Minutes of the Trimdon Foundry Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 13th October at 6.30 pm in Trimdon Station Community Centre.
105 Present:– Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, Margaret Eadsforth, Brian Ferguson, Maureen Lenehan-Ferguson.
106 Apologies:- Cllr. Jean Loverance (work commitments).
Cllr. Lucy Hovvels and 4 members of the public present.
107 Declaration of Interest:- nil
Prior to the meeting the Chairman Cllr. Bell welcomed all members of the public to the meeting and especially Mrs. Christine Carter. The Council had nominated Mrs. Carter for the Country Durham Volunteers Award for her service to the local community. It was the Chairman’s pleasure to present her with the County Durham Volunteers Award certificate.
108 Police and Wardens Report:-
No Police were present but members are now receiving regularly the neighbourhood warden’s report. The Chairman advised she had intended raising with the Police the recent spate of criminal damage on the new playground on the Memorial Field. She had met with the Clerk the Police on site and shown them the damage and offensive graffiti. The Police are looking into the incident. The Clerk had asked the County Council to remove the offensive graffiti, but it had not been successful they are to return with stronger equipment to try once more.
Members queried CCTV cameras in the area, and it was agreed the Clerk obtain prices for the next meeting. Cllr. Hovvels agreed to raise it with both the Police and CCTV at County Hall. Cllr. Ferguson advised members the PCC Ron Hogg has offered to visit Parish Councils and discuss there issues/concerns and his anti hate campaign. It was agreed to invite him to a future meeting.
At this point a representative of the Police arrived. Police numbers reported are, 45 incidents including 4 anti social behaviour incidents, 3 off road bikes and 3 burglaries.
109 To approve the Minutes of the monthly meeting held on 25th August 2015
These were read and accepted as a true record, moved Cllr. Ferguson and seconded Cllr. Lenehan-Ferguson. All matters arising are to be covered later in the Agenda.
110 Public Participation
Members of the public raised the success of the Picnic in the Park and hoped it would be repeated in the future. Questions were raised in regards to the cost, which the Chairman advised will be raised later in the meeting. One member of the public spoke of a recent Antiques Road show where the former Trimdon Foundry Miners Banner had featured. Both he and Cllr. Eadsforth had spoken to the gentleman since. He also advised the Trimdon Station Community Centre are hosting a number of old photographs of the Parish.
111 Report form County Councillor Lucy Hovvels
a) She advised that there is currently consultation on future funding for primary and secondary funding, the aim being to focus on stage 3. She provided a presentation pack from an event she had attended recently. It was agreed to copy the pack and circulate to members. Any comments to be forwarded to the Clerk who will then do a composite reply for member’s consideration at the next meeting.
b) Consultation is now in progress in regards to changing School/College Transport, again to be circulated to members for comment.
c) A campaign to tackle alcohol related harm has been launched
d) A review is to be commissioned in regards to children and young peoples health services
e) The programme to update street lighting continues, St. Aidans Street light is to be installed
f) The County are to be recommended to appoint Mr. Terry Collins as their new Chief Executive
g) the forthcoming National CSR will bring more challenges and cuts to the County.
112 Correspondences
a) Notice from AAP of grant funding available, received
b) County Training Partnership advising of Standards training on 18th November, agreed Cllrs. Bell, Ferguson and Lenehan-Ferguson attend on behalf of the Council
c) Notification that the Council have been successful in being awarded a Woodlands Tree pack to be delivered first week of November.
d) Request from CDALC/NALC to fly the Commonwealth Flag on the 14th March. It was agreed to approach the School to see if they can assist and if so proceed to register in the scheme and purchase a flag.
e) CDALC September newsletter, received
f) PCC news received
g) Notification of CDALC AGM, Cllr. Ferguson to attend on the Councils behalf.
h) CDALC notification of forthcoming County Neighbourhood Plan meeting on October 29th, no further details available, awaiting more details
i) EDRC minutes. The Chairman Cllr. Bell gave a report on the recent meeting.
j) Letter from Cllr. B.Stephens cabinet member thanking the Council for their congratulations in regards to wild flower planting. DCC have agreed to undertake planting in the Parish next year.
k) Village Atlas project, notification the Lottery bid was unsuccessful but the bid will be amended and re-submitted.
l) CDALC circular in regards to Transparency arrangements, received
m) VONE, have now taken over the administration of FINE, the funding advisory service. It was agreed to purchase the annual directory and remain in the link for future e-mails
113 Remembrance Service 11th November 2015
The Chairman Cllr. Bell reported on the arrangements for the above. The Memorial Garden will be open Sunday 8th November 9am-4pm for private reflection. Wednesday 11th November the garden will be open for the same length of time. At 10.45 there will be a short service of remembrance including wreath laying. The School have agreed to attend as has Wellfield. Our local children will be provided with crosses to lie. Cllr. Hovvels kindly agreed to also lay a wreath on behalf of the County.
114 Memorial Garden and Play Area
Members began this item by expressing g concern over the standard of grass cutting and general maintenance. It was agreed to raise these concerns with the contractor.
The play area has now been complete. At the handover meeting with members several areas of concern were raised. The company have been and rectified the areas of concern. Before signing an acceptance agreement and paying the final bill it was agreed a post installation inspection be undertaken. Clerk to arrange.
It was also agreed to defer the opening of the play area till early spring 2016 to allow it to be finished and due to the forthcoming winter.
The Clerk on behalf of the Council had signed agreement with DCC to enter all the bin in this area and the Cemetery.
In regards to the Section 106 funding. Clerk advised DCC will not agree to the money being transferred till they have inspected the new play area.
115 Annual Audit
The Annual Audit has now been completed by BDO. The notice of audit is to be displayed in the Council notice board. It is a qualified audit for the following reasons, the Council has not minuted the review of the risk assessment, and the fixed assets amount is not correct and needs to be recorded as at cost. It was agreed to place the matter on the November agenda for detailed discussion.
116 Letter from Mrs. L.Dineen re grave stones
The Council has received a letter from the daughter of Mr. Drysdale (deceased) asking for permission to have kerbing around her fathers grave. This is contrary to Council Policy and she was advised of same by the previous Clerk.
Mrs. Dineen has since written in asking why a grave near to her fathers has been allowed to having kerbing. Cllr. Eadsforth also advised the meeting of her being contacted by the lady and the advice she had given her. After discussion it was agreed to write to the family and advise Council are unable to agree to their request and that the policies still stand.
The Clerk advised he is drawing up a draft leaflet for members to consider at the next meeting, which he will then pass on to all undertakers in the hope that this does not re-occur.
117 Christmas Tree Event
The Chairman advised the event will take place at 6pm on 1st December. Cllr. Gary Elliott has booked the tree. Clerk to confirm, time of delivery/size of tree/installation/cost. It is to be sited next to Parish Notice board. Clerk to confirm with Methodist Church if they will allow us to use there building for light refreshments. The Chairman is to visit the school to ask if the children would like to make decorations to go onto the tree. Clerk to chase up LED lights. Chairman to arrange Santa Claus visit, Clerk to purchase presents for school choir.
118 Picnic in the Park
Before commencing this item, all members wished to place on record their thanks to Cllr. Bell for all the work she and her colleagues had undertaken to make the event such a success. Cllr. Bell then gave an in-depth report on the event. It had cost £8905 including VAT. Additional costs agreed were, £250 to Trimdon Concert Band, £200 Deaf Hill School and £200 for Dance group.
A review meeting is to be held shortly. Members asked the group to consider repeating the event in 2016 and also to link into Durham Brass Festival, a Jazz Festival or Brass Band Concert. It was also suggested a Trimdon has Talent Event be staged. Cllr. Bell asked her own thanks be minuted to all who had assisted her.
119 Deaf Hill Partnership
A letter was received from the above organisation asking for their Annual Grant. Members were unaware of any Annual grant agreement. It was agreed to write to the organisation asking for further details and or copies of letter confirming same.
120 To Consider current Planning Applications
None submitted
121 News Letter
The Chairman referred members to the proposed content of a Parish Newsletter circulated during September. After discussion members agreed to produce newsletter and circulate around the Parish in November. members to send allocated articles to either the Chairman or Clerk who will compile a draft for members comments before sending to print.
122 Allotments
Members were advised that Mrs. Wetherell asking for a meeting with the Council to discuss her allotment and the issues raised in the recent Council letter. She also confirmed she had had written confirmation form the previous Clerk she could install both a poly tunnel and summerhouse. She is now applying for a hen house and fruit shelter.
It was agreed Cllr. Bell, Gary Elliott and Clerk meet with her and resolve situation.
123 Members exchange of information
a) Cllr Eadsforth referred to the Antiques Road Show mentioned under public participation. She had contacted the man directly and he had been very interested in working with the Parish. It was agreed to contact the Deaf Hill Partnership to try and take this forward. He is to also contact the Banner Committee to the meeting also. It was agreed the Clerk chase up the pit wheel.
b) Cllr. Hovvels advised members Lumiere is to be staged in Durham City 12th to 15th November.
124 Schedule of Accounts
a) It was agreed to pay the schedule of accounts (copy attached), total of £11734.48
b) The Clerk reported the Co-operative bank had written advising agreement to change of RFO address.
c) Letter from DCC re their Medium Financial Plan, agreed it be added to the precept meeting.
The Chairman then asked for a notice of motion under Section 100A (4) Local Government Act of 1972 to exclude the Press and Public for the next part of the meeting. This was agreed.
125 Tenders for Welfare Park and Cemetery
After discussion it was agreed to prepare a report on all aspects and costings of the various options for s decision to be made at the November meeting
126 Ground Maintenance Contract.
Members discussed the performance of the above Contract. It was agreed to write a Default in Notice to the contractor and to arrange an urgent meeting with them to discuss the contract.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm.
Chairman of Parish Council meeting held 9th November 2015
Trimdon Foundry Parish Minutes for 13th October 2015