Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 13th January 2015 at May Crescent Community Centre in Deaf Hill at 6.30pm.

Present: Councillors M Eadsforth (Chair), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, B Ferguson, M Lenehan-
Ferguson and C Bell. DCC Councillor L Hovvels and 6 parishioners in attendance.

1145. To accept apologise of absence. Apologies received from Cllr J Loverance.
1146. Declarations of interests. None.
1147. Police and Highways Report. None in attendance.

1148. Representation from Parishioners
Residents raised concerns regarding speeding vehicles along Station Road. The Clerk was requested to invite B Buckley from DCC Highways to the next meeting to report on the Highway survey they were doing.

Residents raised concerns regarding Dog Fouling. They advised that this matter appeared to reduce during School holidays and it was possible that there was a link here. Along Cinnamon Drive to the Carpet shop was a particular area mentioned. Members advised that in order to catch the culprit the Dog Wardens needed a specific time and place when this activity occurs so they could monitor this matter. If this was supplied to the Clerk or Councillor L Hovvels it will be forwarded to the Dog Wardens.

The Clerk would forward an article to the Trimdon Times and make an entry on the council’s website on the opportunity to obtain free Dog Bags at the Community Centre.
It was further proposed to undertake a presentation on Dog Fouling at the local school to inform young people of the dangers of Dog Fouling.

1149. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 9th December 2015.
The minutes were amended to note Cllr L Hovvels absence and thereafter agreed to be a true record of the meeting and duly signed by the chairman.

1150. Clerk’s update on matters raised at last meeting.
The Clerk advised that the parish questionnaire was completed and had been delivered to all households except for those with locked gates and where dogs were loose in the grounds. Copt of this questionnaire is available from the Trimdon Time website if further copies were needed. An application for the £500 Neighbourhood funding was submitted. The Clerk was still to arrange training in the accountancy software. A request was made for a drawing site plan for the change (permitted development) to the telephone exchange and not received.

A letter was sent to Infinis advising that the parish council had not supported their Wind Farm proposal.
The precept request was submitted to DCC.
The Clerk had sent a query to neighbouring parishes to see if any joint working is possible under the Durham Ask campaign.
Arrangements were in place to locate the Grit/Salt bin by the School.
The Clerk was having video training to learn about the website.

1151. Report of County Councillor.
L Hovvels advised that the Community Action Team had walked the parish and several were highlighted requiring action.

The missing gas box covers cannot be enforced by DCC as this is outside their powers. However, the utilities are writing to the owners on this matter.

The burnt out house on Station Road will be repair by DCC (roofing and gutters)and the cost of this will be passed onto the owner or new owner.

Consultation on the Safer Durham Plan and Police Budget will be distributed soon and can be found on DDC website.

The Civic Pride Team advised that fencing works were being done, the lampposts were to be painted and bulb planting will be undertaken.

The request for a No Ball Games sign in the Foundry will not be actioned by DCC as this is no longer done. The area of land concerned could be landscape by the parish to prevent games being played and will be assessed.

Old unused signage in the parish will be removed over time.

A report outlining the amount of funding allocated to the area was circulated and this information will be posted on the website.

1152. Correspondence received.
i. DCC had acknowledged receipt of the council’s precept request.
ii. Members received the information from CDALC concerning the new Local Council Award Scheme. It was resolved for the Clerk to register the parish at a cost of £50.
iii. Royal Garden party. It was resolved to nominate the Chairman and partner to attend.
iv. DCC had acknowledged the request for the Neighbourhood Grant for £7,500.
v. Members received the information from the AAP concerning the Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing Priority Group Meeting. The Clerk also advised of the invitation to attend the Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy meeting.
vi. Members received the Neighbourhood Protection Teams report for November 2014.
vii. Members received the information from DCC concerning the purchase of a CCTV camera in the efforts to work in partnership with DCC to combat Flt-Tipping. The clerk was requested to canvass neighbouring parishes to see if they would jointly purchase.
viii. Members were advised of the intending Open Spaces Need Assessment to be refreshed by DCC.

1153. Policies and Procedure of the Council.
The Clerk advised that he was in receipt of the amendments to the Standing Orders and update and post on the website. Further examination of council policies and procedures is continuing.

1154. Clerk’s Report.
i. The Clerk advised that it had been brought to his attention that several grave stone were misplaced and need to be moved. He would liaise with undertakers to clarify position and seek to have moved.
ii. Progress was being made on the website and online training has been accessed. This is speeding up the learning process.
iii. The Clerk will be liaising with existing contractors and using title deeds and compile a schedule of maintenance for a Grounds Maintenance Contract and seek to tender it as soon as practicable.
iv. An initial meeting was held with Groundwork North East regarding environmental improvements and a new play area. It was agreed in principal to work with Groundwork to develop the idea of a Play area.
v. Training for the Accountancy System will be provided at £35 per hour and be undertaken as soon as practicable.
vi. Allotments. A new electoral roll is received from DCC and this will be used to cross reference those existing Allotment Tenants. Members would assist with determining ownership, vacant plots and those plots that are in poor condition.
vii. An application for £500 to improve the footpath to the rear of Luke Street is now submitted.
viii. It is now agreed via the School to site the Grit Bin near their entrance.
ix. Questionnaire was produced, printed and now delivered.

1155. Durham Ask Campaign.
The Clerk had circulated an email to neighbouring parishes seeking their thoughts on any joint working arrangements under the Durham Ask campaign. No replies were yet received.

1156. To consider Planning Applications.
Planning proposal DM/14/03710/FPA Garages to the North of Windsor Terrace. Erection of single storey extension to existing detached garage.
Members express concern that such a development would encourage additional heavy vehicles, damage the road way and cause problems with surface water and run-off. The Clerk would reply to the planning section on these issues.

1157. To agree the schedule of payment for the month of December 2014.
It was agreed that the schedule of payments for December totalling £14,359.05 (vouchers 302029 to 302039) and direct debit payments for Water and Electricity be noted. Receipts of £7,500 (Neighbourhood Improvement Grant was also noted.

1158. To exchange any information considered relevant by the Chair.
Members advised that good feedback was received on renewing the Allotment Fencing.

Members express concern at the amount of excavated soil spread around the outer areas of the cemetery. Similar concerns were expressed at the level of grass cuttings that were dumped in the hedge sidings. The Clerk was requested to investigate these matters via the Grave Digger and maintenance contractor. These issues should also be covered in the new grounds maintenance contract.

Members advised that the Community Action Team (CAT) were aware of complaints from residents of Home Housing not addressing housing complaints and contact would be made with them over several issues. Home Housing would also be approached regarding tidying up the Black Path. Improvements had been made since the last CAT walk-about.

Locks for the recreation ground needed to be replaced as they were failing.

The Heritage Trail (old railway line) needed cleaning out and this is perhaps something the Young Offenders could do. Clerk would investigate.

The Chair advised that a letter of complaint was received concerning the Allotments. This would be investigated by Clerk and Members.

A complaint was also received regarding the garage to the rear of Station Road. This would be forwarded to DCC planning.

1159. Date and time of next meeting.
Scheduled for 10th February 2015 at 6.30pm in the Community Centre, Station Road.


Trimdon Foundry Parish minutes for 13th January 2015