A MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL will be held in the Community College Trimdon on TUESDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2013 at 7.00 p.m. to consider the following business :-
1.Minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2013 (copy attached).
2.Policing in the Parish.
3.Village Hall Youth Club – Application for funding by Mr T Moresby-White.
4.The People’s Princess – Provision of Memorial Plaque
6.Clerk’s Report –
Cemetery receipts – To note
Accounts for payment – To approve
Summary Accounts – To attached
7.Such other business as in the opinion of the Chair is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.
8.Questions from the public.
Les Oliver
Clerk to the Parish Council.
5 February 2013
To :- The Members of Trimdon Parish Council.
Trimdon Parish Council
AT A MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL held in the Community College Trimdon on TUESDAY 15 JANUARY 2013 at 7.00 p.m.
Councillors Appleton Brookes Burton G Elliott G R Elliott Hovvels Oliver Quinn Redden and Trippett.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Chapman M Davison Dickinson M Elliott Hughes Terrans J Thompson K Thompson A Varty and C Varty.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
With regard to Minute 3 – Retirement of Clerk – the Council was informed of the timetable for the filling of the vacancy as follows –
Advertisement issued 23 January
Closing date 15 February
Short listing 25 February
Interviews 11 March
2.Award of MBE to Councillor Burton
The Council formally congratulated Councillor Burton on his award of the MBE.
3.Policing in the Parish
The Council received details of recent crime statistics and arrest rates.
4.Risk Management
The Council considered a report reviewing its exposure to risk and a proposed management strategy to educe that risk.
That the report and recommendations contained therein be adopted.
5.Precept 2013/14
The Council considered a report on the precept for 2013/14.
All Councillors present completed a dispensation from to alow them to consider the report and determine the precept.
The report explained that DCC was to replace its Double Taxation Grant with a Local Council Tax Support Scheme
Whilst the LCTSS gave the parish a grant of £31708 against the former double taxation grant of £4957 the Council tax had been reduced to Band D equivalent from 1349.7 to 1024.6 resulting in a loss of income of £37,772.
DCC could not guarantee that the LCTSS grant would be available in future years.
The Council also took into consideration the needs of it s community including additional requests for support from community groups and the fact that it may need to take responsibility for services reduced or not to be continued by the County Council.
That the precept be increased by 8% making a precept of £143,026 with total income form the precept and DCC LCTSS grant of £174,734.
6.Correspondence – a) To Consider
Planning Applications
Hall/porch conversion Greenside Farm, West Lane Trimdon
3 car garage and stables East Grange, Salters Lane Trimdon
2 dwellings to rear 20 Commercial Street, Trimdon Colliery
CE & Cm Walker Grass cutting contract 2013
Police Commissioner Community Panels
1.That no objections be raised to the planning applications.
2.That the Police Commissioner be advised that Councillor Oliver be nominated to the Community Panel for the Trimdon Parish area.
3.That the quotation from CE & CM Walker for grass cutting in 2013 be accepted.
b) To Note
Planning Inspectorate –
Refusal of appeal at Green Valley Stable Salters Lane Trimdon
DCC Confirmation of changes to Conservation Area, Front Streets North & South Trimdon
DCC Link Newsletter
7. Clerk’s Report – a) Cemetery Receipts
The Council noted cemetery receipts of £380 for December 2012.
b) Accounts Resolved
That the following accounts be approved for payment –
c)Summary Accounts
The council noted the summary of accounts to end December 2012.
d)Christmas Trees
The Council noted that the tree lights at Trimdon Colley had been vandalised and had had to be replaced
e)Pot Holes in Front Street North
The Council was reminded that a quotation had been obtained from DCC to repair pot holes in Font Street North but that it had not been possible to obtain an alternative quote.
That the quotation from DCC be accepted.
8.Date of April Meeting
That the Council meeting in April be rearranged from 9th to 16th April 2013.