Minutes of the Special Meeting of Trimdon Parish Council held in Trimdon Community College, Elwick View, Trimdon on Tuesday 7 January 2014 at 7:00pm

Present: Councillor George Elliott Snr. (in the Chair) and Councillors Bernadette Oliver, Paul Trippett, John Burton, Margaret Hughes, Keith Thompson, Sheila Appleton, Eileen Dickinson and County Councillor Peter Brookes.

Anne Delandre, Clerk to the Council, was also in attendance.

John Burton advised the Council of the sad and sudden death of George Terence who had been a great servant to the Parish Council and the community at large.

Members of the Council were upstanding and observed one minutes silence in his memory.

Apologies were received and accepted from Denise Davison, Ian Quinn, Julie Thompson, George Elliott and Margaret Elliott.

There were no members of the public in attendance.

The Clerk advised that the Parish Council is required to determine its Parish Precept for the financial year 2014/2015 and notify Durham County Council (DCC) by Friday 31 January 2014.

Confirmation has been received from DCC that it will continue to pass on the Parish element of the formula grant received from central government, but in doing so apply pro-rata reductions in the Council Tax Support Grant in line with reductions in the overall formula funding made available to the Council. The amount of Grant payable to Trimdon Parish Council for 2014/2015 is £24,957.00.

As a result of the above reduction, the net position for Trimdon Parish Council is a reduction of £2,661.01 on 2013/2014.

In order to maintain Council Tax at the current level ie a 0% increase the precept would need to be set at £147,113.90.

The Clerk circulated details of the impact on a Band D property of a 0% to 5% increase in the parish precept, together with a draft Budget Statement for 2014/2015 detailing each of these %age increases. Details of the current bank balances to 31 December 2013 were also provided.

The Committee took into account the level of reserves and the impact of an increase in Council Tax to the electorate in the current economic climate. It was also noted that

DCC has to find an additional £90M savings over the next two financial years and this will continue to impact on communities.

It was resolved that Trimdon Parish Council sets a precept of £147,113.90 for the financial year 2014/2015 and that George Elliott Snr (Chairperson), together with the Parish Clerk, be authorised to sign the DCC Official Precept Request.

Signed (Chairperson) ……………………………………………………………………………………….