard to 3 being broken. It had been suggested replacing all12 of the barrels with heavy duty resign the clerk had attempted to order same but it could take 3 weeks plus to arrive. It was agreed to purchase 3 wooden barrels at a cost of £25 each and have them planted up replacing the broken 3 and to still go ahead and order the 12-heavy duty one’s ready for winter planting
- Heritage trail. Cllrs. Mrs Elliott that very little had progressed since the May meeting. Groundwork have agreed to attend the next meeting to give a presentation on the project to date and to clarify their role in funding applications.
- Working with Groups, Cllr. Eadsforth reported on several meetings she had attended to attract funding to the park. She was hopeful funding would be available shortly. She also reported on a meeting she had had with Mr. Derek Bradley.
- Cemetery Water issue. The Clerk advised this had been raised by Cllr. Bell. He had spoken to NWA who will visit the site again and re-check were the flooding is coming from. They had checked in the past and it was not coming from our water tap.
61/17 Request or use of Football Pitch
The Clerk advised he had now received a formal application from Mr. K. Tatters to use the Pitch for the coming season. Cllr. Mr. Elliott stated he had obtained a quote for £120 to replace the goal post damaged by vandals earlier in the year.
Resolved: on a proposal by Cllr.Mrs Elliott and Seconded by Cllr.M. Eadsforth to agree to the use of the pitch and to accept the quote of £120 to replace the goal post. Council Gardener to be asked to erect same. A meeting between Clerk/Gardener and Mr. Tatters to be arranged to firm up the agreement re pitch marking etc.
62/17 Annual Audit
The Clerk advised all books are with the Internal Auditor who had asked for additional Information. Public inspection of the Accounts has begun today.
63/17 Land Registry re Land North of Prospect Place
Resolved: Not to object to the land being registered to the applicant.
64/17 Monthly Transactions and Bank Reconciliation.
The Clerk presented the monthly Bank Reconciliation and noted no invoices for payment (appendix 1). Payments authorised and cheques signed. A request from St. Albans Luncheon Club for financial assistance in providing a bus for their members to attend a concert in Sedgefield. It was agreed to donate £50.
65/17 Planning Applications
66/17 Exclusion of Press and public
A discussion took place in regard to the allotment retained by the Council. The Chairman Advised he had asked Cllr. Hovvels to raise with environmental health at DCC what species the weeds were and to remove same. After discussion, it was agreed the Clerk ask Cllr. Hovvels what progress has been made and if none then to ask Council gardener to proceed. Members also raised the point that the grass in front of the allotments is being cut by both DCC and ourselves. Agreed to contact DCC, Members also asked that the conifers in the memorial Ground be looked at.
Meeting closed 8.45pm
Agreed and Signed by:
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 11th July 2017