Minutes of the October Meeting of Trimdon Parish Council held in Trimdon Grange Community Centre on Tuesday 14 October 2014 at 7:00pm.

Present: Councillor John Burton (in the Chair) and Councillors Sheila Appleton, Eileen Dickinson, Bernadette Oliver, Keith Thompson and Paul Trippett.
Anne Delandre, Clerk to the Council, was in attendance; County Councillor Peter Brookes was in attendance to report on Durham County Council issues and Sergeant Alex Clarke, Durham Constabulary, was in attendance for part of the meeting.
One member of the public was also in attendance.

Sheila Appleton declared a personal interest in Item 66(g) and took no part in the discussion. Resolved that the above be noted.

Apologies for absence were received from Julie Thompson, George Elliott Snr., George Elliott, Margaret Elliott. Ian Quinn, Margaret Hughes and Denise Davison.
Resolved that the above apologies be accepted.

There were issues raised by members of the public in attendance.

Sergeant Alex Clarke, Durham Constabulary, attended the meeting and reported the following crime figures for the period 9 September 2014 — 14 October 2014:
13 October 2014 — 1 incident of attempted robbery
20 September 2014 and 4 October 2014 — 2 incidences of criminal damage
21 September 2014 — 1 drug related incident
13 September 2014 and 28 September 2014 — 2 incidences of assault
19 September 2014 and 9 October 2014 — 2 incidences of burglary (dwelling)

ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR : Year to date figures:

All ASB 65 incidences (down 7% on 2013)
Youth ASB 30 incidences (down 14% on 2013)
All ASB 46 incidences (down 11 % on 2013)
15 incidences (up 88% on 2013) — but based on very low figures

Sergeant Clarke gave an update from the last meeting on an incident at Holmeside Avenue, Trimdon Grange; theft from motor vehicle and two minor assaults.
Concerns were expressed regarding the recent increase in burglaries, particularly as the dark nights are approaching. Sergeant Clarke assured the Council that all resources available would be used to deal with this problem.
Resolved that the above report be noted.
Sergeant Clarke was thanked for his attendance and left the meeting.

Resolved that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 9 September 2014 (previously circulated) be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk advised that she had contacted Hope Construction requesting that they consider holding a Public Consultation Event in Trimdon regarding their planning application to amend the conditions of their current planning permission for mineral extraction at Coxhoe Quarry. They advised that they were unable to agree to this request but they did offer to provide transport to the event at Coxhoe Village Hall but there was too little notice for this to be advertised.
Resolved that the Clerk writes to the Managing Director of Hope Construction expressing the Parish Council’s disappointment that they would not hold a Public Consultation Event in Trimdon.

a) To receive the following planning application:
DM/14/02875/HPN 15 Holmeside Avenue Trimdon Grange
Erection of single storey rear extension
Resolved that no comment be made in respect of the above planning application.

a) The Clerk submitted the schedule of payments made between 1 September 2014 and 30 September 2014.
Resolved that the schedule of payments be approved.

b) The Clerk submitted the schedule of receipts received between 1 September 2014 and 30 September 2014.
Resolved that the schedule of receipts be approved.

c) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) for the period ended 30 September 2014. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) be approved and the Chairman signed the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.

d) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) for the period ended 30 September 2014. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) be approved and the Chairman signed the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.

e) The Clerk submitted a Budget Summary to the end of September 2014 showing expenditure to date.
Resolved that the Budget Statement to the end of September 2014 be approved.

a) Report on External Audit of Accounts for 31 March 2014
The Clerk reported on the outcome of the external audit of accounts undertake by BDO LLP. The auditor highlighted a “minor issue” and recommended that the council should ensure in future years that minor errors or omissions are not included in the Statement of Accounts.
Resolved that the Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2014 be approved. Resolved that the minor issue raised by the External Auditor be noted.
Resolved that the required display of the Notice of Conclusion of Audit be noted.

b) Report of Amendment to Standing Orders
The Clerk reported on the introduction of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 which now allows members of the public, including citizens and professional journalists, to use modern technology and communication methods such as filming, audio-recording, blogging and tweeting to report the proceedings of the meetings of their councils and other related public bodies; and see information relating to significant decisions made outside meetings by offers acting under a general or specific delegated power.
Resolved that the current Standing Orders be amended to comply with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014.

c) Report on DCC Smoke-free Play Parks Consultation
The Clerk reported on a request from DCC for Trimdon Parish Council to participate in their Smoke-free Play Parks Consultation.
Resolved that the Consultation proforma be returned on behalf of Trimdon Parish Council.

d) Request for extension of contract for Seasonal Gardener
The Clerk advised that the Chairman had given verbal agreement for the contract for the Seasonal Gardener to be extended for one week to allow the winter bedding plants to be planted.
Resolved that the above be noted.

e) Request to provide Autumn/Winter bedding plants at Trimdon Grange Cemetery.
The Clerk advised that currently the flower beds at Trimdon Grange Cemetery are only planted with summer bedding plants. The Grounds Maintenance staff have requested that they are also planted with Autumn/Winter beddings plants. The additional cost will be approximately £300 per annum.
Resolved that Autumn/Winter bedding plants be planted at Trimdon Grange Cemetery.

f) Report on the Christmas Light Switch On 2014
The Clerk submitted a report to finalise arrangements for the Parish Council Christmas Light Switch On.
Resolved that the Christmas Light Switch On 2014 takes place on the village green, Trimdon Village on Friday 5 December 2014 between 6:00pm and 7:30pm.
Resolved that the Clerk, in conjunction with Ian Quinn, be authorised to purchase suitable Christmas Trees for the villages of Trimdon Grange and Trimdon Colliery and appropriate new lights.
Resolved that Phil Wilson, MP, be asked to formally switch on the Christmas Tree Lights. Resolved that Trimdon Concert Brass Band be requested to attend.
Resolved that free rides be provided for children.
Resolved that a Burger Van be requested to be on site and that free Christmas Cake and Ginger Wine be served.

g) Report on Trimdon Village Allotment Society
The Clerk submitted a report requesting that the Parish Council contributes 50% of the cost of the annual Pest Management Contract and a financial contribution towards the upgrading of the Car Park and road.
Resolved that the Parish Council makes a 50% contribution towards the Pest Management Contract at Hart View Allotment Site.
Resolved that the Parish Council makes a contribution of £500 towards the upgrading of the Car Park and road throughout the allotment site.

h) Quotation from DCC for replacement of surfaces at Play Park, Trimdon Grange
A quotation has been received from DCC for the repair of surfaces at Trimdon Grange Play Park that were highlighted in the recent RoSPA Inspection at a cost of £1,950.
Resolved that authorisation be granted for this work to be carried out.

a) Invitation to Northern Gas networks Social Investment Workshop, Newcastle — Tuesday 4 November 2014
Resolved that the above be noted.

b) Request from Sedgefield Charities for nomination as Parish Council’s representative on the Board of Trustees.
County Councillor Peter Brookes is currently the Parish Council’s representative and is prepared to continue with this role. He advised that funding is available to help people who are suffering from hardship.
Resolved that County Councillor Peter Brookes be approved as the Parish Council’s nomination on the Board of Trustees of Sedgefield Charities.
Resolved that the Clerk obtains further information on funding available and this be displayed on the Parish Council’s web site.

c) Request from Great North Air Ambulance for donation
A request has been received from the Great Air North Ambulance for a financial donation from the 2015/2016 budget. A similar request was received last year and it was agreed, in principle, that a donation be made. To date, no donation has been made from the current budget.
Resolved that a financial donation of £500 be made under the Local Government Act 1972 s.137 and that this level of funding remains as an annual donation.

d) Request from Trimdon Village Hall regarding planting
A request has been received from Trimdon Village Hall Association for Trimdon Parish Council to re-adopt the planting of two areas at the front door at the Village Hall.
Resolved that this be agreed, in principle, subject to discussions with a representative from the Community Garden.

e) Notification of County Durham Association of Local Councils AGM
The Clerk advised that the CDALC AGM is to be held on Saturday 8 November 2014 at 10:10am. The Clerk will be in attendance, however, the Council is able to send two representatives.
Resolved that the Clerk attends on behalf of Trimdon Parish Council.

f) Notification of County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service Public Consultation
The Clerk advised that County Durham and Darling Fire and Rescue Service is currently carrying out a public consultation linked to their three-year strategic plan.
Resolved that the above be noted.

• DCC Labour Group members to meet to discuss £58M spending cuts for 2015/2016
• Consultation currently taking place regarding the future of Sure Starts
• livin currently carrying out verge hardening in Jasmine Crescent and surrounding streets
• Official launch of Superfast Broadband 21 November 2014
• Groundwork currently progressing Woodland Trail — financial contribution from Councillor Brookes
• Only 11 applications currently received for AAP Funding of £40K for youth projects
• Meeting taking place with DCC regarding community gym in Trimdon
• Fencing and gates at Church Road shops to be painted — financial contribution from Councillor Brookes
• Mary Robinson, Community Garden has been nominated for an Environmental Award

• It was proposed that the Parish Council considers producing a Neighbourhood Plan and that a Sub-Committee be formed to progress this.
Resolved that the Clerk brings a report to the next meeting regarding this item.
• Bus Shelter Refurbishment
The Chairman raised the issue of bus shelter refurbishment.
Resolved that the Clerk brings a report to a future meeting regarding this item.
• Grass verge near Cemetery, Trimdon Village requires cutting.
Resolved that the above be noted.



Trimdon Parish Council Meeting 14th October 2014