Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 9th June 2015 held in the May Crescent, Community Centre 7.00pm.
30. Present: Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, B Ferguson, M Lenehan-
Ferguson, M Eadsforth and J Loverance. 6 parishioners in attendance.
31. To accept apologise of absence. None.
32. Declarations of interests. None.
33. Police, Warden and Highways Report. None.
The clerk advised that the Neighbourhood Wardens Report was circulated by on-line access and a reminder to this link would be forwarded to members.
34. Representation from Parishioners
Parishioners advised that they had received a copy of the email from D Battensby concerning the survey for traffic speed. Residents were keeping records of incidents and near misses. Despite the residents and council’s concerns DCC Highways had not given a full account of the current situation. The Clerk was requested to invite DCC Highways to the next meeting.
A query was raised regarding the emptying of the litter bin in the toddlers play area as it was noted to be full of nappies. Members advised that the bin was emptied but within a short time it was again filled.
Residents advised that the Heritage Walkway was overgrown with nettles and needed strimming back.
35. To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 12th May 2015.
The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting and duly signed by the chairman.
36. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th May 2015.
The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting and duly signed by the chairman.
37. Clerk’s update on matters raised at last meeting.
The clerk advised that 20,000 Dog Bags were now purchased and delivered to Station Road Community Centre.
The issue of parking on the driveway was not considered a problem and painting of yellow lines was not considered worthwhile.
The Clerk had not identified any owner for the Totem Pole. This would now be up-lifted and stored in the spare allotment site.
Concerning the development of a Village Atlas. Trimdon Grange were supportive of this matter and it was resolved that the parish would also support the stage 1 application to the Heritage Lottery.
38. Report of County Councillor. None.
The Clerk advised that Cllr L Hovvels had recently circulated information/press releases concerning ‘Businesses invited to get connected’ part of the high-speed broadband role out and ‘Have your say on Taxi licensing policy’ consultation.
39. Correspondence received.
i. The Clerk advised of the email from Npower stating a refund of charges would be returned.
ii. Members received the letter of thanks from the Great North Air Ambulance for the donation provided.
iii. Members received the letter of thanks from Trimdon Station Residents Association for the donation provided.
iv. Members considered the offer from Smith of Derby to enter into an agreement to service the Clock for a 3 year period at a discounted price. It was resolved to decline this 3 year offer and undertake it on an annual basis.
v. Members received the letter from DCC Planning department concerning the council’s proposal to install a new play area. This was regarded as ‘Permitted Development’ and would not require planning permission.
vi. The Clerk advised that he had recently received information from DCC on the Public Rights of Way Improvement plan. He would assess the contents of this plan and make reply as necessary for the benefit of the parish.
vii. The Clerk advised that he had received notice from the CDALC of the opportunity to put forward nominations for the County Association to be considered at the AGM in October. Members had no nominations to put forward.
40. Highways Report. The Clerk was requested to invite Brian Buckley to the next meeting.
41. Clerk’s report.
a) The Clerk had made enquiries with a local agent for erecting a Xmas tree at the site of the village notice board. This would require a foundation installed (£100) and thereafter a tree 12-15 foot could be erected at an estimated cost of £150. Members resolved to proceed with this installation.
As for lighting the tree members resolved for the Clerk to investigate ‘solar powered lighting’ and report later when comparative cost have been collected.
b) The clerk advised that he had sought a quote to address the broken manhole lid in the park and to have the other 2 manholes taken down to fit flush with the grounds. Members also required the old brick/stone floral planters to be removed and an old section of concrete base to be removed prior to the new playground being installed. The Clerk would collate these works into a bundle and seek quotations for this.
42. Policy – Council Training Statement of Intent. It was agreed that this policy be redrafted.
43. Policy – Model Publication Scheme. It was resolved that this policy be adopted.
44. Policy – Use of Parish Notice Boards. It was agreed that this policy be altered by omitting ‘other user’s access to the notice by Key holding’ and with this change it was resolved to accept this policy.
45. Allotments.
Members advised that they were preparing to let the remaining vacant plots. The clerk advised that he had brought the waiting list up to date and cross reference applicants against the electoral roll. It was agreed to place some floral tubs at the allotment site to prevent vehicle trespass.
46. Welfare Park Events.
Members advised that on the memorial event held for the mining disaster was well attended with good feedback received. David Gibson advised that a spare pit wheel could be available.
Members requested that two further picnic benches be installed as the Grounds contractor could supply for £50 each. Members also requested the floral Tubs to carry the council name.
Proms in the park was proceeding well and falling into place. Site security was arranged and the sound/lighting organised.
Two new litter bins were required for the welfare park. The clerk would source and order and have installed.
Printing of tickets and posters. These would be forward to the Clerk to arrange. OK
47. To consider Planning Applications. None were received.
48. Finance
a) To agree the schedule of payment for the month of May2015.
It was agreed that the schedule of payments presented to members for May 2015 totalling £5,232.65 be approved (vouchers 302081 to 302087). This included the additional payments presented to the council for the Skip Hire and annual Insurance renewal.
The Meter Reading for the Church Clock would be checked for accuracy.
Receipts of £13,141.14 for VAT refund, Insurance reimbursement, Sale of Lawn Tractor, Electricity refunds, Allotment rents and Cemetery Fees were noted.
49. Exclusion of the press and public.
Requests for Finance.
It was resolved that £6,000 be donated to Trimdon Station Community Centre to support Children and Young People Services.
Renewal of the Council’s Insurance Policy. It was resolved that from the 4 quotations received the Policy from Hiscox Insurance provided the best cover and competitive price and it was agreed to proceed with them.
50. To exchange any information considered relevant by the Chair.
Members requested the Clerk to contact DCC regarding the old wooden Dog Bin/Litter at the allotment site to have it replaced.
Members advised that following an incident with firearms the police were interviewing people.
Members advised that they were progressing matter on the Heritage Walk and will be meeting with DCC in 2 months.
Members advised that along the Heritage Trial a Quad Bike had nearly knocked over a resident. The Clerk would contact DCC regarding the installation of a Barrier to prevent access to either end of the trail.
Members advised of the attendance at the SLCC Roadshow that gave good presentation across a variety of subjects and had many trade stands offering services to local councils.
Members agreed to propose a candidate for Volunteer of the year.
Members requested that Neighbourhood Planning be agended for the next meeting.
Members requested an update on the progress of attaining the Quality Foundation Award for the next meeting.
Members requested that the Memorial Gate be agended for the next meeting.
The Clerk advised that in view of the condition of the footpath in the Cemetery a Risk Assessment needed to be undertaken. A date would be arranged for this.
51. Date and time of next meeting.
14th July at the Trimdon Station Community Centre commencing at 6.30pm.
Chairman of the Council Vice – Chairman of the Council
Trimdon Foundry Parish Minutes for 9th June 2015