Minutes of the June Meeting of Trimdon Parish Council held in Trimdon Grange Community Centre on Tuesday 9 September 2014 at 7:00pm.
Present: Councillor John Burton (in the Chair) and Councillors Sheila Appleton, Denise Davison, Eileen Dickinson, George Elliott Snr., George Elliott, Margaret Elliott, Ian Quinn, Margaret Hughes, and Paul Trippett.
Anne Delandre, Clerk to the Council, was in attendance and Sergeant Alex Clarke, Durham Constabulary, was in attendance for part of the meeting.
One member of the public was also in attendance.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolved that the above be noted.
Apologies for absence were received from Bernadette Oliver, Julie Thompson and Keith Thompson.
Resolved that the above apologies be accepted.
A member of the public advised that a Public Consultation is being held in Coxhoe Village Hall on Friday 12 September 2014 to discuss a proposal by Hope Construction to amend the conditions of their current planning permission for mineral extraction at Coxhoe Quarry.
As these amended conditions are likely to impact upon residents of Trimdon Parish Council it was requested that Hope Construction be approached and requested that a similar Public Consultation is undertaken within Trimdon Parish.
Resolved that the Parish Clerk approach Hope Construction to request that a Public Consultation is undertaken within Trimdon Parish.
Sergeant Alex Clarke, Durham Constabulary, attended the meeting and reported the following crime figures for the period 8 July 2014 – 9 September 2014.
Criminal Damage – 4 incidences Criminal Damage – 3 incidences
Public Order – 1 incident Public Order – no incidences
Theft – 2 incidences Theft – 2 incidences
Burglary (Dwelling) – no incidences Burglary (Dwelling) – 3 incidences
Burglary (Other) – no incidences Burglary (Other) – 2 incidences
Assault – no incidences Assault – 1 incidence
All ASB 58 incidences (down 8% on 2013) All ASB 34 incidences (down 3% on 2013)
Youth ASB 27 incidences (down 21% o n 2013) 11 incidences (up 83% on 2013) – but 2013 based on very low figures
Sergeant Clarke advised that, in the light of increase incidences of burglary, there would be an increased Police presence in the area.
Resolved that the above report be noted.
Sergeant Clarke was thanked for his attendance and left the meeting.
Resolved that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 8 July 2014 (previously circulated) be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
The Clerk advised that, following discussions with the Chairman, it was agreed to reconsider a request for a donation from the Learning Library in the light of further information.
Resolved that the Learning Library be granted a donation of £50 under the Local Government Act 1972 s.137.
a:) Information on planning application received during August recess of the Parish Council
DM/14/01769/FPA Replacement substation on land adjacent to 25 Front Street South, Trimdon Village
Following a site visit by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and the Parish Clerk it was agreed that there are no objections but request for suitable screening due to proximity to village green.
The Clerk confirmed that this application has now been approved, subject to conditions.
Resolved that the above be noted.
2:) Current planning applications
DM/14/02284/FPA Demolition of Tremeduna Grange, Landreth Grove and construction of 19 no. dwellings
Resolved that no comment be made in respect of the above planning application.
a:) The Clerk reported details of payments made by cheque during August recess.
Resolved that the payments made during August recess be approved.
b:) The Clerk reported on expenditure approved by the Chairman during August recess.
Resolved that expenditure approved by the Chairman during August recess be noted.
c:) The Clerk reported on expenditure requiring payment by cheque.
Resolved that the expenditure be approved and that the Chairman sign the payment sheet.
d:) The Clerk requested authorisation to make payments to a number of regular suppliers by Internet BACS or CHAPS.
Resolved that the Clerk be authorised to make payments by Internet BACS or CHAPS as requested.
e:) The Clerk submitted a report on the RBS Financial Accountancy Package.
The Clerk reported that the Financial Accountancy Package purchased from Rialtas Business Services (RBS) has now been installed and the Clerk has received training on the use of the system and the production of financial reports.
Resolved that the installation of the RBS Financial Accountancy Package be noted.
Resolved that the proposed monthly financial reporting be approved.
Resolved that the Clerk be authorised to receive one day financial year end training from RBS.
f:) The Clerk submitted the schedule of payments made between 1 July 2014 and 31 July 2014
Resolved that the schedule of payments be approved.
g:) The Clerk submitted the schedule of receipts received between 1 July 2014 and 31 July 2014
Resolved that the schedule of receipts be approved.
h:) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) for the period ended 31 July 2014. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) be approved and the Chairman signed the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.
i:) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) for the period ended 31 July 2014. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) be approved and the Chairman signed the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.
j:) The Clerk submitted the schedule of payments made between 1 August 2014 and 31 August 2014.
Resolved that the schedule of payments be approved.
k:) The Clerk submitted the schedule of receipts received between 1 August 2014 and 31 August 2014.
Resolved that the schedule of receipts be approved.
l:) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) for the period ended 31 August 2014. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) be approved and the Chairman signed the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.
m:) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) for the period ended August 2014. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) be approved and the Chairman signed the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.
n:) The Clerk advised that the Government and HMRC had indicated that the Parish Council was entitled to Employment Allowance of £2,000 off its Class 1 NICs for the current financial year. Parish Councils were subsequently advised that they were excluded as they are a public authority. As a result, the Parish Council has made a shortfall in its Class 1 NICs of £690.75.
Resolved that the Parish Council be authorised to pay the £690.75 shortfall in Class 1 NICs.
a:) Report on outcome of External Audit of Accounts for 31 March 2014
The Clerk reported that the External Audit of Accounts for 31 March 2014 had not been received.
Resolved that the above be noted.
b:) Report on RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection Reports
The Clerk reported on the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) inspection of the three Play Parks managed by the Parish Council. Members were circulated with a summary of the Inspection Reports, together with an Action Plan to deal with those items of equipment that scored either high or medium risk.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Resolved that the summary of the RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspections Reports be noted.
Resolved that the RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection Report Action Plan be approved.
Resolved that the Council authorises expenditure to repair those items where quotations have been received for repair ie spica bearings x 2 and see saw.
Resolved that the Council authorises expenditure to damaged logs on slide, Trimdon Grange.
Resolved that the Parish Council considers reviewing the budget for Play Park maintenance when the budget for 2015/2016 is approved.
c:) Report on Trimdon Colliery Outdoor Gym
The Clerk reported on the arrangements for ongoing insurance and maintenance of the Trimdon Colliery Outdoor Gym. Work has recently been completed on the installation of an Outdoor Gym and the Parish Council will need to ensure that it is adequately insured and maintained.
Resolved that the installation of Trimdon Colliery Outdoor Gym be noted.
Resolved that the additional cost to the Parish Council of insuring the gym equipment be noted and approved.
Resolved that the additional cost to the Parish Council of including the gym equipment in the DCC weekly inspection of Play Grounds be noted and approved.
Resolved that the additional cost to the Parish Council of including the gym equipment in the annual RoSPA inspection be noted and approved.
Resolved that the cost to the Parish Council for the provision of appropriate signage be noted and approved.
d:) Report on Hart View Allotment Site, Trimdon Village
The Clerk submitted a report to address a number of issues on the Hart View Allotment Site, Trimdon Village. The report considered issues raised by the Trimdon Village Allotment Society.
Resolved that the proposed new allotment adjacent to the Picnic Area be approved.
Resolved that the field currently used for grazing not be designated for new allotments.
Resolved that approval be granted for the car park and road to be upgraded with tarmac planings.
e:) Report on Cemetery Information and Regulations
The Clerk submitted a report to approve Cemetery Information and Regulations in respect of the management of the Parish Council Cemetery located at Trimdon Grange. In order to ensure that the Parish Council Cemetery is well managed, whilst at the same time respecting the personal needs of friends and relatives of the bereaved, the Clerk recommended that the Council provides information for families and approves regulations for Funeral Directors and Stonemasons.
A series of three booklets had been prepared for approval.
Resolved that the general Cemetery Regulations be approved.
Resolved that the Cemetery Information for Families be approved.
Resolved that the Cemetery Information and Regulations for Funeral Directors be approved.
Resolved that the Cemetery Information and Regulations for Stonemasons be approved.
Resolved that only Stonemasons registered with the British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons (BRAMM) be authorised to erect memorials in Trimdon Grange Cemetery.
f:) Quotation for replacement office furniture
The Clerk submitted a quotation from Integrated Office Supplies for the provision of new office furniture for the Parish Clerk’s office.
Resolved that the Parish Clerk be authorised to purchase replacement office furniture from Integrated Office Supplies.
g:) Request to attend County Durham Training Partnership Courses
The Clerk requested permission to attend the following training courses at a cost of £30 per course:
- Setting and Controlling Budgets, Precepts and Grants
- Policies, Social Media and the Press, Health and Safety and Risk Assessments
Resolved that the Clerk be authorised to attend the two training courses.
f:) Report on extension of existing lease on land to the east of Salters Lane, Trimdon Grange
The Clerk submitted a report to agree to retain the existing lease on land to the east of Salters Lane, Grange. A request has been received from Trimdon Grange Community Association that the current lease between the Parish Council, The Community Association and Durham County Council be retained until it expires in 2019.
Resolved that the existing lease between Trimdon Parish Council, Trimdon Grange Community Association and Durham County Council on land to the east of Salters Lane, Trimdon Grange remain in place until further notice.
a:) Letter of thanks – Trimdon Community College Youth Club
A letter of thanks has been received from Trimdon Community College Youth Club for the donation from the Parish Council towards the Youth Club fundraising event which raised a total of £432 towards the Summer Activity days/programme.
Resolved that the above be noted.
b:) Letter from DCC – Medium Term Financial Planning and 2015/2016 Budget Setting
Correspondence has been received from DCC Corporate Director of Resources advising that the indicative level of Council Tax Support Grant received by the Parish Council will be reduced in 2015/2016 by £2,920. Indicative figures for 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 show an additional reduction of £2,552 year on year.
Resolved that the above be noted.
c:) Request to place a memorial seat within Trimdon Grange Cemetery
A request has been received from the family of the late Mrs Jean Patterson for permission to erect a Memorial Bench in her memory within Trimdon Grange Cemetery.
Resolved that the above request be granted.
d:) Letter from Phil Wilson, MP, regarding request to change the name of Trimdon Village
Correspondence has been received from Phil Wilson MP regarding the proposed change of name of Trimdon Village to Old Trimdon. Guidance from DCC is that, whilst there is no requirement for any public consultation, the Parish Council may wish to provide the electors of the parish with an opportunity to provide their views on any such proposal.
Resolved that a Working Group comprising John Burton (Chairman), George Elliott Snr. (Vice Chairman), Paul Trippett, Ian Quinn and Sheila Appleton be established to pursue this issue and consider appropriate consultation.
e:) NALC Media Release – Fracking money should be drilled down to parishes
The Clerk advised that the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has called for local (parish and town councils) to receive a minimum payment of £20,000 from fracking companies as part of government proposals for underground drilling for shale gas.
Resolved that the above be noted.
f:) Request from a resident of West Lane regarding bench at Main Road and request for flower container at Burn Oval
A request has been received from a resident of West Lane requesting that the bench at Main Road be repaired/replaced, that the flower containers be replaced and that a flower container be placed on the barrier leading from the ‘cut’ at Burn Oval onto West Lane.
Resolved that the resident be advised that the Parish Council is due to undertake a programme of bench repairs during the Autumn and Winter and the bench in question will be included; the two wooden tubs will be replaced; and the Parish Council, in principle, agrees to the request for the metal flower container, subject to consultation with Durham County Council.
Resolved that the Clerk research alternative provision of flower planters than the current wooden tubs.
- The AAP has set aside £40K for projects that will benefit young people
- Trimdon Parish will be one of the first communities to have full access to fibre optic broadband.
- Councillor Brookes is making a grant of £250 towards the publication of a community magazine – the Trimdon News. The Parish Council may be able to contribute news items.
- DCC is undertaking a pot hole/footpath repair programme
- It was proposed that the Christmas Light Switch On be arranged for Friday 5 December 2014
Resolved that the Clerk bring a report to the next meeting regarding the Christmas Light Switch On - A litter bin has been requested to be placed on the Village Green.