AT THE MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL held in the Community College Trimdon on TUESDAY 14 MAY 2013 at 7.30 p.m.
Councillors Appleton Burton Davison Dickinson Hughes Oliver J Thompson K Thompson and Trippett.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 16 April 2013 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
2.Policing in the Parish
The Council received details of recent crime statistics and arrest rates,
Sgt. O’Connor informed the Council that he was to retire shortly and that his post would be advertised shortly.
3.Training for Councillors
The Council noted details of the following training events –
Councillor & Chairmanship – Shotton Hall on 9 July 2013
Code of Conduct – to be announced
Planning Framework – to be announced
Registered Village Greens and Common Land – to be announced
It was agreed that any Councillor and the Clerk could attend.
4.Code of Conduct
The Council was reminded that under S.27 of the Localism Act 2011 the council is obliged to adopt the Code of Conduct.
That Trimdon Parish Council adopts the Code of Conduct as ascribed by the Localism Act 2011.
5.Standing Orders of the Council
The Council noted that its Standing Orders had not been reviewed since their adoption in 2004.
It was agreed that the Clerk bring forward any changes for consideration at a future meeting of the Council.
DCC Procedures for filling a casual vacancy
7. Clerk’s Report – a) Accounts
That the following accounts be approved for payment –
b) Cemetery Receipts
The Council noted cemetery receipts of £190.00 for April 2013.