Minutes of a meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th March 2017 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.
237/16 Present: – Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman) Gail Elliot, Brian Ferguson, Gary Elliott, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance, Margaret Eadsforth
238/16 Apologies: – Cllr. Maurice Nichols, PCSO Weston.
County Councillor Lucy Hovvels was in attendance.
Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk was also in attendance.
There was 1 member of the public present.
239/16 Notice of Motion
It was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Lenehan Ferguson that the Notice of Motion summoning the meeting be agreed. This was carried.
240/16 Declaration of Interest: – nil
241/16 Members Dispensations: – no noted
242/16 Public Participation: – no matters raised
243/16 Chairman’s Report: – The Chairman advised members of the following: –
- As a result of open competition and subsequent interviews the appointments panel have appointed S.E. Landscapes as the new Environmental Services Contractor. They will commence 1st April 2017. A pre-start meeting had taken place and several actions are to be taken prior to this in both the Cemetery and memorial Ground Play areas.
- NIB judges to visit the Parish 12th April. Claire Hubbard from Clean and Green Team to work closely with Council
- The Best Garden Competition will take place during the Summer months with 23 categories, best garden, best allotment and best basket/container.
- She has asked the Clerk to write to Durham County Council asking for progress on 106 funding
- She is exploring linking g into the new banner a Good Samaritan Tree for the local children. Various funding applications to be made.
- 2 residents Alan Wilkinson and Deborah Coates have been regularly litter picking across the parish. It was agreed Clerk to write to both residents thanking them for their actions.
244/16 Police Report
No report apologies submitted.
245/16 To approve minutes of meeting held on 14th February 2017.
Resolved: – It was moved Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. J. Loverance to accept and approve the minutes and resolutions of the above meeting with the alteration that the notice of motion to call the meeting was seconded by Cllr.M. Lenehan Ferguson and not Cllr. M. Eadsforth. Cllr. B.Ferguson whilst agreeing with the content of the minutes wished to place on record that the comments by the member of the public in respect of the Heritage Trail he did not recall saying them at the meeting of the Heritage trail group.
246/16 Matters of information
- Various circulation e-mails had been circulated during the month to members for information only
- Nothing to date from DCC in regards to councils challenge to litter bill
- Awaiting Crime Prevention to return from holiday to take forward CCTV Project
- Litter bin rear of Rodwell Street now repaired
- John Fenwick has been advised his £100 quote to repair cemetery parking area has been accepted and to proceed with repair
- Style damage rear of Wingate Road, DCC reply circulated to members
- 216 passenger numbers circulated to members via e-nil
- Awaiting CISWO rental fee
- No reply from DCC regarding wish to purchase/lease land rear of Sycamore Terrace, reminder letter sent
- 20 May Crescent advised matter is in hand.
Resolved: – To note items of information.
247/16 County Councillor Report
- A motorbike riding around Rodwell Street has been reported to County Hall. Police and neighbourhood Wardens to deal with.
- She had attended a meeting with East Durham Homes who were setting their budget, and she raised private landlords and off-street parking with them
- She had had several meetings with the police but nothing positive to report
- Upgrading road rear of Windsor Street. She has raised the matter with Officers at DCC, and they had advised once the residents have jointly agreed and paid to upgrade the road DCC will then adopt for future maintenance. It was agreed Clerk write to residents who had raised the issue to advise them of this response
- Oral Health Strategy to be launched shortly
- Hovvels is now the County Mental Health Champion
- She had recently opened Healthy Weight Conference
- She has been involved in joint discussions between DCC and McMillan to produce a Pathways of care.
- Armed Forces Day, Deaf Hill School to participate
- Acute NHS Trust had supplied a list of services available from Sedgefield Community Hospital
248/16 Correspondence for information only
- Neighbourhood Planning training to take place 18th April 2017
- Came and |Company new number
- Notification rules for post 2017 Audit.
- Letter from owners of St. Pauls Church regarding litter, referred to church who own land. In regards to the electrician and repair of light, matter to be investigated.
- Armed Forces Day 24th June 2017
- Section 137 figure for coming yeaer is £7.57 per resident
Resolved: – To receive same.
249/16 Correspondence for decision
- DCC new PSPO Policy, requesting confirmation that Council wish to include Memorial Ground within the new Policy
- Request from Mrs. Weatherall to erect a garage on her allotment
Resolved: – to write to DCC requesting inclusion in PSPO Policy.
To agree to Mrs. Weatherall request but size to be that of a normal garage. Clerk to obtain advise from County Planning Officers if Planning permission will be required and what they see as a normal garage size. To also request details of material to be used.
249/16 Heritage Trail Report
No report as the Friends of Heritage trail had not met. Groundwork Northeast have written requesting a meeting to discuss the drainage quote submitted, meeting being arranged.
250/16 Monthly Transactions and Bank Reconciliation.
The Clerk presented the monthly Bank Reconciliation and monthly Transactions (appendix 1).
Resolved: – On a proposal by Cllr. Brain Ferguson and seconded by Cllr. Maureen-Lenehan Ferguson, it was agreed to: –
- Accept bank Reconciliation
- Authorise payments as per appendix 1.
251/16 Review of Polices and Risk Register
Members considered the full Council Polices and Rik Register. Members suggested the Allotment Policy be amended to reflect an actual size for Garages allowed once information is received from DCC.
Resolved:- It was proposed Cllr. B. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Lenehan Ferguson to re-adopt all polices and risk register. Allotment Policy to be amended in regards to size of garages allowed once confirmed by Planners.
252/16 Report from Smaller Council Forum.
Cllr Brian Ferguson advised members the recent meeting dealt with Pensions only.
253/16 Planning Applications
254/16 Election Report
The Clerk reported on the recent Clerk training session and made reference to the Induction process for new members. All exiting members were supplied with a nomination pack. Cllr. Eadsforth requested the Council Transformation Policy be placed on the April Agenda.
255/16 Exclusion of Press and public
Resolution to excluded the press and public was proposed Cllr. Brian Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Maureen Ferguson to exclude the press and public, this was carried.
256/16 Report from meeting with Cemetery Lodge neighbour
Cllr. Gary Elliott reported on a meeting he had held with the neighbours to the Cemetery on behalf of Council in regards to parking.
Resolved:- Report to be noted.
257/16 Heritage trail
Cllr. Brian Ferguson reported on a recent meeting he had attended in regards to the heritage trail.
Resolved:- to note the report and revisit the terms of reference of the project after the forthcoming election.
Agreed and Signed by: –
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 11th April 2017