Press Release 2 September 2015

Apply now for grants of up to £40,000

Grants of up to £40,000 are on offer to community groups that support older people or are working to improve health and wellbeing.

Durham County CouncilEast Durham Rural Area Action Partnership (AAP) is offering the cash to groups, organisations and schools working in its area.

Grants of between £5,000 and £40,000 are available for projects that meet specific criteria and benefit local residents.

To receive funding, projects that support older people must fit into one or more of the following criteria:

• Promote existing activities
• Provide transport for older people to access activities
• Provide new activities
• Ensuring older people are safe when attending activities and appointments during the winter months
• Support older people affected by welfare reforms
• Reduce crime, fear of crime and improve community safety.

In order to be eligible for a grant, projects that improve health and wellbeing must fit into one of the following criteria:

• Tackle binge drinking and promote alcohol awareness
• Tackle obesity
• Tackle risky behaviour in children and young people
• Support people affected by welfare reforms
• Reduce crime, fear of crime and improve community safety.

Application packs are available by emailing or by calling 03000 261128.The deadline for applications is 4.00pm on Friday 30 October 2015

Grants up to £40,000 are on offer to community groups