Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Council
Held on Tuesday, 12th May 2015
in the Community Centre, Station Road East, Trimdon Station at 6.50pm.
1. To appoint a Chairman of the Council for the following municipal year.
Nominations were received for Cllr. Carole Bell.
No other nominations were received from members and Cllr C Bell accepted the position. It was
resolved that Cllr C Bell be appointed as Chairman.
2. To complete the signing of the ‘Declaration of acceptance of Office’ by the Chairman.
Cllr C Bell signed the ‘declaration of acceptance of office’ that was countersigned and recorded
by Mr G Price Clerk to the Council.
3. To appoint a Vice Chairman.
Nominations were received for Cllr Gail Elliot.
No other nominations were received and Cllr Gail Elliot accepted the position. It was resolved
that Cllr Gail Elliot be elected as Vice-Chairman to the Council.
4. To appoint members to serve on the following committees and be cheque signatories.
a) Finance Sub-Committee, to appoint 3 members.
It was resolved that Cllr’s Brian Ferguson, Gail Elliot and Gary Elliot be elected to serve
on the Finance Sub-Committee.
b) To consider the need for any other sub-committee and appoint members. None was
c) To consider any changes to the Bank Mandate. It was resolved to maintain the current
cheque signatories.
5. To appoint representatives from the council to the following organisations.
a) County Durham Association of Local Councils (this is open to all members). It was
resolved that Cllr B Ferguson be elected as the representative from this council with
voting rights.
b) County Durham Association of Local Councils – Small Councils Forum. It was
resolved that Cllr B Ferguson be elected to represent this council.
c) East Durham Rural Corridor – Area Action Partnership. It was resolved that Cllrs
Margaret Easdforth and Gail Elliot would represent this council.
6. To confirm the dates, time and venue of parish meetings for the period 1st June 2015 to 31st
May 2016.
It was resolved that council would meet on the 2nd Tuesday in the Month and meetings would
alternate between May Crescent Residence Association and Trimdon Station Community Centre
starting at 6.30pm.
It was resolve that the council would have a recess in August
It was resolved that the Annual Meeting of Electors would take place on the 10th May 2016,
followed by the Annual General Meeting of the Council, and thereafter hold a general meeting of
the council.
Signed: _______________________
Chairman of the Council
Signed: _________________________
Vice – Chairman of the Council
Trimdon Foundry Parish Annual General Meeting May 2015