Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 14th April 2015
Held in the Community Centre, Station Road East, Trimdon Station at 6.30pm.

1197. Present: Councillors M Eadsforth (Chair), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, B Ferguson, M
Lenehan-Ferguson, Carole Bell and J Loverance.
DCC Cllr L Hovvels and 5 parishioners in attendance.

1198. To accept apologise of absence. None.
1199. Declarations of interests. None.

1200. Police and Highways Report. Not present

1201. Representation from Parishioners
Residents queried a no parking sign at the welfare park. Members advised that the main gates could
be opened to utilise the hard standing area for parking. The entrance to the park by the Top Shop was
not considered a parking area.

Residents again advised that there was no free Dog Bags. The Clerk is awaiting news for a collective
order from all parishes in county Durham.

1202. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 10th March 2015
The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting and duly signed by the chairman.

1203. Clerk’s update on matters raised at last meeting.
i. The Clerk advised that he had reported the issue raised at the previous meeting.
ii. DCC Highways were yet to reply on the issue or site lines being blocked at the junction
of Commercial Street. The Clerk was requested to send reminder.
iii. The Clerk was still awaiting news from DCC Highways regarding traffic surveys at Top
Shop and Tobin Street. The Clerk was requested to send a reminder and invite to next
iv. With regards to litter at Russell Crescent and Sycamore Terrace no reply was received
from DCC concerning the request for information as to when the area is schedule for a
regular litter pick. The Clerk was requested to send a reminder and invite to next

1204. Report of County Councillor.
Cllr L Hovvels advised that the collection of Green Waste Bins had commenced and some households
were missed but the collection motors returned to pick up. Residents who are not using the system
can contact DCC to register for this service. The scheme has a settling down period. The Clerk was
requested to put the parish collection dates in the Website for the year.

Reports of potholes were assessed by DCC Highways and will be repaired where necessary.

New floral tubs and seating has been placed on site in the village as part of the improvements.

The rear of Wood View (Railway Track) will be cleaned out by the Clean and Green Team.

Dog fouling stills remains a problem and parishioners must help the council by noting this and
reporting with regular times, description of dog and owner to DCC. Using the DCC website – report
it page is a useful way to make reports.

The Brass Festival will take place 16-19th July with bands from around the world. Some workshops
will be held and some bands will join in with the Big Meeting.

A Food Festival in Bishop Auckland is taking place this week to promote Healthy Eating.

Employability and Health Trainers are now in post. Drop in sessions are being held in the area to
assist the unemployed to find work.

The issue of vehicles parking at Commercial Street Junction was reported to the police.

The Durham Ask project keeps moving with Town and Parish Councils, Voluntary sector and other
Infrastructure organisations seeking to pick up services from DCC that could perhaps be lost due to
austerity measures. New social enterprises are now running Community Centres, Leisure Centres and

DCC is also looking at the transfer of grounds maintenance to the larger Town Councils.
Local residents who have issues to report can send them to help@durham.gov.uk

1205. Correspondence received.
i. The Clerk provided members with the update from Clare Hubbard concerning the new
planters and seating that had been sited. Dog Chipping will also take place at the Community
House in May Crescent and issues of Dog Fouling were noted and the Cleansing Team
requested to undertake a clean-up. Further work to address Dog Fouling is also in progress.
A litter pick was arranged with school children.
ii. The Clerk advised of the Cemetery Survey requested by Durham County Council which he
had completed and returned.
iii. The Clerk provided members with a list of Training events arrange by the County Durham
and Cleveland Training Partnership.

1206. Review of Cemetery Fees.
This matter was deferred until more comparative information
could be sourced.

1207. Highways Report.
The Clerk was requested to invite Brian Buckley to the next meeting.
Members expressed concern during school hours for Station Road to be classified as a 20mph
zone. This will be discussed with DCC Highways.

1208. Clerk’s Report.
The Clerk circulated at list of issues he had been working on for member’s
information. A return was made to the Pensions Regulator and an Annual Return to the
Durham County Pension Fund. The HMRC Payrolls Tools was set up and the activation code
was awaited.

The Finance Committee had overseen the receipt of tenders for the Grounds Maintenance
contract and an approved contractor was selected and has accepted the position.

The Application for funding to support the Play Park from the AAP is to be forwarded when
completed. Play Providers are beginning to put forward their proposals for the park. The
clerk will prepare the Statement of Accounts for the next meeting.

1209. Welfare Park Events.
Members were seeking advice from the events team at DCC. Confirmation from some of the
artists was awaited. St. Johns will provide First Aid at the event. A Caravan will be sited to
provide a dressing room for Artists. Professional Stewards will be hired for the evening. A
Risk Assessment will be undertaken of the site and findings reported.

A commemorate event will be held in the Memorial Garden will take place on the 6th June.
Invites will go to all Councillors, CISWO, local Traders and general public. Posters will be
displayed advertising the event. A Brass Band is booked to play on the day. If possible plans
of the new Play Area will be on display.

1210. To consider Planning Applications. None were received.

1211. Finance
a) To agree the schedule of payment for the month of January2015.
It was agreed that the schedule of payments presented to members for March 2015
totalling £1,994.87 (vouchers 302054 to 302065). This included a late invoice that
members agreed to pay. No receipts were noted.

b) Requests for Finance.
i. It was agreed that £200 be donated to the Primary School expedition to Iceland.
ii. It was agreed that £50 be donated to the Great North Air Ambulance Service.
iii. It was agreed that £50 be donated to the County of Durham School Benevolent
iv. Other requests for funding would be considered when further information is
1212. To exchange any information considered relevant by the Chair.
The Chairman and members gave thanks to Mr George Ford for maintaining the grass verges at Tobin

Members advised that the chicane has suffered from a vehicle impact. Cllr L Hovvels would report
this to highways.

Members advised that a dog bin was knocked over at the end of Windsor Street. Cllr L Hovvels
would report this and possible have a new one installed.

Members enquired if a logo could be created for the council. Examples had been received and could
be used but a monochrome version for everyday printing was needed. The clerk would liaise with our
photographer on this.

Members advised of Pot-holes. Cllr L Hovvels advised that they had been inspected and some were

Members advised that the police were called to the areas of Windsor Street and Gardens in the early
hour of a Saturday morning. Nuisance behaviour and throwing of bricks and the firing of Firearms
were noted. This matter was reported to the PACT meeting and past to the Chief Inspector as a
serious matter. Members requested the Clerk to invite the Police Commissioner Ron Hogg to our next
meeting as incidents of ASB were growing.

Members advised that they were continuing to assess the Walk Ways and undertaking a desk top
study. Help is being sought from the Countryside Rangers and possibly probation services to do some
clearance works. Members advised that there was a water leak along the walkway to the rear of 14-16
Beechgrove. This would be viewed.

Members were aware that 1 company had returned a proposal for the play park. The Clerk advised
that others were soon to come.

1213. Date and time of next meeting.
12th May 2015 to be held at the Community Centre, Station Road East starting at 6.30pm.

Annual Meeting of Parishioners 6.30pm, followed by the;
Annual Meeting of the Council, followed by the;
General Meeting of the Council.


Trimdon Foundry Parish Minutes for 14th April 2015