Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 10th February 2015 at the Community Centre, Station Road at 6.30pm.

Present: Councillors M Eadsforth (Chair), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, B Ferguson, M Lenehan-Ferguson, J Loverance and C Bell. 1 Police Officer and 6 parishioners in attendance.

1160. To accept apologise of absence. None.
1161. Declarations of interests. None.

1162. Police and Highways Report.
The police advised that some 28 incidents were report in the last month. 8 of these related to anti-social behaviour with motorbike usage. The police had spoken to youths on this issue. Further motorbike nuisance could lead to seizure of machines. The remainder were minor issues involving personnel disputes, rowdiness and Facebook threats. There was 1 incident of vehicle crime.

In general crime is down 19% from last year but anti-social behaviour is up 10% (mostly related to off road motorbikes).

The Chair advised that the area around Sycamore Crescent and the black path remained a problem but the police were aware of this and advised that continue anti-social behaviour would lead to ASBO’s being issued.

The Chair further advised that she had attended the meeting held by the Police Commissioner Ron Hogg where the use of Speed-Guns to enforce speed restriction in specific areas would be used to combat residents’ concerns around the county.

1163. Representation from Parishioners
Residents raised concerns regarding parking on the front street at the junction opposite the village notice board. Vehicles were parking by the junction to Trimdon Grange making it difficult for driver to see oncoming traffic when pulling out. This matter was exacerbated when buses were at the stop.
The Clerk would seek the help of DCC Highways to resolve this matter.

The manager at the Community Centre advised that there was only 1,000 dog bags left and hope the council would re-supply in due course.

Resident again raised concern regarding dog fouling in the area of the Foundry. This was taking place in the early hours of the morning (4/5am) with the culprit wearing a hi-viz jacket. The Clerk would put this report to the Dog Wardens.

1164. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 13th January 2015
The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting and duly signed by the chairman.

1165. Clerk’s update on matters raised at last meeting.

  1. The Clerk advised that he had requested DCC Highways to investigate speeding issues at Tobin Street and by the Top Shop.
  2. Information was sent to Trimdon Times regarding free Dog Bags available at the Community Centre.
  3. A page in our website will be created to acknowledge the funding support from DCC Cllr L Hovvels.
  4. The parish council was now registered to undertake the Quality Standard.
  5. The Clerk had sent information to neighbouring parish regarding the joint purchase of CCTV camera to fight Fly-Tipping but no replies were received.
  6. The Clerk advised that the new electoral roll was received from DCC and would assist in determining parishioners who hold allotments.
  7. A letter of complaint was received concerning the allotment and the issue was resolved.
  8. Other matters arising are covered in the Clerk’s report.

1166. Report of County Councillor. No report received.

1167. Correspondence received.

  1. The Clerk advised of the reply from the DCC Planning Enforcement Officer on the Garage at St Aidens Terrace, Trimdon Station. In view of their findings further evidence needs to be collated on this use of this garage and all concerned were advised to monitor this site.
  2. The Clerk advised of the councils who were selected to attend the Royal Garden Party from the Durham area.
  3. As approved by the NALC, parish councils are now enabled to use email for sending agendas out to members. This is already included in the Standing Orders of the Council.
  4. Information was received from CDALC advising that precept capping and the calling for a referendum should parishes raised the precept by more than 2% was not to proceed.
  5. Information was received from CDALC/DCC on the Big Spring Clean campaign for 2015.
  6. The Clerk advised that information was received from DCC on their Grounds Maintenance activities that would help to collate the forthcoming tender.
  7. The Clerk advised that the CDALC Newsletter was circulated to members via email.
  8. The Clerk advised that the full CAT Review Team Update/report was circulated to members for information.
  9. The Clerk advised that helpful information was received from the Clerk at Wingate on the erecting of a Christmas tree.
  10. The Clerk advised that some members still needed to complete the Declaration of Interests form. Forms were distributed for completion and return to the Clerk.
  11. The Clerk advised that a letter seeking financial support was received from the Durham County School Benevolent Fund. It was resolved that this deferred until a time when budgets were set.

1168. Durham Ask Campaign.
The Clerk advised that a response was received from Trimdon Grange parish and they were willing to meet and discuss this issue. It was resolved for the Clerk to arrange meeting.

1169. Sycamore Crescent and the Black Path.
This matter had been reported to DCC and NWA and action had been taken. The reply from NWA was circulated to members and DCC and Home Group are intending to resolve issues in this area once the drainage is resolved.

1170. Clerk’s Report.

  1. The Clerk advised that he had photographed the headstones to move and was collating information on named graves and funeral service involved. He would be writing to those involved advising of the situation. This misplacing of headstones is the fault of the council as it has not supervised their positioning and this must be corrected by the council.
  2. DCC had been contacted regarding Highway Surveys for speeding and these were being planned and recent surveys will be presented in due course to the council.
  3. The website continues to grow with information more is to be published. Thanks were given to George who provided many photographs to populate the site. Further pages will include; walking in around the parish, dog fouling, allotments, past minutes and council policies etc.
  4. The council is now registered for the Quality Council Scheme.
  5. The clerk had undertaken 4 hours of telephone training on the Alpha Accounts system and would still prefer a full day training session to get the best out of this system. This will cost £170.00 +VAT and will be booked when a suitable training event is held up north.
  6. The Clerk will cancel the Sweep system operated with the Co-op Bank as interest rates are so low that this provides no financial benefit. The sweep system also complicates the accountancy system with numerous entries to be made. The clerk will undertake a telephone transfer of funds to keep the current account topped up. This will provide a small saving to the council by removing the quarterly fee of £30.00.
  7. The clerk will advise JACS Accountancy that their Payroll services will no longer be required from the new financial year. The clerk will run the payroll using HMRC RTI Payroll Tools. This system is used by small council’s and sends all information of employee TAX & NI and employer NI online keeping everything up to date. This will also save the council the monthly payroll fee from JACS of £9.30/month.
  8. Grounds Maintenance contract. Have toured the parish and photographed the area maps of the parish are now produced and measured. Other features such as floral beds, tubs and smaller land features for maintenance need to be written up in the schedule. DCC have replied and advised that a contract was issued to the parish but not returned (last year) and they are to send a schedule of what they have been doing and charging for. This should complete the picture with the information received from Clare Hubbard at DCC and the present contractor P Dinsley. The clerk was confident that a tender could be circulated in February.
  9. The clerk had undertaken a check of the financial entries for allotment payments and considers that the majority of tenants have paid their rents. The records kept were vague. Next year’s income will be recorded more thoroughly. The clerk was also finalising the Tenancy Agreement and Allotment Rules for consideration.
  10. The clerk advised that no Asset register was yet found and this is required for the year end when the annual accounts are prepared.

1171. Allotments.
Members had received a further quotation for the fencing works at the allotments and it was resolved to proceed with these works. Plans to create 4 additional new plots to service the waiting list are progressing. After inspecting the allotments several tenants need warning letters that the plots are in poor condition.

Drainage around the site remains a problem and field drainage is required. Quotes for this work are being sought, if undertaken this will improve the Heritage Trail footpath.

Vehicle parking on the land around the allotments is nuisance and it was proposed that 3 or 4 floral tubs be located here to prevent vehicle nuisance.

1172. Welfare Park Events.
Members were keen to utilise the Welfare Park to host events this year such as Proms in the Park and would raise this matter with Trimdon Grange parish for support. A provisional date for such an event is held (12th September). A further event for the Mining Memorial is also considered for the 6th June
and Armistice Day (8th or 15th November). The council will determine its budget and events budget in the month ahead and give an allocation to the Welfare Park events programme.

1173. Questionnaire Returns.
Some 50+ questionnaires were return and the data is being compiled for consideration at next meeting.

1174. To consider Planning Applications. None received.
Members express concern at the garage development at rear of Luke Street/Windsor Gardens where work had started. Members again express concern that such a development would bring in heavy vehicles, cause damage to the track-way and effect surface water and run-off. The Clerk was unaware or approval being passed and would contact the planning section on this matter.

1175. To agree the schedule of payment for the month of January2015.
It was agreed that the schedule of payments for January 2015 totalling £1,790.16 (vouchers 302040 to 302045) and receipts of £130.00 for the cemetery be noted.

1176. To exchange any information considered relevant by the Chair.
Members advised that they had attended the meeting the Police Commissioner Ron Hogg who gave an outline of his priorities and policies that the force is aiming to achieve.

Members were concerned at the level of invoices receive for maintenance in the cemetery and requested the Clerk to write to the contractor to reduce the frequency to fortnightly up to April.

Members requested the Clerk to prepare a Budget profile for the current year and a profile for next financial for consideration at the next meeting.

1177. Date and time of next meeting.
Scheduled for 10th March at 6.30pm in the May CrescentCommunity Centre, Deaf Hill.


Trimdon Foundry Parish minutes for 10th February 2015