Minutes of the Trimdon Foundry Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th November 2015 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community Centre.

127 Present:– Councillors Brian Ferguson( Acting Chairman), Margaret Eadsforth, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson, Jean Loverance

128 Apologies:– Cllr. Carol Bell (illness), Cllr.Gary and Cllr. Gail Elliott (family commitments)
Cllr. Lucy Hovvels and 2 members of the public present. Mr. John Robinson Acting Clerk.

129 Declaration of Interest:– nil

130 Police and Wardens Report:
No Police were present but members are now receiving regularly the neighbourhood warden’s report. The Clerk advised the Police had contacted him advising they have been unable to find the person who had committed the criminal damage at the play area and had therefore closed the file. He also advised he had requested the County Council Community Safety Department to advice on the CCTV

131 To approve the Minutes of the monthly meeting held on 13th October 2015
These were read and accepted as a true record, moved Cllr. Eadsforth and seconded Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson. All matters arising are to be covered later in the Agenda.

132 Public Participation
Members of the public raised the issues of CCTV and advised it had been installed by a company from Seaham. The Chairman thanked them for attending.

133 Report form County Councillor Lucy Hovvels
a) She advised that there is currently consultation on future amalgamation of the 3 Trimdon Schools but Deaf Hill School is not part of this.
b) An excellent uptake on Shop Frontage Funding
c) The County are launching a website on Well being and Independent Living
d) The Council has signed in June the Armed Forces Covenant and won an award for this work
e) Additional garden waste collections have been added to 2016
f) Teenage Parent Apprenticeship Programme noted

Cllr. Eadsforth raised the issue of the maintenance of the 2 war graves. It was agreed both Cllr Hovvels and the Clerk take the issue forward
Cllr Lenehan-Ferguson advised members of the public had asked about the removal of the leaves. Cllr Hovvells advised she would investigate but was sure there was nothing she could do as it was the County Policy not to clear.
134 Correspondence
a) North East Combined Authority Agreement, received
b) CDALC 2016 Officers, received.

135 BDO Annual Audit Report
The Clerk advised members that the Annual Audit had highlighted a need to review Risk Assessment and Fixed assets. It was agreed Cllr. Brian Ferguson meet with the Clerk and report back at the next meeting. The Audit Statement has been on public Notice since 20th October and no queries raised.

136 Remembrance Service 11th November 2015
The Clerk presented the written report (on file), which members agreed.

137 Christmas tree
The Clerk presented the written report (on file). There still remains an issue in the provision of the lights. Cllr Hovvells suggested using the near by garden centre, same to be done.

138 Memorial Garden and Play Area
The Clerk presented the up to date report (on file). The Post Inspection Report on the play area has been shared with Proludic and they are to undertake the remedial work on the 10th November. Members were aware of the concerns expressed by Cllr. Bell in regards to the Youth Shelter, matter to be raised with the contractor.

139 Allotments
The Clerk presented the report (on file), members agreed same. Any matters arising from drainage report to be shared with Cllr. Gary Elliott.

140 Cemetery
The Clerk advised the County Tree Officer had advised no permission was needed to undertake the remedial work form the County Council. He did however advise it may need a faculty; this has been applied for via the Diocesan office.

Cllr Eadsforth advised a member of the public had expressed concern over an individual grave, Clerk to arrange for back filling.

141 Newsletter
Members discussed the time table for the first edition and agreed it would be distributed before 1st December to advertise the Christmas Tree event.

142 Heritage Project
Cllr. Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson presented a report on the progress to date.

143 To Consider current Planning Applications
None submitted

144 Schedule of Accounts
It was agreed to pay the schedule of accounts (copy attached), total of £1541.11

The Chairman then asked for a notice of motion under Section 100A (4) Local Government Act of 1972 to exclude the Press and Public for the next part of the meeting. This was agreed.
145 Proludic Account
It was agreed to pay the account but to state that it is expected all outstanding issues are resolved within 28 days of payment. It was agreed 3 signatories sign letter authorising transfer of funds to cover.

146 Ground Maintenance Contract.
Members discussed the performance of the above Contract. It was noted that at the special meeting with the contractor, the contract was terminated as of 1st April. Members confirmed this action. A recent invoice was submitted by the contractor, agreed to circulate to members before payment for comment.

147 Charity
The Council discussed the Memorial Ground Charity. It was agreed to agenda for discussion at the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 7.40pm.

Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 7th December 2015


Trimdon Foundry Parish Minutes for 9th November 2015